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  1. I have recently contacted this company regarding a claim. The person who dealt with my call was aggressive and hostile and frequently interrupted me/ talked over me. Aside from this poor communication, the employee continued to insist that a part could be fixed when in fact I had been advised by two separate garages that it could not and would have to be replaced. Then he proceeded to blame the garage. They insist that they will only cover the amount of the part if it had been repaired but of course it cannot be repaired. Has anyone else dealt with this company? Any tips?
  2. Firstly, EVERY point in this review and statement here is backed up with copies of emails, court filings and recordings. So whatever WMS say in response it is true and court records reflect that. What to say about WMS? http://www.wmsgroup.co.uk/motor-trade-warranties/car-warranty/ Sit back because this is a hell of a story. Well my father in law purchased a 5 star policy from them to cover his Range Rover Sport. He paid extra to have main dealer work undertaken should anything go wrong. 2 years into the agreement the engine was destroyed by an incident where was breached after an internal failure. Pretty much fatal. He tried to make a claim against this warranty. This is where our near two year battle started. At first it was declined because he didn’t use a Vat registered garage even though this wasn’t a requirement of the policy he took out. 
he was told he HAD to take it out of a main Caffyns dealer as they would not pay dealer pricing even though he paid for the 5 star warranty which included this. 
After 3 months we finally got them to agree to get an engineer to inspect the vehicle. They used ACE, a company they have used on numerous occasions and who does work under contract for WMS. Not surprisingly they decline the claim. Firstly they claimed low oil. Then aerated oil. Because it was oil related they said they would not pay out. At this point we were dealing with the MD directly, John Collingswood. We asked to appeal. At first WMS did not have a clue what they are doing. In fact pretty much throughout despite numerous requests they never once supplied me with a formal complaints for appeal process. Eventually they agreed we could get another engineer to comment. We did and they found that this was not oil related. We submitted the report to WMS who then asked a senior engineer at ACE to reply (he had and has never seen the car). He stood by ACE findings even though the report from DEKRA picked apart the claims. Claim was declined again. During this time we were accused of riving the car to destruction, low oil and not servicing the vehicle correctly by Mr. Collingswood who always had a reason to not want to pay out. We instructed a further engineer MET who also found that this was not oil related and not wear and tear. Report submitted to WMS and again ACE response via an engineer who had never seen the vehicle . The claim rejection was upheld. Again we asked to appeal. Again WMS had no idea of what their own policy or procedure for this was which was even more worrying as we were dealing directly with the company MD. Also over this time as I was helping my father in law, Mr. Collingwood called my employer and the police on me (I was sending him regular emails which in his eyes was harassment). My employer wasn’t bothered and the police said it was a civil matter. These bullying tactics were prevalent throughout – blocking email accounts so we couldn’t contact then, legal threats, insults (he accused me of having “special needs” in one email) We were eventually told a joint report would need to be undertaken as the final part of the appeal but this never took place as ACE and WMS kept moving the goal posts. Eventually WMS tried to charge us £1500 for this report to take place. Which obviously we refused. Not one cost had been refunded or met. They refused to issue a formal decline letter or settle on an actual reason for decline. They blocked further email accounts so we could not speak to them and would not take our calls.
 As this was not a FCA agreement we could not go to the Ombudsman and had zero come back. 

Most people would have walked away. We took the case to the small claims court. It took over a year. 3 appearances in a court room. And literally thousands of pages of emails, notes and work. 

WMS hired a firm of local solicitors (Stephen Rimmer) at great cost (the solicitor costs would have been at least 3 times what the final settlement and claim was if not more). They even hired a barrister to represent them in court (at probably several £100 an hour). At every turn they tried to out spend, out muscle and threaten and scare us off. They failed. After MUCH work and a whole day in court, a year later we won a judgment and pay out. 

WMS lost. And decisively at that. The judge ruled that this was NOT lack of oil, was NOT caused by not maintaining the vehicle, was NOT due to the vehicle being driven to destruction and was NOT caused by anything we could have foreseen. It was a mechanical failure and therefore the policy should have paid out. The judge dismissed the ACE engineer and his report, the opinions of Mr. Collingwood and awarded my father in law a settlement of just under the small claims limit. In short we won, we beat WMS and they had to pay out because they declined a claim for no just or reasonable reason. 

