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Everything posted by underdog13

  1. That rug is pretty creepy if it's consuming stuff - don't fall asleep near it whatever you do! You don't have any pets do you?!
  2. ...and at times of extreme stress, I have been known to swear like Prince Philip:p
  3. I know what you mean, MP - have encountered many people of that ilk; they hate something/someone they have no real knowledge or experience of. Frankly, they are too ignorant for you to trouble yourself over their opinions - learn to laugh at them;) Besides, who in their right mind could hate a country that gave us the Foo Fighters?!
  4. Awwww - you're forgiven, *pats head* Are you an ex-pat, MP? I don't buy into the anti-America vibe that's so prevalent nowadays. I have American friends and there are many areas of the country I would love to see if only funds would permit! The old jokes about the American deep south equally apply/translate to Norfolk:D Cue indignant East Anglian accents:lol:
  5. If you want to see a new definition of ROFL, watch Russell Howard's Good News tonight - oddly appropriate for the opening topic of this thread:D
  6. Oi, get out of my kennel and take your slimy fish with you! Will have to get a sign for the kennel - 'no bears (or fish) allowed'
  7. I was put in mind of that song too, when I read the news report - hadn't seen the muppet version, though. Brilliant:D:D
  8. :DGood point, BB - SS prefer snatching kids who are loved and well cared for by parents the powers that be consider to be slightly slow. Cue raft of social workers huffing and puffing at me now;) not to mention all the politically correct mob objecting to the term 'slow' ....think I'll slink back to me kennel:D
  9. I think it's a given that anyone would think it's wrong - to say the least! Just a joke about America, MP - no offence intended. Don't think you'd get away with hiring a surrogate for those purposes in this country, though..... and if by some fluke you did, social services would soon come a calling.
  10. Oh..... my.....God! Only in America. Quote 'I've always been attracted to older women' Reminds me of Armstrong and Miller as Brabbins and Ffyfe singing the Older Women song
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