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Found 3 results

  1. ??? Dissolves Nails and Pennies So here is an interesting fact–if you leave pennies or nails in a jar of coke for more than three days they will dissolve. Yup, completely disintegrate. So, that poses the question if it can dissolve metal, what is it exactly doing to our insides? Hmm? Removes Debris from car engines This trick is used by many experts in the automotive industry and we have to admit we shuddered at the thought of drinking a liquid that can strip oil and engine build-up out of a motor. Many professionals use this technique because it’s cheap and the acidity of the coke works better than most professional cleaners. Strips Paint off metals If you have metal lawn furniture or an older gate that needs repainting, you can easily strip the old paint off by soaking it in coke. Thanks to the acidity levels and the carbonation, the coke will separate the paint from the metal, making it easier to remove and repaint. Cleanses Toilet Bowl We’re not sure you would drink toilet bowl cleaner, so we have to ask you to think twice about coke. Instead of that blue block you throw in your toilet bowl, letting a can of coke soak in your toilet overnight is an easy way to clear it of those unsightly stains. Removes Tarnish If you’ve got some old silverware or candlesticks that have become tarnished over the years, all you need to do is soak them in a bucket of coke. Yep, you read that right! Coke has the ability to remove that nasty tarnish that makes your valuables look like they’ve come from a sunken ship. And you drink this stuff, yummo! Cleans Ovens Why waste money on expensive oven cleaners? All you need is a bottle of coke and a spray bottle and you’re good to go. The pH levels in coke makes the liquid and amazing substance for cutting grease and the carbonation helps remove tough build-up through the process of oxidation. Cleans up Oil Spills There’s nothing worse than having an oil stain on your drive way, but have no fear! Now you can clean it up easily by pouring some coke on it. Yes, you read that right, you can actually dilute and clean up oil with this classic soda. That might make you think twice of taking a swig of this sugary arsenic. Removes Rust Wow, it’s great to think that a nice glass of cold coke can also remove the rust on your bumper. Thanks to having a ph level of 07, Coke has a high acidity rating that can strip rust off of practically anything and can even make chrome look good as new. Drink up!
  2. Soft drinks makers including Coca Cola are reportedly considering suing the Government over George Osborne's plans to implement a tax on sugary drinks, which could never see the light of day. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/sugar-tax-soft-drinks-makers-coca-cola-britvic-ag-barr-legal-suing-the-government-a6943871.html
  3. Ok i was in my local Nisa shop the other day and noticed they where selling Coca Cola for £2.09 even thought on the bottle there was a yellow strip around it say £1.99 so i just thought they where still selling them at that price like it said on the bottle. Anyway my wife went to go buy some today and they charged £2.09!!! and they had cut off the £1.99 yellow label!!!!! i have taken photos of the bottle of coke and you can still see parts of the yellow label so they are making a 10p profit on this, is this allowed?
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