My father in-law still lost money – hire car charges not covered, loss of wages etc. (not to mention the cost of the worthless warranty) - but the money paid for the engineers, experts and the replacement of the engine which he funded himself out of his own money. WMS tried to bully us. Scare us. Threaten us. And lied. All so they didn’t have to pay out on what was a valid claim. If we lost we would have been liable for several thousand pounds in costs, court fees and expert fees. It was a risk but we were in the right and knew it form the off. They tried to spend more, use their solicitors to try to scare us off. Didn't work. The message here is simple: DO NOT USE WMS. Don't even think about it. Move on. Read forums and other review sites other than Reevoo (see below) They are a terrible company who use under handed tactics and bullying to avoid paying out. There MD is not above using underhanded tactics to scare you off – from calling employers, to the police and lying to both. If you do not have a FAC regulated agreement you have NO legal come back unless you are willing to go to court and risk losing. Again AVOID WMS like the plague. There warranty is not worth the paper its printed on. Checked out the Revoo score on their website ? 96% This is ONLY from people they have paid out to (read the small print) and does not reflect the real feedback that is all over the net. WMS do NOT payout. The warranty is worthless. More over the company are morally dubious in their tactics and way they treat customers. There is no external or formal appeal and if the MD doesn't like you he will try to ruin your life as well as take money from you. We are free of WMS now and their tactics after near two years hard work. Please don't put yourself in this position. (NB: WMS appealed this judgement. Today we went to court and the judge threw out the appeal. We have finally won this case after 893 days from the original issue occurring. We won. WMS have spent over £35k fighting this claim in court. )
  3. Firstly, EVERY point in this review and statement here is backed up with copies of emails, court filings and recordings. So whatever WMS say in response it is true and court records reflect that. What to say about WMS? Sit back because this is a hell of a story. Well my father in law purchased a 5 star policy from them to cover his Range Rover Sport. He paid extra to have main dealer work undertaken should anything go wrong. 2 years into the agreement the engine was destroyed by an incident where was breached after an internal failure. Pretty much fatal. He tried to make a claim against this warranty. This is where our near two year battle started to get a payout on this warranty. At first it was declined because he didn’t use a Vat registered garage even though this wasn’t a requirement of the policy he took out. he was told he HAD to take it out of a main Caffyns dealer as they would not pay dealer pricing even though he paid for the 5 star warranty which included this. After 3 months we finally got them to agree to get an engineer to inspect the vehicle. They used ACE, a company they have used on numerous occasions and who does work under contract for WMS. Not surprisingly they decline the claim. Firstly they claimed low oil. Then aerated oil. Because it was oil related they said they would not pay out. At this point we were dealing with the MD directly. Worth noting the mechanic found 4 litres of oil in a 5 litre sump AFTER the engine failed. He also found ZERO warning lights and zero fault codes meaning there could have been ZERO notice. The failure happened at 70 MPH on a dual carriageway. Obviously unhappy We asked to appeal. At first WMS did not have a clue what they are doing. In fact pretty much throughout despite numerous requests they never once supplied me with a formal complaints for appeal process. Eventually they agreed we could get another engineer to comment. We did and they found that this was not oil related. We submitted the report to WMS who then asked a senior engineer at ACE to reply (he had and has never seen the car). He stood by ACE findings even though the report from DEKRA picked apart the claims. Claim was declined again. During this time we were accused of riving the car to destruction, low oil and not servicing the vehicle correctly by Mr. Collingswood who always had a reason to not want to pay out. We instructed a further engineer MET who also found that this was not oil related and not wear and tear. Report submitted to WMS and again ACE response via an engineer who had never seen the vehicle. The claim rejection was upheld. Again we asked to appeal. Again WMS had no idea of what their own policy or procedure for this was which was even more worrying as we were dealing directly with the company MD. Also over this time as I was helping my father in law, the MD called my employer and the police on me (I was sending him regular emails which in his eyes was harassment). My employer wasn’t bothered and the police said it was a civil matter. These bullying tactics were prevalent throughout – blocking email accounts so we couldn’t contact then, legal threats, insults (he accused me of having “special needs” in one email) We were eventually told a joint report would need to be undertaken as the final part of the appeal but this never took place as ACE and WMS kept moving the goal posts. Eventually WMS tried to charge us £1500 for this report to take place. Which obviously we refused. Not one cost had been refunded or met. They refused to issue a formal decline letter or settle on an actual reason for decline. They blocked further email accounts so we could not speak to them and would not take our calls. As this was not a FCA agreement we could not go to the Ombudsman and had zero come back. Over the course of this period we exchanged hundreds of emails and calls with WMS, put forward evidence and tried to reach solution until they cut off all ties with us. The MD, Claims Manager and everyone