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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I don't have any questions, but I used this forum a lot to read similar cases to mine and as mine has been resolved today I thought I'd share my story as a source for anyone who has the same problems. I have had a gambling problem for a few years, which often leaves me short of money each month. Unfortunately, this led to me making the terrible decision to buy a zone 1-2 travelcard when I live in zone 6 as the station I go to doesn't have barriers. I often work late so I rarely get the train home (usually a cab paid for by the company I work for) and so I justified it to myself this way. I would say that I did this for around a year and a half until I got found out. I didn't get caught in person, I just got a letter from SWT requesting that I attend an interview. I was very panicked, particularly as it was around 3 weeks waiting and the letter only said it was due to an inconsistency either on or before a certain date. I made sure I bought the correct ticket from the day I received this letter, and attended an interview mid April. I didn't take anyone with me, and I'm glad of that. A man came to collect me from the station entrance and was quite abrupt, making me more nervous, but explained that they would ask me questions and they were looking for an admittance of guilt. I was taken to the interview room where it became apparent that this man was a scribe (they were unable to record the interview for some reason). The man conducting the interview put me at ease quickly, he was kind and calm, offering me a break whenever I wanted. I was surprised to see that they had an entire file on me, including my facebook profile picture and my place of work. This worried me instantly as I work for a finance company and therefore any prosecution could ruin my career. The interview took a very long time, around 2 and a half hours in total as everything was handwritten down. Every time they start a new line of questioning they have to re-caution you and this being written down was quite annoying and just made me more nervous. I answered everything honestly. I will admit I thought about lying and saying it had been less months but I had noticed the transcript from my oyster card had a date from 2015, so everything I had read here about them only being able to go back around 8 months is not correct. I was completely honest and apologised for my actions. Once the interview was over, I was taken to get a copy of the transcript, I can't say I particularly wanted it but I was glad I did. The man who conducted the interview took me aside and said it was not up to him what would happen but the likelihood of me being offered a settlement was very likely due to the following reasons: 1. I am only 23, and prosecution would likely result in future lost revenue for SWT if I lost my job 2. It was a first offence 3. I had come to the interview and been honest I then had to wait a few weeks, I got the letter a month after my initial interview. My total settlement was offered at around £900, with over £700 of this being admin and operational fees. I will say I was surprised as I was expecting to be asked to pay around 3-4 times this amount. The total avoided fee charge was only £150 which again I was surprised at and very generous of SWT. I am paying the bill today and hopefully that will be the end of the matter. I would like to thank CAG for being a place I could use to ease my mind, there was one thread in particular that I can no longer find that seemed to be very similar to mine that really calmed me prior to the interview. And to anyone who finds themselves in this situation, it is not the end of the world but it is a good wake up call to make sure you make some changes in your life. I'm looking forward to putting this behind me.
  2. I'm looking for advice on how best to deal with the problems I'm currently facing with my employer. I started working for this small company full-time in February of this year, having previously worked for them for a short spell in 2012. I was glad to be asked back and the first few weeks went fine. After a period of absence due to illness (one working week, monday to the friday, unpaid) I was told in the March that I still had a job but the terms of my contract had changed, and I was now on a temporary "zero-hours" contract for 4 weeks, after which I'd be put back to my normal "full-time" contract. They were still allowing me to take my weeks planned holiday in April but now I'd no longer be entitled to any holiday pay. This was all put to me verbally. I've never seen an actual contract at all in all my time there, and requests for written confirmation of any of these changes or to actually see the terms of my employments are met with replies of "I'll look into it". Fast forward to two weeks ago. Under the impression I'm now a "full-time" employee, the police roll in looking for me on a Thursday morning to tell me my dad unexpectedly passed away. Cue more unexpected time off work dealing with the shock, planning (and attending) his funeral and trying to sort out his estate. By sheer bad luck I'd had another few days holiday arranged the week of the funeral (authorised back in February), so I've been absent for about 2 weeks now. While my employer seems to be understanding that these are circumstances out of my control and allowed me time off work, I haven't been paid for any of it. Not even the two "holiday" days. Feeling utterly shafted. I know little about how leave due to bereavement works, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is correct and I'm not entitled to anything. But surely I'm entitled at least to holiday pay? They can't just keep changing the terms of my contract to [problem] me out of paid holidays can they? I'm getting increasingly frustrated. I have little choice but to return to work on Monday. I have little mouths to feed as well as my own here. But surely they can't keep getting away with treating me like this? Are they not obligated to notify me of any changed to contract in writting? Why don't I have a copy of my actual contract surely I have a right to see it? I hope someone can help. No idea where to start. I've wrote to citizens advice only earlier tonight but their opening hours clash with my working hours, so actually attending their local office could be problematic. Please, does anyone know where I should start? Feeling utterly shafted. Thanks in advance. Bert
  3. Hello, I am not sure if this is the correct board to post in, please feel free to move this thread if this is the case. Hello CAG, I am a new member here! Please bare with me as I try to explain my issue: I have been a Microsoft customer for almost 12 years and now they seem to be stone walling me with an issue in relation to Halo 2 for PC. I first contacted them on 7th April and I have reported my issue to them almost on a daily basis since then and I have not got a very good service. I have been repeatedly fobbed off, lied to, and only ended up extremely frustrated at the end of each contact. Only saying I have to wait a number of days despite being given dates that have been and gone including 13th, 14th and 15th April for a solution. And yet, here I am, still waiting for an answer. The problem is simple. I have Halo 2, it requires an activation key to be used. I have entered that activation key and it activates successfully when you activate it online over the internet. When I try and play the game, I get the following screen: The game I have is completely original, bought from a store around 7 years ago and I have had no trouble with it till now. I have contacted Microsoft repeatedly about this (I have chat logs to prove it) and on each occasion, I have had false promises of this and that. I have the original game and here is the picture as proof: I don't know what else Microsoft need to provide me a solution to this problem. I omitted the key from this post in order to prevent it being misused by other people, but I forwarded the original and unedited image to Microsoft's customer support in it's entirety including the key. And 8 days after bringing it to thier attention, I am still being fobbed off and lied to with false promises that have never materialised. I have now been told to wait till the 18th and that would equal 11 days after first bringing the problem to thier attention. Even though I was promised a reply and a solution on the 13th, 14th, and today yet I am still waiting and now being told to wait till the 18th. This is AFTER I was promised a solution on the other said 3 days, and nothing came. Is Microsoft support this bad? I have had enough of the diabolical treatment I have received the the lies I have been told for 8 days as of today. Is Microsoft THAT incompetent and ignorant? I am at the end of my tether and extremely frustrated, what can I do about this to force the issue and get a solution as promised repeatedly on 3 different days that I was promised a solution? Thanks in advance.
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