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Everything posted by gyzmo

  1. Unfortunately, where there is no proof either way, an insurer will settle 50/50. I appreciate what you say about other people saying he was using his mobile, but it does not prove the cause of the accident. The best you could hope for is to get statements from people saying that he was in the same place when they passed him, which might go some way to proving he could not have hit you coming from the opposite direction. You could also get some proof that you were in the college when you said you were, which might disprove the content of his statement. I'm not too sure what your insurer means when they say an independent person can hear the case in court. That sounds to me like a basic court case, which is usually done where there is a reasonable chance of winning. Start getting some factual statements from other people and see what information is in there that may help disprove what the other person said.
  2. It makes me laugh when I here things like this. Sorry if that sounds bad, but let me explain. For each time I heard customers say "the costs are exaggerated", i heard just as many "I cant believe that much damage has been done" from the other party. An insurer will not pay out for excessive repairs. And a third party insurer will not pay out for repairs that are exaggerated. With respect to BBM, he wasn't present at the accident, did not examine the damage and is therefore in no position to say whether the claim is exaggerated or not. There may be underlying damage that is not visible - that is quite common. There will also be other charges included in the amount charged - labour, hire vehicle, VAT etc. It will not be just the cost of a new bumper. I'm sure your insurer will say the same thing. Pursue it if you must, but I doubt little will come from it. And remember - it's not your money that was used to pay for it. The amounts involved in repairs should really be of little, if any consequence or concern of the insured or the third party.
  3. Neither do I, but it is a different matter with contract. "Wish" was the wrong word. I meant "intention". I think a court would find the same. In fact, looking at the T&Cs again, they have said "UK law" is applicable to the contract. Ignoring the problem of saying UK as opposed to English or Scottish law, it is clear that the DSRs apply to the contract.
  4. Not emailed, but oft told to me by some elderly friends of mine. I got stung by a bee yesterday. Ten quid for a jar of honey. The robbing B****rd! ...................................................................... Walking down the street, I inadvertently stood in some dog poo. I scraped it off and carried on, when a few seconds later I heard a yelp from behind. Someone else had stood in the same dog poo and slipped a bit. "I just done that!" I shouted back to him. He then ran over to me, grabbed me by the hair, rubbed my nose in the poo and said "You dirty little sod! Next time use a toilet". ....................................................... My mam used to give me 50p pocket money each Friday. I was especially made up when she said she bought me a special money box to put my money in. It was only 10 years later when I realised that the money box was the gas meter....... ................................................................. I was interviewing some candidates for the job of music teacher a couple of days ago. Besides myself there were three other people on the panel. The third candidate, who hailed from York, walked in and we commenced the interview. "Did you get here OK?" I asked. "Yes thank you. But not to appear too disinterested, I have a return ticket for the train and I really must get the 2:15 from Paddington". "OK, we'll cut to the chase then. How well do you know Brahms?" "Oh very well. I went to school with him. Scallywag, he was. But listen, I really do have to make sure I get this train at 2:15." "Right, OK. And Beethoven, do you know him?" "Well yes, my mother used to invite him round for tea quite often. nice chap he was - bit strange though, what with that trumpet in his ear and everything." "How about Sibelius?" "Yes, wonderful chap. Taught him everything I know. But listen, I'm sorry to be a bore, but I really must get this train at 2:15 if you don't mind hurrying." "OK, Mozart?" "Played duets with him at the Albert Hall. I gave him a few ditties to work on" "Arne?" "I bought him his trumpet - amazing the tunes he belted out on it - Glenn Miller was proud of him. Now, I'm sorry but I really must get my train - I've got to run to Paddington for the 2:15 to York" At this point we concluded the interview, thank him for attending and bade farewell. Being the last interview of the day, we discussed the candidates. I was asked by the panel what I thought of our last interviewee. "Well," I said "he's obviously a liar." "Really?" came the reply. "What on eaeth makes you think that?" "Well, I come from York as well and I checked the timetable and there is no 2:15 from Paddington"
  5. It was heard, but not listened to. And there lies the problem. You seen that Aviva advert, the one where people state they don't want to be a number, blah blah blah? Well companies have been shoving that round for years. And they will for years to come. Eventually there may come a time where they put themselves on such a high pedestal that it might actually hurt them when they fall off it. But I doubt it.
  6. I keep on saying. Just becasue they are abroad does not mean that DSRs or other English legislation applies. It is a matter of fact for a court to decide. The website is talking of DSRs, and therefore, to me, clearly indicate that they wish to be bound by them.
