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Found 4 results

  1. I have my own personal collection of law books in my bedroom for me to study and reference. Although this is mine it is often used by other family members and friends to study. It is also why I know more than I used to when I first joined CAG. I have just written down just a few of my titles at random. Please feel free to read my PDF as this has the list of most of my collection of law books.... attachment.pdf
  2. I found this lovely document and hope that this will be helpful to the forum Happy reading see my attachment MM
  3. House of Commons Library: Parking Policy October 2014 I found this lovely document and hope that this will be helpful to the forum Happy reading see my attachment MM
  4. Hi, Hope this is the correct place to post. I am unable to access the library section despite having accessed it many times before . It is saying i don't have permission , can anyone point me in the right direction please. Andy
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