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Found 2 results

  1. Morning All, Not so much an issue, more asking for clarification. I work for a retailer plc (2.5 years) and recently a member of staff left leaving a vacancy on my department. I am already experienced and have been using ex colleagues system to keep the role afloat whilst we find a new member of staff. I have applied for the role, as I am already au fait with the role and assisted the ex colleague since I started. I applied before the deadline, I know of another colleague from another store has applied (she has no experience on the department I work), however the role has now been advertised externally yesterday, they didn't do this with recent roles where only two applied internally. My Supervisor said I am ideal and would back me all the way. I am just confused, as I am experienced, I have qualification in the background that assists in the role and a passion for the product. Totally lost on this...
  2. I'm currently not working, due to ill health, and am in receipt of ESA. Although I don't feel completely ready to start working again, I'm finding it really difficult trying to survive on the benefits, so am looking for part time jobs. I am subscribed to the DWP/JobCentre Plus website called `Jobungo', and have noticed several job offers detailing opportunities for working from home s e.g. data entry/typing documents/stuffing envelopes. Can anyone tell me if these sites are legal and safe, or are they all/mostly phishing traps? Or, does the fact that they are on the approved `Jobungo' jobs site, provide satisfactory validation? I have 3 main concerns. One site asks for an upfront £26.00 Registration payment. If I proceed, is it likely that I will get the promised work? Secondly, if the work doesn't then materialise, would I get my money back, and would this be straightforward? Lastly, a few years ago, I clicked onto a link to a similar `work from home' site. It turned out to be bogus, and my email account was hacked. (My email provider then blocked my account, and it was a long process proving my innocence, and getting access again). Before I contact JobCentre Plus/DWP, has anyone got any advice or experience of this? If so, are there specific companies in this field to steer clear of, and conversely, any companies with good records? I'm desperately hoping someone can help. Little Eva
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