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Everything posted by jailbird

  1. Oh and thanks Penfold. Much appreciated. x
  2. OK guys. I have emailed Daily Mirror (cos my mum reads it) and David Borrow MP. JB
  3. Right Aud I have just checked the rail price from here and it is £65.00. I am prepared to come down but only if we are going to be joined by others so we are going to make a real impact. It would look silly just 2 of us. Will keep checking this thread for more news. Hope you ok Big Hugs Chris xx
  4. Well done Jo. Keep it up. By this time next moth could be verging on anorexia (joke) !
  5. I have started eating brekki, main meal at lunch and side plate of salad and fruit at dinner and during evening. Over last 3 days lost 1lb
  6. They would not be impressed. They like the rest of us have probably suffered ' mushroom syndrome ' kept in the dark and fed a load of s**t ! But they, unlike us, are paid to be fed this.
  7. Well done both of you. It was never going to be easy being so close to test case but you stood your ground and more to the point managed to have your say. Chris
  8. So you suggest that I embarass my friends and tell them what has happened and to go and change them for me ? This company should have a policy for the disabled shopping either instore or online. People should not have to query if the vouchers are disabled friendly Thanks for you replies Chris
  9. I dont mean to be rude Lula but a lot of companys give out gift vouchers and you can redeem them for online purchases. Why is this company different ? For those of us with limited mobility we rely on the internet for most of our shopping (especially in this weather) so I feel strongly that this is discrimination. Firstly why should I have to send the paper vouchers back to their HQ to be changed to a card and await its return or secondly struggle to walk around a hot and crowed store in that state i am in inorder to spend these when they could just take the number of the voucher. Chris
  10. I might write a letter to their CEO enquiring about this.............but will wait until I have calmed down:)
  11. No only is you pass them over a payment in a store. Im sure this must fall under the Disability Discrimination Act
  12. Hi everyone I have just tried to spend some of my christmas money and choose next online. They do not accept the paper vouchers..........only the card ones. I would have to send them away to them and then await their return before I could spend them. I would normally try and go to the shops where i could use both but my mobility not very good at the moment so thought, very stupidly, that i could do this online. How wrong can one be. Oh well.............. Chris
  13. Good luck Abgs. I pm'd you my number but it looks like you got help. Will be thinking of you hun xx
  14. Bad enough that the yorkie farts .........could not put up with a man as well. Did pass my mind for the suggested 'sex diet' cos I've tried every other way but just too much to put up with in new bed. Sorry you can keep him:D
  15. A 'wee' bit ! I need everything done from the neck down:D Thinking about that statement...........perhaps my mouth could do with something done as well! No suggestions please:mad:
  16. God AUD:eek: where can I but them fags..............I could cut down to 1 a day!
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