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Found 3 results

  1. Today I got my DLA form as my current claim ends at the beginning of Dec. I currently get MRC & LRM and am happy with that. If I sent my forms in straight away and get reassessed to I risk losing my current claim sooner? EG When reassessed I only get LRC & LRM it will start straight away, or when the current claim ends? Also any clues on the turn-a-round times for DLA renewal?
  2. A friend has brought round his Annual Review form which states that he must confirm the information by the 4th August 2013. He is a married guy (33 years), was self employed working 31 hours a week for 4 years up to 31st March 2013 when he ceased. He notified Revenue & Customs that he had ceased self employment. I just couldn't believe what I was reading: Step A Mr******* Date of Birth **** Total hours worked in a week 40 Qualified for Disability Element Mrs***** Date of Birth ***** Step B Started receiving Attendance Allowance at the Higher Rate from 10th May 2012 Claim ended 28th March 2013 that you told us that you were no longer living together as a couple. Now unless his wife has moved out and he doesn't know about it or she has secretly divorced him, there is not a lot I can say. As for working 40 hours a week, he couldn't do 37 so had to retire! At the end of the day none of this actually makes any difference for his final year of WTC's so should he just ignore these gaffs or should he be pedantic and demand to know where all of this information has come from?
  3. hI Just had the decision regarding DLA for my missus, 2012 was the first claim and sent forms off again just before xmas, she was awarded HRM and LRC first time round, yet now has had the HRM stopped completely. The decision was based on, claim form, GP, Current Treatment, Medication, Test Results and Symptoms. So according to that she has now improved from last year so much she can now walk 200 yards in a reasonable manner using suitable aids although walking is limited (their statement). So they say her walking is limited yet don't say what it is limited to. So now after having a read through previous posts I assume that I need to inform them that I will be appealling, but can anyone give me a couple of answers to help me out please. Will her GP supply copies of any/all the info that they supplied to the DWP if she requested it ? Will the DWP supply them without having to go through the whole SAR procedure ? She never gets letters sent regarding test results from the hospital, so she is completely in the dark as to what these are, and the other problem is that after sending the form off to DWP she had a hospital appointment in which she was told that she will definately require surgery on her legs but pending further tests will depend on the type of procedure required so I hadn't filled the question in about waiting for surgery They just seem to have totally ignored everything that I put in the Mobility section, and I have a copy of last years form so I know what I put, and bear in mind when I filled in last years form the GP/Nurse/Hospital hadn't even began diagnosing her Mobility problem. Would I be better phoning and mentioning the forthcoming tests and impending surgery and then ask for a GL24 Form to be sent to me firstly and take it from there ? Any advice greatly received. Pete.
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