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Found 1 result

  1. Hi all, My boiler (Ideal H30 - 6 years old), has been ruled beyond economical repair. They tried to sell me a new install, cost = £2900. I have their formal quote in writing. They recommended a Wocester Bosch (model 30si) for this house in quote. After this - I did research. We infact, do qualify for a free boiler replacement. We meet all the conditions. Spoke to them - they confirmed, you are entitled to free boiler replacement. My question: For the free replacement, they want to use a different boiler than the one recommended in the quote. As my current boiler (ideal HE30) is no longer manufactured, they want to replace it with the closest model (Ideal Logic 30HE). Ideals boilers , get very poor ratings when I've looked (e.g Which? Gas boilers owners' views score = 59%). It has a low reliability rating (below 60%). I would like to get a different boiler fitted. I would like to know what my options are, and what my rights are. 1.How could I viably challenge their choice of the replacement ( now an Ideal H30 instead of the Worcester that they initially recommended). (Preferred). 2.If not, how can I get them to make xxxx funds avaliable, I chip in more - to get the one I want- i.e. their costs remain the same ,but, I make up the difference.(Acceptable). 3.If not what approach can I take take, to get them to send me cheque instead for the value of the boiler - I will chip in more and buy a new one myself.(Worst case). I'm not bashing BG. Nothing like it. Just want to create a win win solution. Thanks all.
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