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Found 3 results

  1. I have been on job-seeker allowance for about 2 years. At the end of 2013 my JSA claim was closed and I am in a process of appealing this decision, but due to the fact that I nearly depleted whatever savings I have left I am about to borrow money from a friend to keep me going until I sort myself out (I know I can go through the JSA rapid-reclaim procedure, but for reasons I won't bother you with I don't want to do that). She was kind enough and agreed to do that on a monthly basis until my appeal goes through. The amount I'd like to borrow isn't big (it is comparable to the JSA I was getting) though what I'd like to know is this: - If my appeal is successful and my claim is restored/reopened (as I think will be the case) should I let DWP know about this arrangement (what happens if I don't?)? Is this going to affect the JSA benefit claim and if so, am I going to get less JSA because I borrowed the money from somebody to keep me going? - If my appeal is successful am I right to assume that: a) my claim will be reopened and restored to the state it was previously; and b) all money I am owed in JSA payments from the date of closure to the date on which my case is restored will be paid to me, regardless of the fact that I haven't attended any (fortnight) appointments at the job centre during that period - obviously, since the claim was closed during that time; - If b) above is correct am I going to be asked to produce evidence that I have complied with the JSA agreement during that period (doing job searches etc)? - Can I claim compensation from DWP for preventing me from using certain "benefits" during that period where I was "out"? I had to, for example, pay for my own prescriptions - something I would have been entitled to for free if they haven't decided to close my claim? Many thanks in advance!
  2. long story edited highlights ... My mother claimed income support and council tax benefit in March 2010. The IS was turned down so appealed and reclaimed IS which was successful on second claim. The CTB was paid from when IS was successful. The IS appeal was successful and payments back dated to March. Council will not backdate council tax even though IS was received for that period. They have now issued summons for CT to obtain a liability order with the view to make deductions from earning / benefit or instruct bailiffs. Council has been phoned and the benefit claim handler wont take call or phone back to discus the case, council tax people say council tax is due until benefit has been calculated. The council were notified of the successful appeal 10 months a go and have stated they have evidence IS was not awarded for that period even though they have been sent entitlement letter and details of the appeal. Basically if they back dated the CTB to 1st April 2010 then there would be no CT due as per IS appeal Recovery team have said they are entitled to recover the money and its pointless turning up at the court as you wont get to explain this to the magistrate. were do we go from here ...
  3. My local council has re-visted all the years from 1995 - today and revised my entitlement to benefit. In some of those years the benefit had laready been revised previously and I had made payments (or not if they revised and found okay). Can they revise entitlement more than once for the same period of time?
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