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Everything posted by fivelaws

  1. I read a story a while ago (Nov 2004) about a bloke in the UK who had an entry added to his credit reference which stated that he wouldn't accept any claims against him for fraudulent loan/credit applications unless the application was accompanied by his fingerprints; Nothing the banks can do about it apparently. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/11/24/fingerprint_fights_id_theft/ Edit : Just noticed this is in the wrong forum... (mods?)
  2. Yes, as Tom says - don't drive the damn thing. Drive it onto their forecourt and get somebody to sign for the keys... You've then returned the "faulty goods" and they'll be struggling to make you take it back unless you want to.
  3. Guild of [edit]? No, they are only allowed to [edit] somebody once a day. And they have to give you a receipt... [MODERATED: Please do not post libelous comments on this forum]
  4. You add the court fees to your claim. Have you also calculated the s.69 interest (the 8% stuff)? You can add this to the MoneyClaim as well. (If you haven't; the standard spreadsheet in the Templates library does it for you). Good luck!
  5. I *think* the DPA letter would be how you found out these details. You are asking them to disclose all information they hold about you - as long as you provide proof of ID (copy passport, utility bill to confirm address etc), I don't think you'd have a problem - it would be their job to find the account number(s). It might be easier to go into a local branch and get them to verify the documents (and hand-delivered DPA letter). Is it too late? Well.... there's plenty of threads on here about whether the 6-year rule counts from when the "offence" occurred or from when you "discovered" it was an offence - personally, I think the latter.
  6. Think of it like this; If the charges were accrued equally over the 6 years, it would be £500 a year and 8% would be worth £40 per year. The charges in the 1st year would get 6 lots of that 8% (for each of the years between then and now) and would be worth £240. The 2nd year would have 5 lots of 8% (£200), 3rd would get 4x£40 (£160) etc, 4th is worth £120, 5th is £80 and the final year worth £40. Add those all up - £240 + £200 + £160 + £120 + £80 + £40 = £840. Obviously, the years wouldn't all be equal and charges at the end of a year wouldn't get as much interest as ones at the beginning, but you can see your numbers aren't far off. /End of maths lesson!
  7. fivelaws

    Sev v MBNA

    That's an oxymoron. Like "police intelligence" or "fair & reasonable charges" * I understand the sentiment, but it's not going to fly. Reserve your energy for making these scumbuckets pay people back! * © Bankfodder, 2006
  8. Welcome Matey, This is a recurring theme (an FAQ if you like). Basically, all the banks send an initial "bog off and die" letter to the preliminary approach. You should stick to your timetable and send the LBA letter, you may get a better offer, failing which, move to MoneyClaim and screw the b*stards!
  9. No, just send the LBA by recorded so you can prove it was recieved. Barracad: I *KNOW* I replied to the wrong thread. Must stop speed-reading and keeping 600 tabs open in Firefox...
  10. 1/ I don't think so - but I could be wrong... 2/ Not really, it's "advisable" to ask for the manual intervention records, but as they don't answer the question, it's not really worth asking. 3/ Anything you like. 4/ £120. It's £80 for under £1k; http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/infoabout/fees/county.htm
  11. I MUST READ THE POST BEFORE REPLYING. SORRY! 2nd attempt: Send the LBA after the 14-days expires.
  12. Not sure if it's a good indication or not, but my DPA letter dated 16-May was replied exactly 30 days later on the 17-June. If that holds true for yours, you'll get them on the Friday just before the World Cup Final - what a weekend that could be!
  13. As a kid, whenever we drove past a church with that sign (they were very popular) my dad would always say "but Georgie Best scores on the rebound!". I'd forgotten that until your post - thanks for the reminder!
  14. No I don't think they have a reasonable defence. They already charge an unauthorised (penalty) interest rate on the excess borrowing, so why the £8.00/day? Do they really manually intervene everyday to check your account, resulting in added costs? No! All the banks send a "bog off" letter after the preliminary and some even send one after the LBA. But then again, some don't. Press on!
  15. In your own words... Less than a week ago as well.... Something must have changed?
  16. I'll take you on that bet. England are already through and their next game is either 24/25th of June. I think the magic £1m will be hit this Thursday or Friday (22/23). Even being English, I too am cheering on Ecuador so that we meet Germany in the next round - I think they'll be easier than Ecuador - so cheer along with me!
  17. Top letter that. Hope they respond in kind.
  18. No, hand delivery is 100% great. Sending duplicates will only cause confusion.
  19. Hand delivering has a couple of positives; it's £1.00 cheaper (no recorded delivery), you can get a receipt and finally they will send it to the correct address. No negatives in that scenario!
  20. IT Service Desks: "Have you rebooted it?". That should be their catchphrase. Welcome to the helldesk you (L)users* Call Centres: The problem with any protest is that these companies expect to make a certain ratio of profit from a given turnover. If their costs increase due to extra administration, they pass these costs on directly to the consumer. This does not work in reverse - any savings in costs (offshoring etc) are passed to shareholders. This is the way of companies. * © Simon Travaglia.
  21. KateSage: I know this is well off topic, but is your avatar Huff the Hedgepig? http://www.triagonal.co.uk/Hedgepig/Huff2002.html Edit : link fixed.
  22. I bet Jesus had a good credit rating* * Religious satire on a Sunday? What am I thinking of...
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