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  1. ...rt a new claim. But are now looking to take my car back and send it to another garage and stop auxillis having anything to do with it. Hopefully tomorrow I will hear from hastings but I won't hold my breath. I am still going to the omnibusman with hastings and auxillis no matter what the outcome. They moan about crash for cash claims but auxillis are worse that them people. And until companies like them are stopped insurance with remain high. Thanks...
  2. ...I am still in auxillis hire car and as far as i know auxillis will have to pay for it. Because the repairs were bad and it's not 3rd party's fault....
  3. ...I do and will have more when the reports arrive. I also do all talking with auxillis through hastings well upto the damp problem and then they just hid behind the you signed the contract . But it's mostly gone through hastings...
  4. ...has been done. The easiest thing to do is rather than play Hastings game which is to try and pursue Auxillis or their repairer, keep the responsibility squarely with Hastings. As far as I can see it is completely the responsibility and although they will continue trying to fob you off – you have to keep them in the frame and don't get diverted. This is what they will try to do. Do you have evidence of the condition of the car before it receives the further damage after the accident?...
  5. ...o I am fully comp with hastings. Don't know thw values as I am still waiting on the garage and auxillis to send them . I have requested them the reports and photos of the work and the final invoice...
  6. ...9Sorry trying to do the documents but it won't let me . Not sure what values you mean . Auxillis contract.pdf...
  7. ...when in with a dent on the rear quarter panel above the wheel To msc repairs southall through auxillis. Then msc called said it's done and they were returning it. When it arrived the chrome on the windows and door were damaged the door gap looked out of line and the roof. Plus they have stone chipped my sills. I refused the car and it was sent back. I requested that msc do not work on my car and a inspection was arranged. Msc then went ahead and Tryed to fix the bad repairs before the inspection and return the car . Even after being told not to Again I refused it. Then on the 2nd of January t...
  8. ...Hastings told me when it happened I have two choices pay my excess or use auxillis . Auxillis are a credit company that hastings was using but ended the contract in October 2019. Auxillis would not collect my car or surply a car till the contract was signed I only signed the contract because hastings sent me there I trusted hastings and that was a mistake. They knew they was no good but still sent myself and god know how many others to them...
  9. ...zling. You are insured by Hastings – and for some reason rather they have passed you over to Auxillis who have persuaded you to sign contracts with them. What have Auxillis got to do with it? What is their role? And frankly why have you signed any contracts with them at all? It seems to me that the responsibility for everything lies squarely with Hastings. In fact the responsibility lies squarely with the coach driver and in the first instance you would be chasing the coach driver – although if you are fully comprehensive then Hastings will be doing that for you. However, the chain of causation has been interrupted because accor...
  10. ...What is the contract you signed with Auxillis? I don't understand why you had to sign a contract with them. Your contract is with Hastings. If they sent the workout to Auxillis then that is their problem and the contract is between Hastings and Auxillis. This suddenly sounds a bit dodgy to me. Somebody is trying to pass liability onto someone else. Tell us more about the contract. Post a copy up in PDF format – scanned...
  11. ...ide who will do a inspection if and when I need it Tech reports have sent the report to auxillis but auxillis say they don't have it and it takes a week to get it. Again I have both tech reports and auxillis calls recorded. So I am waiting on a answer from them....
  12. ...decided to bring a engineer of my own along with the one they was sending. I made hastings and auxillis fully aware of this. I had a friend witness the 1st inspection and thought safer to have someone who knows about it there instead. The hire car issue came about because when the car was delivered on a flat back with the bad work I sent it back. Called auxillis and hastings and was told keep the hire car . Then when I started my complaint about the inspection and auxillis the same day I was not insured till 10.30am the following day. I have had the hire car since the day they collected my car....
  13. ...Here is some bedtime reading https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/search/?q=Auxillis...
  14. ...e calls recorded or just some of them. If you have got all of them recorded including your calls to Auxillis then that will be very helpful. Your story is rather garbled so I'm going to try and summarise it. You are insured through Hastings and you had an accident – not at fault. Hastings designated a company called Auxillis to undertake the repairs and you were obliged to sign a contract with them. Auxillis seem to have bungled the repairs and cause further damage which by and large has not been repaired. At some point you supplied a hire vehicle by Auxillis and it turns out that that vehicle was not insured and you were dr...
