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Found 2 results

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-39311336 http://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-corruption-food-idUSKBN16R1MH Brazil meat-packing giants 'exported rotten beef' "They accuse more than 30 companies of a number of unhygienic practices. Among them are JBS, the world's largest beef exporter, and BRF, the world's top poultry producer." "They used acid and other chemicals to mask the aspect of the product. In some cases, the products used were carcinogenic," the police said. In other cases, potato, water and even cardboard paper was mixed with chicken meat to increase profits." after 2 year investigation ..
  2. hello all I have a problem regarding import VAT for my business. At the start of the year, I purchased goods from a company in Saudi on agreed payment terms of 60 days from shipping date. When I received the relevant documents, I forwarded these onto my customs clearing agent, who then took care of duty, vat etc on my behalf using their deferment HMRC account, and I would then pay back to them the sum paid in VAT once I had received the goods. however, the supplier in Saudi then changed their minds on the payment terms and insisted on a bank guarantee from me (letter of credit or such like) which I was not in a position to offer. therefore, they changed the consignee for the goods to a company based in the UK with whom they already dealt with, and this company took complete ownership. I then completed my vat return for the period, but HMRC are refusing to issue a reclaim on the vat associated with these goods as my business never took ownership, but of course the agent acting on my behalf had paid the duty and vat on my behalf. the other uk company refused to pay the vat, although they paid the duty element direct to my agent as they had now taken the goods themselves. therefore, I have not paid any sums to the supplier or the agent, and the agent are now trying to take me to court for the outstanding amount they paid originally (£11,500) HMRC still refuse my claim, the company who have taken ownership of the goods have agreed with HMRC that they will pay the vat for these goods in their sales (which will show on their VAT return), and my agent is currently £11,500 out of pocket I have tried speaking with all parties involved without success, and now face the prospect of losing in court and having to make the payment of £11,500 plus costs although I haven't ever actually received any goods any advice on this would be appreciated
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