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Found 3 results

  1. How long do you have to work consistently over your contracted hours before you can request your contract to be changed to the hours you are working
  2. Hi everyone, I have a contract of 16 hours per week. My average hours worked comes to just over 30 each week. I have always done about this since I started working there 3 years ago. Do I have any rights as to getting my contract hours upped, or do I just have to settle for what I am currently doing? Any advice appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Hi guys, Hope someone can help. A DCA contacted me with an alleged debt owed to Orange, I had no knowledge of the debt, asked for evidence, none provided. I spoke to Orange who said the alleged debt had been sold to the DCA so they couldn't even discuss it. Heard no more about it so assumed the error had been resolved. In 2011 I got a letter from Orange and a new DCA saying Orange had sold the debt to them. I wrote to both, again stating I had no knowledge of the alleged debt, please provide proof. Also argued that as Orange had claimed to have sold the debt previously, where was the Notice of Assignment from the old DCA back to Orange? Didn't hear anything from Orange and the new DCA said I would have to prove the debt didn't exist via a letter from Orange, got a couple more standard letters but then heard no more from either. I've just checked my credit report and the (new DCA) have registered a default. In addition to this it seems they are registering a 'non-payment' every month. The alleged initial default was in 2009 but if they keep registering a default every month effectively it will never drop of my credit report. Furthermore, even I did owe the outstanding amount, the DCA have bought the full amount, I have made no agreement with the DCA to make a monthly payment so how can I be defaulting every month?! Orange don't respond to my letters and DCA won't stop until they get a letter from Orange confirming it was an error so I'm stuck with an alleged debt that I have no knowledge about. Is there any way I can get them to stop adding defaults and remove what is there? And also, insist on receiving proof of the debt? As it's a phone contract apparently the CCA rules don't apply as credit isn't involved so I'm a bit stuck with this one! Thanks for any help
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