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Everything posted by TUTTSI



    Here you go Milly... here is the link BBC NEWS | Business | OFT may compromise on bank fees have a read and see what you make of it. DSxxx
  2. Hiya M, Here is the link BBC NEWS | Business | OFT may compromise on bank fees See what you make of it. Speak v.soon. DSxxx


    Hi Milly Great to hear from you, sorry about your Judge not listening. I did read somewhere that Barclard are not going to oppose stays being lifted, how true that is I do not know also, yesterday on the BBC, they announced that the test case will probably not go ahead (you will see it in the breaking news section) LLoyds for one want to pull out and have now set there fee at £5, so others will follow suit. If the OFT case does not go ahead it leaves it clear for all of us to continue as before. Hubbys eye whilst he is out of the danger zone he now has an inflamation inside and outside of the eye so more drops and return to hospital in a month. Things could all of a sudden change, and pigs may fly. But interestingly enough hubby's business claim he received a letter from the solicitors for HSBC at the weekend and they are settling in full. Keep your pecker up.... DSxxxx
  4. Hi Sallysas No further forward I am afraid, because of personal problems this has taken the stuffing out of me. Also, the test case is not helping and I really got stuck not knowing the best way to make the claim watertight. I have been looking at the profits angle or just 8% interest etc... I will post again once I have decided on my game plan. DSxx
  5. Hi M Yes he did go yesterday to Moorfields he still has an inflamation both inside of the eye and under the eyelid and I am afraid more drops for another month. So he is still not out of the wars. Did you read in the breaking news thread this evening on the BBC that the OFT and the banks, the test case may be dropped! so heres hoping for a speedy resolution very soon. Speak to ya soon, DSxxxx
  6. My Hubby has just done a company search and found this!! Donna Pumfrey is the Company Secretary. She is MBNA'ssolicitor. Loans.Co.UK on 31/12/2006 is is wholly owned subsidury of MBNA. DS
  7. My Hubby has just done a company search and found this!! Donna Pumfrey is the Company Secretary for loans.co.uk. She the solicitor for MBNA. Loans.Co.UK on 31/12/2006 is is wholly owned subsidury of MBNA. DS
  8. Freaky, what finances.... they must have heard about our recent win with HSBC!! I have read the other thread and have joined on to that thread as I do believe we are in for some compensation!! and a hell of a lot of answers still yet to be gained. DS
  9. Ok, Guys I got this letter too, I do not or have never ever had a loan with them, but I believe I once may have applied for a loan, hence an application form. From time to time I have had calls offering me a loan over the phone and I have always told them that I was not interested. I am conemplating a SAR to find out who had access to this data, what data they have on me etc.... I do have a very comprehensive SAR letter, should I decide to do this. I also think they have SERIOUSLY contrevened security of my personal data to which Mr Greer admits to in his letter and I feel we MUST BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION for this breach. I cannot imagine that he would own up to this very serious breach unless it is a ploy to get peeps to contact them to check out if they are still at those addresses or if they can help with anything!! Anyone with any ideas on what our plan of action is, please let me know. DS
  10. I have just opened my post and received a strange letter from the above Company. They tell me that they have recently learned that information realting to me may have been among certain data sold to a third party loan companies without Loans.Co.UK permission. Apparently they say that they have reported this matter to the police. The information that may have been provided included my name, address, telephone number as well as details of my loan application form. They believe that information may be used by a third party to market financial products or it could be used to comit what is know as identity fraud. They have offered to sign me up to Credit Expert for 12 months free of charge and have apologised for this incident. Has anyone else had a similar letter and how genuine is it. Whildt I have never had a loan with them, I may once have contacted them and did not proceed so there could well be an application form. What do I do next to protect my position and am I entitled to any compensation and if so how do I go about it. Also, should I contact the Information Commisioner as my personal details have been exposed to unknown persons according to the MD of Loans.Co.UK. DS
  11. I agree, see post 706, HSBC settled my hubby's business claim this week even though the courts in their infinate wisdom decided they would stay his case. I do not think for one minute HSBC would pay up unless they had too. DS
  12. Hi Tifo You should continue with your claim, after all it is for a small amount, do not whatever you do it on MCOL as there is not sufficient space for the wording, therefore you should do a N1 claim form. Also, all MCOL claims regarding bank charges are being stayed so this is another reason to use the N1 form. It seems from another thread that I was reading yesterday Barclays Litigation team have said that if anyone opposses a stay which the courts are doing on their own motion they are not going to contest it. So I believe you would IMHO be Ok with going forward with a claim. The only thing that I am not entirely certain is that if you have had a case stayed by the FOS, have you maybe bound and agreed in writing to await the outcome of their decision as sometimes you cannot do both. It maybe worth phoning the FOS to see what you have signed for. I do hope that this helps with your decision. Regards DS