  15. ...Just some advise I have a complaint lodged with auxillis and I am waiting on a final response. But I tryed to add to the complaint and they have failed to call back yet again. And that's before the damp and the inspection they arranged without contacting me.. Hasting basically said at the start pay my excess or use auxillis . I was not told the third party's details at all. Lucky I record all my calls so I can refer to the date time and person so they can check the calls....
  16. ...ll hastings and in the end I had to move my own car to a safe parking place . Hastings sent me to auxillis so I signed a contract. Two days later my cars collected. By Msc repairs southall. Then my car came back chrome all bent door not aligned stonechip where there was none before roof looked out of line. So I sent it back called hastings and auxillis told them I did not want the garage touching my car . And auxillis arrange for acorn to do a inspection. Then the day before the inspection I get a call from the garage stating they had fixed the bad repairs and was returning the car. Even after being told not to ...
  17. ...ne, as many other people would have made the same error. It is a shame that no one from Hastings or Auxillis fully explained the claims process. It is never the job of a policyholder to even consider whether they were at fault or not for an accident. All a policyholder is expected to do is report details of the accident. The policyholder then leaves it up to their Insurance company or accident management company to work out how this wish to proceed. If you told Auxillis the third party was definitely at fault, they would have arranged a hire car on this basis. But they would have got you to agree to cover the hire car ...
  18. ... according to what we had seen on footage. But in between this happening we had also spoken to Auxillis and the long conversation. On that call we had told there that the third party was at fault. But over year later Auxillis have contacted us to pay up for hire charges because apparently we lied to them that it was non fault even though we rang Hastings but Hastings did not tell us we had to inform Auxillis. Now im trying to get Hastings to pay up as we were insured fully comp with car hire included. But Hastings keep fobbing us off to Auxillis. At first we thought it was third party fault but we admi...
  19. ...Hi Jack, Hope you are well. Any luck on the outcome with Auxillis? Me and my fiance are in a predicament too. She had an accident last year February 2018 at the time of which she was insured with Hastings. Now at the time of the incident we thought third party was at fault taking into account how the accident happened. We then went to a local unit/factory to see if they had footage. This footage made it look like my fiance was at fault. We therefore rang hastings to tell them we were at fault according to what we had seen on footage. But in between this happening we had also spo...
  20. ...l a few days later from Principia, informing me that they'd received it and that they had contacted Auxillis's agents who were going to check the info on the car's tracking device and get back to me. That was six weeks ago. Now as I know for a fact it was returned on the 13th of September, all that the tracker will show is that it was almost certainly in the compound of the hirer, in Carlisle (from where I was informed it had come, and believe it was returned to,) from that date until - probably - the 20th. of September. Now... I wonder how often the people who are in my position even check the dates on the wri...
  21. ...I promised an update and here it is: Today I received an email from Auxillis's solicitors, with an attached writ, in the form of a PDF, made out to the other driver's employers (my employers also, at the time.) I almost signed the writ, but the email advised me to check all the details very carefully, before doing so. Good job I did: Auxillis are claiming the cost of fifteen days hire of the Range Rover Evoque. In fact, it was delivered to my home address on the 5th of September 2017 and picked up on the 13th: nine days, including delivery and pick up days. I consulted my own solicitor a coup...
  22. ...nd not is student digs as it's just made things difficult. The accident management company is Auxillis....
  23. ...ary to many posts I've seen on various blogs, I've had no trouble in contacting either Principia or Auxillis. Of course, I don't know at this stage how it will all pan out, but I have received several assurances on the phone (all recorded,) that provided I cooperate with Principia, I will not be asked for money, even if they take the case to court and lose - which was my main worry. Anyway, we'll see. I'll update again as soon as there is any news....
  24. ...t I found a replacement, and that it would be claimed against the other party. I accepted, and Auxillis - who I believed were actually working on behalf of the Co-op - phoned me. I had to go through a load of questions and eventually the guy said he'd arrange for a 4x4 automatic to be delivered to my address later that day. When the delivery driver arrived, I was handed a wad of paperwork to sign. (Now for those of you out there who are already asking "Did you read it all?" There were at least eight pages of small print, I was outside on the drive, it was raining and the driver was looking at his watch, ...
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