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Found 4 results

  1. Hello some may remember my posts before where i have made IRL complaint with several companies as i recover from my gambling addiction, can someone give advice on how to respond to Oakam now? i have attached their response thank you i have referred this to ombudsman but now they are saying " The letter we have sent to you on 6 July 2018 did offer a resolution to your complaint. For clarity, your complaint was upheld. At this time, you have not yet paid back the principle sum you have received so we cannot offer you a refund. However, the interest due on the loan has been waived so the account can be closed after the £150 you have received has been repaid. As you have paid £11.98 towards the sum, you do have just £138.02 left to pay. This balance is frozen. We note that this resolution is in line with the guidelines set by the Financial Ombudsman Service. Did you receive our letter dated 6 July 2018 or do you have further comments regarding its content? "
  2. I emailed Oakam about 6 weeks ago regarding my irresponsible lending claim against them. They wrote back a little over a month ago saying they needed four weeks to investigate and to expect a full response within eight weeks. That was 5 weeks ago. This morning I got an email from Lantern Debt Recovery Services Ltd. saying Oakam had sold my loan to them and I was to deal directly with Lantern from now on. What should I do now? Just wait for Oakam to respond or start the whole thing again with Lantern or go to the FOS?
  3. Hello all. I was foolish to take out a bonus loan with this company and have been paying them 45 pound per week for the last 10 weeks. There are another 42 weeks to pay and I am now in a position to repay early. Can anyone tell me if I have to pay the full amount of interest on this loan? They are telling me I do!!! I have had numerous roll overs with them hence the reason I owe them this amount. I apparently have gold status with them. Whoopee. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. They seem to think I have to pay another 42 weeks worth of interest!!
  4. Hi Caggers had a look around about Oakam and didn't really find much. Posting this on behalf of the in laws, they had a loan with these people, being OAPs and rising costs they couldn't afford the repayments of about £67 a week (yes I know). I did them a letter back in June with a repayment offer but this just increased the amount of phone calls they got. Then out of the blue after 5 months they got a Default Notice letter. Now from personal experience it doesn't look like a default notice and they refer to another letter that was previously sent to the in laws that was never received. This letter I'm taking for granted would have had the Loan Amount, Default Amount and you have 28 days from this letter to sort out before we issue a DN. Now should I ignore the DN and get a SAR into Oakam for them or challenge the DN so they can reissue it correctly. The letter also said 14 days and its passed to the Debt Collectors, not that I'm bothered and I've told my in laws not to worry if this happens either. I'd just like to know the next best step as reading one of the posts on here, I think my mother in law would have a fatal heart attack if she got a letter via the post asking for 159 grand. Any help as always is much appreciated. PM
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