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Everything posted by rightfullymine

  1. hi taff-p i also sent in SAR on 23rd feb, i got letter (see my thread) they returned my cheque, sending info complimentry!!! yep i am also still waiting for them to be delivered, will keep in touch to see how you are going..
  2. brilliant !!! thank you bigmac versus & priorityone.. i read so much i could see for looking.. very much appreciated
  3. hi there, i have some agencies calling me, i keep saying to myself that i will write to them but i havnt yet, im a bit uneasy bout it and dont know where to start with my finances.. still enough!! wot i have done is save the numbers to a group on my mobile along with a ringtone i hate named the group oh no!! and when i hear them ring i know not to answer!! alternativly you could do the same thing but add a mp3 as your ringtone so when they ring you get to listen to a tune you realy like, but dont worry, look after you and baby, the guys on here will get you through this.
  4. i am going to hit back at those horrid letter writing, harrassing and threatening agencies.. i cant find the letter asking for the original agreement, i know its somewhere hiding but i cant see it!! if anyone finds it can you please let me know thank you.
  5. hi kwaker,, i dont think i would worry about it,, i am sure the court will go over the claim forms with a fine tooth comb,, im sure they would have noticed it.. hang in there wont be long before you get back wots rightfully yours.
  6. well done marce did you send letter off recorded delivery?? remember to go on to royal mail web site and see when and who took delivery of your letter.. then the next day count as day 1, ~ 40 days for them to send you the information (include weekends and bank holidays in count down).. good luck and keep us posted
  7. keep going quality,, you are on the homeward stretch! wont be long till you get wots rightfully yours
  8. hi pam looks like your on a wining streak... hang in there wont be long before you get back wots rightfully yours!!!
  9. hi j it seems mad that the nationwide and other banks are so willing to pay the bank charges too!! they are just wasting money.. just think if everyone got back whats rightfully theirs and ontop of that court charges the banks would loose all their profits and more!!!! spread the word ~ claim back wots rightfully yours ~ the CAG way!!!
  10. thats a good idea eggopp, i cant remember when the account was closed but when they send me the info will it go from whenever to now date, or from whenever to when it was closed?? maybe i should write them another letter - will i have to resent a cheque? when will i count the days down from? im not sure what i should do!! thank you for the advice
  11. hi jamesiebabie if you are confussed take some time out with a coffee, go back to the FAQ check through the guide to reclaiming bank charges and step by step instructions.. the method on here is tried and tested and so its best to stick to the way its set out, the templates and deadlines.. so many people have won back whats rightfully theirs.. so read through again and remember knowledge is power!! im not sure if you should start over with the spreadsheet if you have already sent them 2! but i am sure someone will experience will be able to answer your questions to the full!! i sent a simple spreadsheet as i didnt want to get involved with too much maths,, pitters came to my help and michael brown, they showed me the spread sheet links. check out my thread and you will be able to see them. i hope i have been of little help.. good luck and keep us posted on your progress
  12. hi sculpture, welcome to this site, you will find everyone on here is really friendly and helpful, you will normally find that someone is online at any time of dayor night. i have found so much advice from people (friends) on here, hi lori1(cool pic) & eggopp, knowledge is power and you get it on here.. this gains your confidence to take em on and get whats rightfully yours.. good luck and keep us posted
  13. they are probably really busy with everyone wanting back what is rightfully theirs !!!
  14. cheers for that advoc8 thats put my mind at rest
  15. jus had a thought and i hope one of you guys will know the answer... my husbands flex account was closed by nationwide a year or so ago.. we came accross an old cheque book.. this gave us the account number we needed and then proceeded to send the SAR.. i was wondering, how long do banks and credit cards have to keep our information for our accounts.? how many years could they go back if needed?? not for any reason - just wondering :idea:
  16. i recieved a nasty letter from hamiltons legal today threatening to add court and interest costs after we spoke to them last week and agreed to pay £22 a month starting 30th March.. so my husband phoned them and had bulshy guy on the other end who didnt want to listen or help, he was preshering for me to pay by direct debit (which we cant do as it will mean costs if i dont have money in there ready) he wouldnt sent payment slips or a payment card.. anyway my husband said oh well we cant pay any more you will have to take us to court, we are both out of work and chances are when judge sees our other payments he will drop the monthly amount!! then my husband said (out of the blue) can you please send me a copy of the original agreement for this account, i was shocked it showed that he has been listening when i talk about this site. the guy on the other end immediately went on defence and said why are we denying we have the debt? his answer no but we have so many and different companies requiring payment, we dont know who and what we are paying. so will you please send us a the agreement.. with that the guy said yes and put the phone down on my husband!!! so now i am thinking that i should go to the templates and get the letters sent out to all these companies bugging me!
  17. even better now!! i have made CAG my homepage, so instantly here with no messing.. its great
  18. well today is 16th march... still no statements from barclays.
  19. im sooo glad did something !! it was hard work last nite to get to see any threads.. shows how popular this site is..
  20. hi and welcome, iam not too sure of your situation but i am sure that someone on here will have experience and will be able to pass on their knowledge.. good luck in getting whats rightfully yours keep us posted
  21. now ive done it , but it dosnt work on your thread!! how strange!! thanks anyway
  22. hi jamesiebabie welcome to this forum, well done for taking the first steps to getting whats rightfully yours, so you say you have sent off 2nd letter, so you sent the SAR with £10 and recieved your statements, worked out your charges, then sent the prelim letter along with the spreadsheet. did you send it recorded so you can check when and who took delivery of your letter on the royal mail site. when they have taken delivery of your letter you give them 14 days. after that has passed you send the next letter LBA (see templates) and give them a further 14 days. then make your claim if you have had nothing!! keep us posted on how you get on.
  23. glad to see this website is all ok tonite.. im not having any problems
  24. nope still cant stick it on the end of my message ... oh well
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