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  1. Hi I am writing this on behalf of my daughter who is studying abroad. My daughter joined Xercise4less in September 2013. In April 2014 she emailed them to give her intention to end membership as she was going to the states in May 2014 for 4 Months. There was no response. She was in the states with limited access to phone/email. On her return in September she realised that they had continued to take the payments from her account (she mistakenly thought they would take the mail as intention to terminate and cease requests for payment) She cancelled the direct debit immediately. She then embarked on a year abroad (which is where she still is) In April 2015 letters started to arrive from CRS at her parents (my) house demanding payment for arrears plus costs of £102.50. So total claim from CRS is £207.47 I have telephoned CRS twice and explained the situation. I have emailed Xercise4less. No reponse from either. CRS stated that they need permission to speak with me from my daughter, which they now have via email. Any advice welcome on how to end this saga. Many thanks
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