else had ZERO interest in paying out our helping us. Most people would have walked away. We took the case to the small claims court. It took over a year. 3 appearances in a court room. And literally thousands of pages of emails, notes and work. WMS hired a firm of local solicitors at great cost (the solicitor costs would have been at least 3 times what the final settlement and claim was if not more). They even hired a barrister to represent them in court (at probably several £100 an hour). At every turn they tried to out spend, out muscle and threaten and scare us off. They failed. After MUCH work and a whole day in court, a year later we won a judgment and pay out. WMS lost. And decisively at that. The judge ruled that this was NOT lack of oil, was NOT caused by not maintaining the vehicle, was NOT due to the vehicle being driven to destruction and was NOT caused by anything we could have foreseen. It was a mechanical failure and therefore the policy should have paid out. The judge dismissed the ACE engineer and his report, the opinions of the MD and awarded my father in law a settlement of just under the small claims limit. In short we won, we beat WMS and they had to pay out because they declined a claim for no just or reasonable reason. Again WMS Lost in court. The judge found that the excuses of low oil, wear and tear, oil related failure were all rubbish. It was a mechanical failure pure and simple. My father in-law still lost money – hire car charges not covered, loss of wages etc. (not to mention the cost of the worthless warranty) - but the money paid for the engineers, experts and the replacement of the engine which he funded himself out of his own money. WMS tried to bully us. Scare us. Threaten us. All so they didn’t have to pay out on what was a valid claim. If we lost we would have been liable for several thousand pounds in costs, court fees and expert fees. It was a risk but we were in the right and knew it form the off. They tried to spend more, use their solicitors to try to scare us off. Didn't work. The message here is simple: DO NOT USE WMS. Don't even think about it. Move on. Read forums and other review sites other than Reevoo (see below) They are a terrible company who use under handed tactics and bullying to avoid paying out. There MD is not above using underhanded tactics to scare you off – from calling employers, to the police and lying to both. If you do not have a FAC regulated agreement you have NO legal come back unless you are willing to go to court and risk losing. Again AVOID WMS like the plague. There warranty is not worth the paper its printed on. Checked out the Revoo score on their website ? 96% This is ONLY from people they have paid out to (read the small print) and does not reflect the real feedback that is all over the net. WMS do NOT payout. The warranty is worthless. More over the company are morally dubious in their tactics and way they treat customers. There is no external or formal appeal and if the MD doesn't like you he will try to ruin your life as well as take money from you. The company are a shambles. They have no idea of their own process. We are free of WMS now and their tactics after near two years hard work. Please don't put yourself in this position. AVOID WMS AT ALL COSTS.
  4. I have recently been trying to make a claim on my warranty cover for my BMW 1 series with the WMS Group. I purchased the 4 star policy when I purchased the vehicle. This is the first claim I have tried to make in three years. This claim was for the Steering Column, because the warning light on the vehicle was showing RED. They told me NOT to take it to a BMW Dealership but to another garage to have the repair estimated. The repair, according to the garage is for the sensor light on the steering column, of which, WMS SAY is NOT Covered on the policy even though the steering column is. Having now read the policy from back to front, it is virtually impossible to make a claim on this warranty for anything, even though this was not stated when the policy was taken out. The policy states Steering, of which this should fall under. The policy is worthless and no one should ever purchase this in any form. I need advice on how this can be classed as a miss sold policy so I therefore may be able to at least claim the cost of the policy back. I feel they have left me with an un-roadworthy vehicle and the cost of repair is £600 If anyone else has had similar problems I suggest we get together and close these businesses down as they are doing more harm than good.
  5. Hi guys, first post so I apologise if this is an old issue but I couldn't find one that exactly fits my scenario. 4 weeks ago we purchased a Peugeot 307 from Durnford motors in Southampton. Within 3 weeks we reported that the clutch wasn't right but were referred to Warranty management services who are administering the warranty. They put us onto a local garage. The local garage said we have to pay for an inspection so they said drive it around until it snaps and then you will be covered even if it's wear and tear. A week and a half later the clutch has gone completely and it was recovered into them. Now we find out that it won't be covered if it's wear and tear even though we've only had the car a month!! I have spoken to the dealership on a number of occasions who have said that it's probably wear and tear and said "what do you expect from a used car" I need to know what my recourse is. I'm expecting to be considerably out of pocket within a month of purchasing a new car. IS there anything I can do under the sale of goods act to get the dealership to pay for this? Or to reimburse the costs? I have contacted trade standards (the dealership is apparently part of their high standards scheme!) and they say the dealership has to prove that the car was fault free when we purchased it. But how do i go about instigating a proceeding against them? Please help me someone.
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