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Found 4 results

  1. I've received a letter from legal recoveries and collection (LRC) saying I owe a previous employer money and need to repay in full within 2 weeks. Although I've moved house since changing jobs, my phone number and email address is the same I've not been contacted by my employer to say I owe them anything. Somehow LRC have also managed to get my mobile number (assuming from my previous employer as I'm ex directory) and they're now calling and texting but won't speak to me until I confirm my personal details - which I don't feel comfortable doing. Do I need to speak to them? What are my options given I left my employer over 12 months ago? Thanks
  2. Hi has anybody heard of this or had any dealings with with agency? they have sent me two rather nasty letters in space of a week asking me to contact them regarding a debt that has been assigned to LLC acquisition on 30.1.2010 (four years ago!!) I don't recall this and some how they are now saying I must pay 753.52 by 11:00 on Thursday before advising their partner soliictors to issue a county court summons what is the letter that you send asking for proof over the debt? it a CCA? I sent one of these to a company a few years back but I cannot remember for life of me what it was called - is this what I should do in this case?
  3. good evening all, I think you are all going to enjoy this I have come home this evening to 2 messages on my answerphone asking for the person who had my telephone number before me (it was assigned to myself 8 YEARS ago) this message named the person in full, said the call was from LRC Ltd and gave a reference number now am I correct in thinking this is a CLEAR breach of the data protection act as not only have the identified the persons FULL name but also the fact that a debt collection agency is trying to contact them as well? by the way I have never updated the answer machine msg on my line so it still says "hello, we are not able to answer your call right now so please leave a message" so they have no way of identifying who the telephone number belongs to! if they have breached oh BOY am I going to have some FUN with them via OFT, ICO and watchdog amongst others
  4. hi, been awarded DLA, lower rate care, dont know whether to appeal or not. What are my chances of getting Middle Rate Care? My GP report says she needs freq attention throughout day in connection with bodily functions. That is relating to middle rate care i think. What is the process of appeal? Just based on paperwork, or a similar medical like atos kind? Would LRC stop whilst appeal is in process, or LRC would continue? If they decide no DLA/LRC is awarded, they will ask for money back? I hear an appeal could cause the LRC award to be revised to nothing, so thats a worst case scenario. thankyou
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