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Homer67 last won the day on July 24 2022

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  1. In short you never communicate with a Debt Collector, they have no power here at all. The snotty letter is only used to respond to a properly worded Letter Before Claim. The only time you would be recommended to contact the PPC is to send the snotty letter. You do nothing but keep the tripe they send you unless you receive a letter before claim.
  2. You don't tell the powerless DCA anything (that's all DCBL are here), you need to tell the PPC Euro Car Parks your correct address so if they decide to issue a claim you don't miss it and end up with a backdoor CCJ.
  3. Double dipping. Would be fun proving them incompetent in court.
  4. Why would you pay for service you know to be rubbish? Block their email address and report it as spam. Ignore them.
  5. The NTK is not compliant because it states you overstayed but does not state what their permitted parking period is. Anyway the permitted parking period cannot vary from the original period when planning permission for that car park was granted, I suspect it was an all day job or certainly longer than 2 hours 45 minutes. It's always worth getting on to the shops you visited socials and declaring how you will never shop there again and drop an email to the CEO of the store you spent most money it. Other than that it's waiting time for a Letter Before Claim, then snotty letter time. Be prepared for a flood of every increasing threatening letters from the PPC and their tame DCA.
  6. In fact block their number and report their text as spam.
  7. As the parking charge reason appears to be a 13 minute overstay I'd say this one has got not chance in Court as the minimum allowance is 10 minutes so they are trying it on because the car park was busy and it took you an extra 3 minutes to get out. Write the snotty letter and post it up here before you send it to be checked and stay off FMOTL wibble wobble sites, that pathway leads to nothing but trouble.
  8. Isn't the NTK way out of time to create keeper liability or have I missed something?
  9. I am very sorry you have been through this and I hope that the CCTV evidence will be admitted in court and if it does show what's described above, I would expect that to be GBH rather than ABH which holds a much more serious punishment.
  10. Call or visit the pub and tell them to call off their dogs, they wil say it's out of their hands but it isn't, they can and should tell EuroCP to cease action. Get on the Pub's social channels and do the same if they don't respond favorably to your visit/call
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