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Everything posted by MrShed

  1. Oh dear... What about a land registry search on your property?
  2. If its not a public body then no its not a FOI request, its a Subject Access Request you need to submit.
  3. What was the address on the tenancy agreement for the landlord?
  4. Clearly the company forum and known by colleagues in stores doesnt constitute public knowledge. As for other staff posting it on FB (I assume) that doesnt constitute public knowledge, however you may have an argument that you were singled out for punishment if the other people posting it did not also receive disciplinary action..
  5. I cant see why - your behaviour in public outside of work can be seen as gross misconduct (I believe). A friend of mine was sacked for the exact same reason - he took it to tribunal, and it was upheld.
  6. IMHO you are very much entitled to the consequential loss back. Your problem is quantifying and proving such loss. What figure are you looking for in total?
  7. Thats not a term of contract. I'm sorry but you are in the realms of ridiculous with your argument.
  8. I'm sorry but I think you are wrong. Why do you think they have to legally state you cannot have more than one tab/window open at once? This isnt an issue to fix, its how the vast majority of websites work using cookies etc. I realise that this isnt neccessarily clear to the layman, but it really doesnt matter. The onus was on you to check the booking details before you confirmed it.
  9. Thats up to them. I wouldnt start conjecture until you get a response.
  10. In that case write the letter above to the agents not the landlord.
  11. That is their assessment. There is ZERO LEGAL OBLIGATION for a landlord to perform ANY electrical testing. They DO have a legal obligation to ensure the electrical installation is safe. This may or may not be done using formal testing.
  12. Is the agency managing your property, or did they just "find" you as tenant?
  13. I would suggest writing to the landlord in polite terms, formally requesting that the shower situation is resolved, and that you feel the property was misadvertised due to the lack of working shower. See what the response is.
  14. Sounds like an off-bath mixer shower to me cerberus. The landlord has zero responsibility to PAT test or perform any other electrical installation test. Clearly it would be prudent to do so under due dilligence.
  15. Well theres not neccessarily a positive result to get - unless this has suddenly stopped working (it sounds very much from your description that it was the same since move in day) then the landlord has no obligation to change this set up for you. I asked about the combi boiler as the hot water temperature is usually adjustable.
  16. Its certainly not only when the points are redeemed - if this were the case the point of the exercise from Tescos perspective would be largely nullified.
  17. Exactly. Given the case law above, I cant see any way in which this could have gone against the OP (in my very limited opinion!).
  18. What type of tenancy agreement does she have, how much in arrears is she, and how much is the weekly/monthly rent?
  19. I used to work for Tesco...the entire point of the scheme is exactly to analyse the purchasing pattern of their customers. The points given are merely a "carrot" to get people involved in what is effectively their customer analysis program. I can assure you that its not only conceivably possible, but is the fundamental reason for the scheme.
  20. That alone makes it very unlikely IMHO that possession will be granted.
  21. Agree with Ell-enn I was a tad hasty with the earlier advice (Although it obviously was mentioned with the big caveat regarding tenancy type etc). Due to the large one off payment you recently made, have you now kept the arrears value (if not frequency of payments) below the agreed level it would have been at had you kept up payments? Or close to it? If so, it is unlikely that the court will grant possession.
  22. OK that seems slightly different. That does not appear to be a notice of intended possession from the council, but rather a possession order from the courts. You must have received a previous notice from the council?
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