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Found 2 results

  1. I brought a Beko cooker from Comet over a yr ago took out 5 yr cover. Since I brought it, the oven turns itself off in the middle of baking!! Anyway 6 months ago I noticed the paint work at the botton of the cooker is rusting either side, when I asked for a replacement they said I was not entitled to it cos it's only cosmetics & does not interfere with the cooking / baking!!! Told them it was under 1 yr old & that should not happen they then said sometimes it does & they lef it at that. Cover runs out in 2017 what are my rights (
  2. Hi, First post so I hope ive started this thread correctly:-) I have the above side by side fridge freezer which I believe has had other issues (mechanical). My problem is that it is showing signs of rust around the water dispenser. At first it was noticed about twelve months back and yes it should have been questioned then but it honestly looked like little stains which of course it was but rust? I contacted Samsung a few months back and their reply was that as it was out of warranty I would need to arrange an engineer (theirs) to view it at my expense. The chap I spoke to on the phone seemed uniterested tbh and went on to say that drip trays collected water and I could expect rust or words like that as metal and water did these things! Other event took my eye of the problem but I eventually contacted their engineer and I am getting a visit tomorrow. My question is. What can I expect from Samsung?
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