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Everything posted by djweeble

  1. Haverfordwest County Court. I just (5 mins ago) spoke to the court office there, the court is advising new claimants that a stay will be applied upon agreement of the parties. I certainly won't be agreeing so it's business as usual
  2. Why does everyone just seem to be accepting MBNA refunding their charges to LINK They shouldn't do it, you can demand to be paid in person. Then when Leech try to claim against you they have to reduce the claim accordingly, to whatever the final balance should have been. If you allow MBNA to refund direct to Link you are in effect paying Link twice !
  3. I am reclaiming my overdraft fees, because they varied every month and I wouldn't have been overdrawn if it hadn't been for their unlawfully debited charges.
  4. Hey, sit back, chill, have a cup of tea and a biscuit, The link you posted works fine, it's just been truncated (shortened) by the forum software so it doesn't take up so much room
  5. Private car park or not, I think if there's a fee to park you should pay it, the owner is after all providing a service, and deserves to be remunerated for it. However, when we make mistakes and get these extortionate "penalties", as a lot of us do, damn right we should fight for our rights not to be bullied and ripped off. Lets face it, if the penalties were fairer, and in the region of say £2 to £5, and the letters were more civilised than threatening, would we get as angry and obstinate about not paying them then??
  6. Isn't this just a case of a non enforceable charge ?
  7. I like your way of thinking. Perhaps we should all persue the DCA's for our money back when they fail to stump up the required agreements
  8. Write to Barclaycrab telling them the account is in dispute, the reasons why, and what you require them to do, i.e. unlawful charges, remove them or else.... CC the letter to HFO, and tell them that no action can be taken until the dispute is settled, and they should refer the case back to Barclaycrab.
  9. What airline was it ? maybe we'd all like some cheap tickets
  10. No it wont, not unless you have your number withheld at the exchange.
  11. Me neither, and I like your letter, but wouldn't the CCA request carry a bit more weight ??? legaly that is ??
  12. Read and inwardly digest..... YOU DON'T NEED A DEFENCE There is no offence. Ignore it.
  13. And if you didn't withhold your number, they also have a phone number to call now and try to find out which of their "customers" called and hung up !! Not a good move, if you must call them, always withhold your number.
  14. I would just start the ball rolling again, forget the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request), if the account is only 3 months old you probably have all the info you need on your statements anyway, and if you don't have them you can go back 6 months with the online banking. Go straight in with the initial request for refund, then LBA and CC them when they refuse.
  15. You need to apply for a set-aside, on the grounds that you did not recieve any notification that the case was proceeding.
  16. OK, you need to be a bit sneaky first. CCA DLC, but at the same time, write a nice letter to Crapquest (sorry, slip of the triping finger) asking for a statement of the account. If you have paid it off, send a copy to DLC with written directions to the nearest short plank over a long drop into water, and invite them to "take a running jump"
  17. If you are convinced that they had no right to take the car, the first thing you need to do is report it stolen, & don't take "no" for an answer at the cop shop. Also, find out where it's being auctioned, go there with a copy of the registration certificate and the police report, inform them that it's a stolen vehicle and you are laying claim to it, tell them that if they proceed with the sale you will hold them jointly liable in any court action. That should put a temporary stop to the sale at least, and give you time to organise the legalities of getting it back.
  18. You need to send them a CCA letter by recorded delivery, make them prove it's you. When they prove it isn't, send them a bill for your time and the CCA payment. When they don't pay up, as they wont, slap them down with a CCJ
  19. Either totally ignore it, it's unenforceable, or take great pleasure in writing to the head monkey of the company and telling him just where he can stuff his nuts
  20. It might be a bit naughty, and frowned upon by the "disability police" but it's hardly a life or death situation ! Tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine
  21. 10 years old = statute barred. SAR them first to find out if they realy do have any evidence pointing to your BF, if they don't, just write again telling them to shove it include a bill for your time and the cost of the SAR, when they don't pay up, slap a CCJ on them If they do have proper evidence, just write them one of the lovely Statute Barred letters in the library telling them to stick it where a monkey sticks his nuts
  22. The main thing to remember is that LEGALLY they CANNOT get a CCJ against you if you do not live in the UK. However, they can still go through the motions and get one by default if they don't believe you've gone, but what does it matter, if you're not coming back it's irrelevant anyway, and if you do come back you can get it set asside due to non reciept of the court forms, of which you will have cast iron proof due to being in another country at the time.
  23. That depends on what rate you're claiming. An easy way to do it out if you're using a spreadsheet from here, note the total, close the sheet, then set your computer clock 1 day forward, open the sheet again and check the total, subtract the first from the second, close the sheet without saving, set the clock back to the correct date. Or, don't fiddle with the clock, just take the second reading tomorrow ! Easy
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