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Found 2 results

  1. I purchased a £400 tablet in November. And it's since developed several faults. They are. Tablet Screen is becoming unresponsive for 20-30 minute's at a time. The tablet is becoming incredibly hot. A system is popping up when the tablet is not in use (I only notice the error when i go to unlock it sometimes) The error is ''Unfortunately the UI has stopped working'' - Causing the tablet to crash. I have the receipt. Can i take this product back to Argos? And if so what can they do for me? As I'm a student this is what i use to make note's and research with whilst in class. So i can't really be without it. I don't want another one as I did some research last night when the screen stopped working , and it seems other people are having the same problems.
  2. Hello, // sorry for the long post, probably too much detail I bought a £15k brand new car about 6 months ago (6 months and 12 days) from a VW dealer on finance (HP), the car developed a fault (probably a minor fault, not sure yet though) with the clutch and had a problem with the rear wiper, the clutch being the issue I was mostly concerned of. As this is my first car, I was more enthusiastic about the fact that I have a car rather than noticing problems with it, also I didn't realise initially that there was in fact a problem with the car only after I looked it up and saw that it's not normal for the clutch to be like mine and then I reported it to the dealer. This took about 2 months and 15 days unfortunately (I guess?), when I initially emailed the sales person to ask about the problem and instruct me what I should do to have it checked, while he said this might be a characteristic of the car I insisted to get it checked out by a technician and presumably repaired if a fault is present. As expected, they got the car checked and found a fault, while it took about 1 week to get it sorted as they forgot that my car was there, for which they apologised but that was not a big deal for me as I'm not trying to cause anyone problems in general, they "fixed" the problem and I got the car back at some point in Nov. last year. The problem stopped for about 3 weeks and then it cropped up again, exactly the same clutch problem that happened before, as it was already close to holidays and such I kept going like this while keeping an eye on specialist forums to see what the problem might be, if I'm going crazy, and what options do I have. As the holidays passed I decided to book the car in for another check to see if they can fix the problem (and also adding another problem that showed up since last service check), I told the dealer about the problems at the end of Jan, about 10 days before reaching 6 months since the car was bought, and the dealer, after checking the car, he said for the clutch that it might be just wear & tear and I might have to pay for it, but I should not worry just yet until they confirm the problem. In the meantime I got really worried that I might have to pay for something that's obviously not wear & tear, also their technician confirmed that the usual price for this kind of fix, if it's wear & tear, it's about £600-700, which got me even more worried. After they kept the car for about 1 week and the car got a new clutch completely, the problems were not fixed and also they introduced a new problem which, as I could only replicate the new issue and the clutch problem I told them about 2 days (got the car back on Wed and told them Fri morning, as I didn't get the chance to drive it too much until Thu night) after I got the car back from service and also managed to get a technician to confirm and replicate these 2/3 problems, and now I'm waiting to book it for another service to get these (hopefully) fixed once and for all. Now I'm seriously thinking about giving the car back, I'm worried that if this problems comes back in the future I will have to a large enough (for me) amount to get it fixed and that's exactly what I wanted to avoid by buying a new car... so I know I would prefer to change the car but I don't know if that's a real option, obviously without having to pay the negative equity on the finance. Does it help at all that the I told the dealer just 10 days before the end of the initial 6 months? Would getting a refund be a real option as the repair was unsatisfactory? If so, should I ask them to inspect the car and reject the repairs that they might want to carry as a result of the inspection that's going to happen next week? I would appreciate if anyone could give any advice on what should I do or who might be best to contact about this, until now all the communication was between me and the dealer, also as of today I have told the sales person which initially sold the car to me that I'm thinking of replacing the car. Thank you! -John
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