  7. In other words, we know we're gonna lose so we're paying up. Shame they cannot just say "Sorry for what happened, you are right. Here's the cheque and a gift voucher as well".
  8. Which would not be a problem exclusive to non-natives, and presumably, if they cannot do the job, they don't get hired. But employers should excercise some common sense and tact. One friend of mine is functionally illiterate and innumerate, but is one of the most intelligent people I know. When I worked at one company (call center), they employed a staff member who had a lisp and a stutter to work on the phones. I can't tell you the number of complaints that were made. It was even worse because he was arranging breakdown recovery. He didn't last long.
  9. Smeesue, there are two different issues there re. immigration. Firstly, most policies are based on illegal immigrants - those who legally do not have entitlement to live in the country. The BNPO however has no qualms about the legality of people living here - it is their skin colour / nationality / religion that is the basis of whether they will get deported. As for the information about BNP - it is well known. Griffin has several charges against him in the past, as does his right hand man who once told a black PC to go away for being an "inferior life form" and was promptly fined for disturbing the peace.
  10. Well there's negligence, as well as breach of Foods Safety Act in terms of not providing food of nature, quality or substance demanded. You will need to check if there were any warnings (e.g, "while every effort has been made to remove bones, some may remain" etc etc). I'd get a solicitor.
  11. Quite true Bookie. What annoys me though is the way "positive" discrimination is used. There have been several jobs that I could have gone for but they were reserved for minority groups purely because of under-representation of those groups in the workforce. If people want to stop discrimination then it should be stopped completely. And I love those equal opps statements "We employ regardless of age, sex, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief etc etc". So in other words if you're human it's OK. PS. M&S have the best one. They say they employ purely on the ability to do the job. That's it. And that's the way it should be.
  12. Oh I was biting my lip on it. The problem is that they wanted a specific instance, not a generalised "I've used computers since I was 10 and can do this and that). Here's a few questions I've been asked in the past, and the answers I would love to give: 1. Give me an example when you have influenced someone. A:- I'm a hypnotist, or B:- I put a gun to their head 2. Give me an example of when you have worked as part of a team A: - well, was at the pub last night on a "chug as much beer as you can" competition. I held my mates mouth open while some others poured the booze down and another cleared up the vomit. 3. Give me an example of when someone has made you angry. A:- right now 4. Give an example of when you have faced a difficult customer. A:- you mean there are some that aren't? 5: How would you nail jelly to the ceiling. A:- In exactly the same way I would nail your head to the ceiling if you don't stop asking these stupid questions. Think I'd get the job? It's for a nurse
  13. Just a few copies of their T&Cs: Returns Customers have the right to cancel the contract. The period in which the customer can cancel the contract starts from the day the contract is initially made, and lasts until 7 working days from the day after receipt of the goods. In such cases, the purchase price (Including the initial delivery fee) minus a 10% restocking fee will be refunded to the customer within 7 days. The 7 day refund period will begin on the day Body Source Online are in reciept of the goods. This cancellation right is in addition to your right to reject goods if they are not of satisfactory quality, fit for their purpose or match their description. Firstly, the cancellation period ends on the 7 days after goods are delivered is only applicable if they have complied with the regulations in terms of providing required information. Secondly, they are NOT permitted to deduct money for restocking or any other fee. Delivery Body Source Online will make every effort to ensure that all orders are delivered within the chosen delivery method. If this is not possible for any reason the customer will be informed by appropriate means (email, post or telephone) and their money will be refunded. Reimbursement will take place as soon as the goods are recieved back to Body Source Online. A seller must refund asap and in any case within 30 days of a cancellation notice being received. They are not entitled to insist that goods be received before providing a refund. Just btw, the legislation is the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000
  14. I just thought the question was completely daft. I mean, you are using the basic functions on a computer in order to fill in the application form online. If they meant how competent one is with a computer, then they asked the wrong question
  15. Applying for a job that has loads of competency based questions. One of them is asking for an occasion when you have used basic functions on a computer. Err, every time I switch one on? I'm completing this online application form aren't I? Why do they ask such stupid questions? Yeah I know about the STAR approach and all of that, but it's like asking a fish to describe a time when it was in water.
  16. What gets me is the police said that because bikes don't have speedometers, speeding cyclists will not be prosecuted because they do not know they are breaking the law. Err, isn't there a well known saying about law, ignorance and excuses? Thought so. They'll be going after speeding cars next. Tsk.
