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Found 2 results

  1. Hey guys I was at the Xercise4less gym in Bradford on a 14.99 rolling contract i signed up for it on 8/10/2015 and the last direct debit to leave my account was on 7/4/16 I cancelled the direct debit and thought that was it - which is what i had been told by a staff member but evidently this wasn't true. Since then i have been receiving letters for £222 from harlands, moving to CRS and now finally SprattEndicott who are considering legal action. Funnily enough out of sheer laziness i only ever used the gym in the first two months and paid 5 Months of gym membership for nothing I have spoken to sprattendicott on the phone, having ignored the others so far, and they said to email them whatever response i have to say / stating my issue. If theres any more info needed il add it in Thanks for any help you guys offer!
  2. can anyone advise me on what to do, I started a gym membership with fitspace for 12 months my bank account was closed I wrote a letter to the gym a few months after I started getting calls and emails from crs which I ignored I recently received a letter from Spratt endicott threatening legal action in 7 days. The amount crs claims I owe is £270 which is ludicrous as I was paying £16 a month from January up until may. Can anyone advise me on what to do as I also don't want my credit rating to be affected
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