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Found 2 results

  1. Hi Everyone, The question is in the title really. I know someone who has been off work for some time with severe depression (they are in their 60's and worked al their lives). They went for their ESA medical and failed it, only achieving 6 pts. On going back to the GP, the person was told that he would not be issued with another sick note, as he had failed his assessment. So they are now getting no money off the Govt and the sickness benefit from the employer has expired. Is this right and any suggestions what they should do? I have said they should return to the GP, but I know there is a wealth of knowledge here who can point me in the direction I should be advising this person to take. Many thanks in advance
  2. Ok. I am in the IB to ESA reassessment phase. I am currently awaiting a medical appointment which is delayed as I want it recorded. However I have been told I need to send in regular sicknotes although I have not had any requests in writing and I am not on assessment rate ESA. Is this actual policy? I am sending the sicknotes but its a pain to do and only made easier so far by a local DWP manager handing it all for me. However she now is telling me to deal withe BDC direct which will make things harder as they wont send out envelopes etc.
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