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  1. I have a tendency to get too involved in problems until they're solved. With that in mind, please tell me I'm being anal and to ignore it if you think I'm reading too much into this. Long story short: I received my credit report from Experian and was shocked to see 84 linked addresses. Had a closer look, then tabulated the data (enclosed picture)and found I had 13 links to 7 addresses, but duplicated up to 7 times (so 8 copies of 1 link) and at least 3 times (so 4 copies). So I had a closer look. Take a look at the table enclosed. - Each row has exactly the same date, but I've shortened it for privacy/ease of reading. - A through G are 9 years worth of addresses (Mature student at the time). - ? = no linked address, just an entry with one address. - RED squares are my anomalies of primary concern. - AMBER squares are a secondary anomaly that I think I can explain. Does anyone know why there are so many duplications? Second thing I noticed was that in almost every row, there is one link that has been ALTERED to include address D. How do I know they've been altered and weren't created like that? I began using Address D in July 2008. 5 of the links were created before that. Can anyone explain? I've obviously asked Experian, but the more I correspond with them, the less I believe them. I'm waiting for their response (My letter posted today). Lastly, the AMBER results, they appear to have been changed also. I have written in the last month to all of the companies responsible for those links and asked them to delete the links. Is it possible these are the result od this? i.e. They've been altered, but only 1 out of the duplicates has been altered? Thanks in advance of any explanation at all!
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