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Found 2 results

  1. My Aunt died aged 94 in hospital from Alzheimers which she had for over 10 years during which time she never left her home . I and my father,(her brother) cared for her. I was executor and it was apparent that over the past few years there had been withdrawals of large sums of money from her bank : £13,000 £5000 £6000 etc a total of £75,000 in 6 years. Her outgoings were very small, under £300 per month. I bought clothes, food etc. There was no POA. The bank refused to state who had withdrawn these amounts but when my father died aged 92 two years ago it was apparent from his bank statements that he had been responsible for these withdrawals. The financial Ombudsman has been no use . The bank stated that they phoned my aunt and she agreed the withdrawals . Their security check was that she knew her telephone number and that they 'recognised her accent'. My Aunt didn't even know what year it was and was not capable of giving her permission . As she had never left her home in 10 years I don't understand how anyone from the bank could recognise her accent. The bank are refusing to acknowledge their mistake or to recompense . I now need to know if I can claim back this money from my father's estate or how difficult would it be to take the bank to Court? Thank you for any input.
  2. Here are details of Authorised Examiners and MOT garages that have been issued with Notice of Cessation following formal disciplinary action under the rules of the MOT scheme. Trading Name...................Location...........Ceased due to...........Period.........Effective Colin W Crosby....................Wallingford.........Testing Standards........5 Years.........08/09/15 T/A Crosby Engineering. KS Auto Glasgow Ltd............Glasgow.............Administrative.............5 Years.........06/10/15 ................................................................shortcomings
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