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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/12/07 in Posts

  1. Yes, S65 DOES say it can be enforced only by a court, BUT... S127 (3) then says, The court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) if section 61(1)(a) (signing of agreements) was not complied with unless a document (whether or not in the prescribed form and complying with regulations under section 60(1)) itself containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement was signed by the debtor or hirer (whether or not in the prescribed manner). In other words, if the agreement is MISSING the prescribed terms, or those terms are inaccurate (such as the interest rate being incorrectly calculated), the court shall not enfo
    2 points
  2. Lot's of things happening over the weekend...! Latest news is, that i've now started my editorial career on Wikipedia.. I'm also hoping that this development will aid me to give debt advise to a much broader audience... I've started my Wiki career by updating the CAG Wiki page... Consumer Action Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My own contribution is just a short paragraph for now... I'm hoping that my current research of the Public Order Act 1986 can soon be incorporated within my work. Regards and best wishes, Dave.
    1 point
  3. Hi Wrinx, in response to you request at posting 256, The OFT Code of Practice at Section 2.6 (i), states (Physical/ Psychological Harassment) (quote)Examples of unfair practices are,. "Disclosing or threating to disclose debt details to a third party unless legally entitled to do so." (end of quote) Every letter I sent to CEL I have disputed the alleged parking charge (debt), in that I am the registered keeper, not the driver. and that no contractual relations whatsoever exist between Mcdonalds, CEL or any other principal landowner and myself in respect to the gatwick site. Given the debt is disputed, CEL have no legal authority
    1 point
  4. Yep!...Have tried it again + it STILL works for me!...
    1 point
  5. I've said it before & I'll say it again that IMHO whilst a document meant to be CCA s77-79 compliant may be reconstructed it may NOT be conjectured as the information contained therein must be a true representation of the original. Which beggars the question as to why would a creditor provide a reconstructed copy when it would be much easier, & cheaper, to provide a copy of the original? Perhaps they have disposed of the original, silly billy's:D
    1 point
  6. I'm sooo glad to hear that, & I'm sure there's someone here who'll be able to help.
    1 point
  7. mac is not giving up jade:D just a bit more further back than ours
    1 point
  8. I just couldn't resist this, Auburn - It's a long way to go for a part-time job...remember to turn half -left after the Orkneys LOL:D Thanks for the scales tip and the PM -will catch up with you later......
    1 point
  9. If you wish to make a disclosure to the DVLA in these circumstances, it is purely a matter of concience. If you decide to go ahead and make a disclosure, do not complete any of the medical forms. What you need to do is write a letter or email to DVLA (email address [email protected]) providing details of the driver (name, address, DOB, driver number (if known)) and explaining briefly why you feel they may be unfit to drive. DVLA will then serve the statutory questionairre on the driver. HTH Davjoh
    1 point
  10. Ah, yes. Owned by a poor victim of the US Credit Crunch. How many billions written off? How many heads rolled? And all because the greedy gits thought they could lend safely to "can't pays". When the reality should be obvious..... If enough Can't Pays then Don't Pay, and you flood the market with cheap repossessed houses, what's going to happen to house prices in general?????? And the economy will....??? Exactly. Silly beggars, ain't they? And they call us rogues!!!!
    1 point
  11. Thank you Tilly, I'll no doubt be thinking of this site as well and all of you. Trying to remember some of what I've read! LOL:lol:
    1 point
  12. I'd love to go up to Scotland.......... if nothing else I'd love to rib rory and bigmac in the flesh!!!! My passport's expired though
    1 point
  13. Hello Kaaron, MMMMmmmmm please let me help you with this one pllleeeeaaassse. The FOS aren't really helpful I have found to my disappointment, but I have had and have an on-going fight with the mighty M&S. Their not as clever and as mighty as they think:cool: Start a new thread on the ppi forum so I can give you some tips and useful information regarding the mis-sold ppi and the application form:D oh oh and the default
    1 point
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