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Found 3 results

  1. new to the site hope I'm not going to bore you. received my ISA maturing letter, it talks of 5 options the last one "simply withdrwaw your cash close the account". When you look for the option in the list to tick and put details of the account where you want the cash to go to, it does not exist, only now got 3 options non to close account. So it says if options dont suit your needs phone this number, I phone select the closing account option, I'm asked have I considered other options etc. I ask to close the account, after many security details including Nat No, I'm asked for my phone banking pin, I don't use phone banking I will be registered and halifax will send me one, I dont bother because on the letter is a web site for maturing ISA's to give your maturing details, I go to the web site and guess what the option to close the account is not on there, I complain and I'm given £40 and £5 for my distress and phone call, I'm told I will need to go into the branch with passport or driving licence and they will take my instructions, I don't have a local branch in my town. I'm then told I will have to wait till it matures and then go on-line and do a transfer myself, so the letter that says I need to give you 5 days notice does not allow you to close the account and the web does not,... in my opinion the letter is purely based around investing back with Halifax if I was old and not thinking correctly I could be fooled into thinking the only options are to reinvest with Halifax, come on Halifax not good enough, very, very,very P***** O**
  2. Hi In December ’89 I brought a property for £53,500. I paid a mortgage indemnity guarantee at the time the mortgage. I also started an endowment policy. The initial mortgage company split the mortgage in two giving a main and top up mortgage. This company went bust and the mortgage was sold off to another company (still in two parts). This company then sold the mortgage on again (still in two parts) to a sister company of Halifax (HL6 ltd). I was repossessed in October ’97. The property was then sold for £23,000 by the mortgage company to pay off the debt. This left £30,000 negative equity. At the time of repossession I informed the court , the solicitors acting on behalf of the mortgage company of my new contact details. I did receive a letters for a short time from the solicitors telling me what was going to happen, including a form asking me for my income and outgoings, presumably so they could work out how much I would have to payback each month. This was filled in returned. The letters stopped. I wrote to them asking what was happening, several times over the next few months. I stopped writing and I have still never heard anything. I must add that the contact details I gave to the courts and solicitors was my parents address (where they still live) so I have always be reachable. My endowment is with AXA and is now worth £5,000 (I stopped paying into it when I was repoed). I contacted them to cash it in, they said it is OK but I need a statement of no further interest form the holders of the deeds. The told me it was a company called ‘Berkshire Capital funding’ (never heard of this company). Done some research on them, it seems they buy debts, which they then try and recover. I have written to the court where I was repossessed, got a letter back saying that my case had gone to file. I do not have any of the old mortgage contracts. What I would like to know. Can I safely get my endowment money back, with out string up a hornets nest (ie them now starting to chase me for the £30,000)? None of the above has seemed to effect my credit rating, I have been able to get a mortgage on two different properties. ---- Received a letter today saying that the endowment will mature on 1 may 2013. The company ‘Berkshire Capital funding’, I have checked today and they no longer exists it was dissolved. Still to this date i have never received any communication from anyone regarding this thats 16 years now. Hope this makes sense. Many thanks for any advice Dave
  3. good evening. I do hope i am doing this correctly its my first visit !!!. I havent had to chance to consult the CAB etc as yet, but suffering from so much aniexty about this issue. My father died from a teminal illness back in february, We were all under the impression that he would have his fiances in order, but he didnt leave anything, probably knowning that his illness was terminal he didnt bother paying the mortage, debts etc. Neither did he advise us that he has charging orders on the home since 2000. My mother decided to put everything in the drawer (land registry) when putting house in her name solely. she didnt look at them until now so therefore it has prompted me to write !. The mortgage due to mature in october 2012, so will have put the house on the market as they will not roll over the mortgage and she is to old to remortgage. 1. Do charging orders go if over six years old. 2. Is my mother responsible for the charge now. 3. How does she appeal to the court, as these were not her debts and had no knowledge of them 4. If she is now responsible does she have to pay the creditor/creditors on completion of the sale or sometime later. The house is not worth what is was, will not be alot left if she has this to deal with this 5. Will this be a problem when potential buyers do searches. 6. My father has left £82.000 on the mortgage which cannot be paid, will barclays start court proceeding. We have consulted them and they are based in leiceister and they dont wish to help us in any way 7. Could the court grant her occupancy of he current property indefinately. She is now 70, has a disability, so have I, and when I am ill she looks after my daughter. the interest is being paid Please help I am so scared of this outcome, its been a horrid 2 years and it doesnt appear to be getting better, care of my deceased father......kind regards
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