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Found 2 results

  1. I have just received a claim form from the court. Lowell's are claiming for a credit card with Lloyds. I have not heard anything about this debt for years. I found an old email that I sent complaining about lloyds (to a consumer action group) because they were harassing me by telephone-this was in 2008. I also stated in the email that I had been paying it but was in dispute with them so had ceased paying. I am pretty sure I would not have made any further payments I think it might be statute barred but I am not totally sure. Could someone please advise me as to defend as in dispute with original debtor (I think they are not allowed to pass it on to a creditor if in dispute?) or if its better to try and get account details from Lowell and copy of agreement, assignment etc to see if its statute barred. Thank you
  2. Hello, As the thread title suggests, I have previously had various credit card and unsecured loan debts which I defaulted on, all at least 6 years ago and I am only now wonderering whether there's any merit in looking into any related PPI issues. Originally I was just pleased to draw a veil over that time of my life, however, since those debts were quite large, there could be merit in seeing whether any of the cards had PPI included and therefore perhaps refundable. All of the lines of credit have fallen off my credit reports, which is now clean, but I still have a massive file of documents which details all the relevant credit card companies who were the original issuers. I don't want to waste my time taking this forwards if in the end all that occurred were that those coys said, " ... yes you're entitled to a refund and we're going to apply it to your previous default." As it's statute barred I don't believe they can, nor can they default me again, so what have others done in this situation as I can't believe I'm the first to consider this. Be pleased to hear back or any tips or pointers. I'm comfortable with prepping the paperwork myself, having had to repudiate all the old cards, and related legal actions. One other question; will applying for PPI claimback have any impact upon my existing credit cards or relationships with my new credit providers? AFAIK none of my new providers are the same as those defaulted, however, due to the many relationships companies have, perhaps some are linked. Thanks in advance peeps.
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