  13. Hi Icy Business Claims are also not coverered by the OFT Test case, my hubby just had a letter yesterday, D & G Solicitors advising him that they want to settle his claim, despite receiving last week a blanket stay from BARNET CC on ALL BANK CHARGE CLAIMS. won won won The trouble is with courts they see bank Charges claims and just assume that it applies to the test case! DSxx
  14. Hi BB That thread has both of my Hubbys claims one business and and one personal. Enjoy the reading and hope that my letter helps you. DS
  15. Hi BB, This is the letter which my hubby sent to the court late last week in relation to the the blanket stay that the court imposed on his buiness claim. you could amend it where necessary enclosing the letter which you received. In the meantime my hubby has now had a letter which has come from HSBC's solicitors settling his claim in full. This is the link to my hubbys claim As V Hsbc Regards DS The Court Section Barnet CC 6 September 2007 BY HAND FOR THE ATTENTION OF : MRS xxxxxxx Dear Mrs xxxxxxxxxx CLAIMANT : Axxxxxxxxxxxx DEFENDANT : HSBC BANK PLC CLAIM NO : xxxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------------------------ I write, at your suggestion, following our telephone conversation this morning whereupon I received in the post today, on behalf of my Company, a stay in proceedings ordered under the Courts own motion. As agreed, I would be grateful if you could refer this case and this letter which I have delivered today, before District Judge Gerlis, upon his return next week. I write in relation to the matters as detailed above, and specifically the order of a stay in proceedings made by District Judge Gerlis on 31 August 2007. The basis upon which a stay has been granted is with regards to awaiting the determination in the High Court of the case between the Office of Fair Trading and various banks under folio number 2007 Folio 1186 ( “ the case “ ). I respectfully request that this stay be lifted. This is upon the contention, that as the central focus and grounds for the “OFT’s” case is to determine whether or not the charges are subject to the test of reasonableness, as required under the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations (UTCCR 99), then it is not of any consequence to the basis of my claim in this case. As a Business account claimant my claim did not include any reference to nor make any reliance upon the UTCCR. As such, it would serve no purpose to delay proceedings in order to await the outcome of a case that would have no bearing or relevance upon this case. As such I respectfully request that the current stay be lifted so that this case may dutifully proceed to be heard as originally scheduled for 22 October 2007. I look forward to hearing from the Court as quickly as possible. Yours sincerely
  16. Hiya M, I Was extremely sorry to hear about your dog. So I guess their offer does not come anywhere near what your claim is for, they are such P...T....kers. My Hubby out of the blue yesterday received a letter from D & G Solicitors on behalf of HSBC on his buiness claim which was stayed by the court last week they have given him a full refund, they obviously did not match up the stay with his file. Yeh, so now he is getting paid on that claim. It is some consolation and will go towards the Mortgage which has got into arrears during this summer with hubbys eye ops... Business claims are not under the auspice of the OFT test case and neither are Credit Card Claims. I read that someone on CAPITAL ONE also had a win yesterday. So I guess it is one down and two to go. Still have not decided on how to proceed with the Halifax I guess too much going on and not enough time in the day to concentrate on everything. As you know the last 13 weeks have been very fraught for me. Anyway, Monday he is back at Moorfields for the final 6 week check, so fingers crossed that his eye has healed. I look forward to speaking to you when you are able, all the best DSxxxxx
  17. To be honest I do not know of any personal account claims that have been settled since the announcement by the OFT except one case who had her benefits taken with charges and the judge has lifted the stay, but that is not D & G. DS
  18. Hi Yorkie I tried to find your thread of your claim but it appears that you have started so many different threads it was hard to follow. Gosh that is a fair size claim and the sooner it is in your pocket the better. Have you checked if your court is staying ALL claims, because our court have actually stayed this business claim. Just as well D & G obviously did not tie up this fact before they sent out the letter. My hubby actually hand delivered a letter to the District Judge advising him that Business claims are not under the auspice of the OFT Test Case and requested that the stay be lifted. Also, did your court give any special directions ie, advise both parties what documents they had to include in their bundles. Because if they did and they do not comply which they wont, you could have a there defence struck out. If you do not hear from D & G later this comming week, I would definately give them a nudge. DS
  19. Yorkie, I would imagine your will get your letter or a frantic phone call any day now. As a matter of interest did they put in the standard defence including the UTTCR's, if they did as they did with my hubby's case he highlighted this to the DJ at the AQ stage. Their defence was an absolute sham. If they do not connect you, you can always call D & G and give them a nudge, but I feel pretty certain that they will contact you any day soon.... DS
  20. TUTTSI