  17. I'm well aware of their practices and that of other supermarkets. I don't think I've ever come across a thread with a 3 year gap before!
  18. I don't think it'd anything to do with that. To me, it is a cockup happening somewhere that someone is responsible for but for which noone will take responsibility. As such, I would just leave it. Don't go to that insurer again. And for heavens sake, don't bother checking some third party website. Check with whom you have the contract with. Check your bank account. But not some other website, however reliable they may be. You don't have a contract with them. Have you cause for complaint? Yes. Is it worth pursuing? That depends on your pocket and resistance to stress and whether you want a "sorry about what happened, though we don't mean it and are just saying it to stop you writing in" or some money. Apologies if that sounds mean, but that's the bare bones of it. Now who would like to give me a job knowing I would happily say that?
  19. Can I nominate this for the oldest resurrected thread for the most unrelated reason?
  20. I've used charity shops for quite some time now, both buying and donating, and though it time to share a few views. 1. Stigma No, you're not ****, unemployed, a "cheapo" just because you go into a charity shop. In fact, I would rather buy from charity shops than high street stores really. Not only are you getting stuff cheaply, but you are helping others as well. What high street shop can say that? Sure, they may have a corporate responsibility statement, but I believe those as much as I believe in a political party manifesto. And I do also doubt some charity stores - Oxfam for example has become more of a high street store than some high street stores, but see 2. But do you feel embarrassed going into a charity shop? Do you feel that other people will think "less" of you for doing it, or feel that there is some shame in going into one? Well don't - see why later 2. Prices. It's amazing how much prices vary. Some charity shops charge almost as much, if not more, than high street shops. Oxfam I think is the worst offender, but I think they get more "quality" stuff than other charity shops do and is seen as a more "cool" charity shop to go into. But I have got some real bargains. I go in mostly for books, CDs and DVDs, and they are in the vast majority of cases far better than what you will get from a high street store. 3. Quality. Yeah, it's been used. For what I buy, it's not a problem, but I don't think it is either for clothes. Ages ago I went to a flea market with a mate and picked out a brill coat - even my mate was jealous. And I tool it back when I realised it was second hand (I was nieve then). Baaad decision - I regret it since! And I still get ribbed over it, only because I was too stupid not to keep it. A few mates of mine "confessed" that some of their "clubbing" stuff has been bought from charity shops. At the end of the day, the don't accept torn tat. They style may not be what you appreciate, but if you do see some bit of cloth you like, you can be sure it's wearable. And why am I saying all of this? Well I've been on a pub crawl cum charity shop expidition, courtesy of a fellow real ale fan. I promised him I'd go on a mad distance pub crawl (he was paying) so long as he went into some charity shops with me. He was really reluctant at first, but I held him to it. The result: Me. 3 CDs (classical) all by the academy of ancient music. Total retail value is app. £50. Cost in charity shops - £4.00. Books (I'm a crossword fan). 3 Schotts Almanacs, 2 crossword finishers, 1 Holy Blood and Holy Grail (or whatever the hell it's called) and a Roget's thesaurus. Total cost - £3.97 My mate 6 CDs (pop music, therefore I could not elaborate further, but total on high street app. £40), 2 shirts (bench ermine?), bag (some city bloke thing), jacket (that goes with jeans) and some religious belt. He says about £150 of stuff for just over a tenner. And he only went in because I made him. So there you go. Charity shops rule! Go into one. Have a good mooch around, get a bargain and help a good cause in the process.
  21. Can I just say that, as a job seeker, I sympathise entirely. I have been told to seek for jobs in catering, even though I have absolutely no experience or qualifications in that area. what a waste of my time and that of employers. I only apply for jobs that I know I can do either through experience or qualifications. I would never dream of applying for a job that I did not feel qualified or experienced for. Alas, the JC don't seem to feel that way. It seems that they are pressuring people, or that people are pressured, into applying for any job to fulfill criteria. Why can't this world be more honest and get rid of all the crap? It really p***es me off all this "why do you want to work for us" s**t. Err, because you have a vacancy, I need a job and I can do it. That's it. BTW, my uncle has his own business and has said the same thing. He took on a 40 year old illliterate (his words) and paid for him to go to college because he said the very same thing, against all the other applicants who would have just buggered off as soon as another job come along. I'm starting to think that compulsory profiling should be used....
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