    Thanks Lats, it could not have come at a better time after the worst summer we have had with Hubby and his eye ops..... my Son with Kidney stones. Yes so do have a drink, make it a double.... celebrations all the way. DS
  21. TUTTSI


    Hi Freaky, That would be nice but there are two claims in this thread a personal one and the business one both with HSBC for my hubby. Unless there is a way of separating the two without to much hassle. At least now we know for sure that D & G have realised that Business claims are not part of the OFT test case, even though their defence was for a bank charge claim, I think they goofed up big time. DS
  22. Hi Penfold My hubby received a letter to day offering to settle in full on his business claim, his court date was due in October, the courts on their own motion put a stay on the proceedings, which was wrong as business claims are not under the auspice of the OFT test case and hubby did a letter to the courts last Thursday which was hand delivered and HEY PRESTO to day D & G on behalf of HSBC have offered the full amount and now no court proceedings. DS
  23. TUTTSI


    OH WELL...... no need to have done the letter to court as to day in the post hubby received a letter from D & Solicitors on behalf of HSBC on the Business claim....... and they have agreed to settle in full, NO COURT CASE now. One down and one to go. WON WON WON
  24. Hi PM, I wish this was the case that you are thinking.... today apart from having Hubby's Business claim offer he also received a letter from the very same Solicitors on his Personal bank Charge Claim with HSBC advising him that they are requesting a stay from the courts. They are a little late as the courts had already stayed both of his cases. Business claims do not come under the auspice of the OFT test case therefore, I believe that is the only reason that they have agreed to settle. I also, think that they have not matched up the orders for the stays from the courts with the files as miracuously this particular file was probably in the typing bay and the letters crossed in the post. I did read however that someone in the LLoyds forum has had an inkling that Lloyds may be about to pull out from the OFT test case and are setting up a new department to deal with the barrage of claims that have to be paid out. Now if this were the case and the other banks pull out as well this could be a really good for all of us. But sadly, I do not think that this is the case. We can all live in hope! so near yet so far from completing our current claims. DS
  25. WON ......... Hi everyone, GREAT NEWS, D & G Solicitors for HSBC on Hubby's Business claim have sent an offer of payment for the full amount today. The court made a stay last week, the court hearing was due to be heard in October, my hubby wrote on Thursday to the court requesting the stay to be lifted as the courts had made blanket stayed all Bank Charge Claims. What a surprise this morning D & G wrote with a full offer they obviously had not tied up the stay given by the court. So now he does not have to do his bundle, or go to court. GREAT NEWS I never thought this was going to happen, so keep up the good work here and don't accept stays by the court and it is definately worth at court stage contacting the litigation department in your own case and asking them to settle as in your case as a buisiness claimant is not governed by the OFT case. ds
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