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Everything posted by susanne007

  1. right sat down and thought about this for a while today and this is what i,ve decided to do . as i already know that i have 8 late payment charges and 24 o/d charges (as the people at debitas have so kindly told me) i rang debitas today and asked if they could tell me when the charges were applied. they checked and only held records for 18 months and no charges were applied in the last 18 months......soooooooooooooo. i thought i would write to capital one and in prelim letter ask for the 640 back. as for the interest is it safe to assume that i put nov 2004 for all charges as i don't know when they were applied. but i do know it was more than 18 months ago. also can i ask for contratual int should it go to court. any help would be much appreciated.
  2. hi having only had a credit card for a short while was quite shocked to see how spending could spiral out of control. needless to say card was withdrawn and account sent to debitas. have been paying debitas for a while now and when i rang to see if i could have my statements they said no. but they have told me how many charges i received during the short time i had the card. this was 8 late payment charges and 24 o/d charges which amount to 640. pound but i have no idea when th4e charges were applied, then debitas told me to ask cap 1 for statements. this i did and was told that because its with the collection agency they could not do this. looks like i,m being passed from pilla to post. anybody any suggestions
  3. anything on the statements that said charge i claimed for and i won all mine back last month although i didnt have a royalties so that issue never arose with me. good luck (not that you need it) with your claim and lets hope you have all your money back for xmas
  4. lol.. yep thought it was rbos. stupid me. must be all the excitement as i got funds cleared in account.will check round and try to get you bos email.........
  5. yes send out lba as they have already responded.email i used was [email protected] hope this helps
  6. why not give them a ring and see what happens? youve nothing to lose apart from the cost of a call. if not totally satisfied. then court????
  7. just keep reading threads the more you read the more understanding you have and it becomes less daunting. if you follow in the right order and stick to you timetable you'll soon be laughing all the way to the bank.....
  8. just opened todays mail and i have received an authorisation request for account transation statement which i presume has come from my request on online banking also saying if i would like to go ahead and order them i must enclose 10 quid.. trouble is i rang yesterdy to ask for them as well and lady i spoke to sid shes ordered them for me. should i just wait to see. probably ring them on monday if no joy then i'll send the sar. i will get my money back.....
  9. having just won with rbos now its time for the abbey. asked for statement online(which i'm guessing i won't have access to in a while). then decided to ring and ask for them that way. after speaking to one of their employees in another country and breaking the launguage barrier hopefully she understood that i wanted statment since i opened my account in 2002. estimated charges at 2k. will keep you updated.
  10. hi darling still no news yet i havent heard from u for a while.
  11. wasnt meant in that way and yes i have read your thread.just some do try to blame the person they are dealing with and having spent the last 16 weeks reading thousands of threads these people are still waiting. as i said not menat personally to u just a bit of advise.
  12. send lba out. yes they do read the site so personal attacks really dont help. its the bank on the whole not just the person youre dealing with and you may find they dont agree with the 'overpriced' charges either. youve had your response from the prem letter stage 2 now me thinks..
  13. good luck. i'll keep an eye on your thread if you need to know anything or need any help just shout.
  14. my granny was scottish so i don't mind
  15. hi lucy, well done for getting your money so quickly tommy just told me i'd have mine in 5 days so hopefully the cheque will pop through the door on mon. by the way not in scotland i'm a wigan lass.
  16. go for it bc. you've nothung to loose by asking sir thomas do u have his email???????????
  17. ask for the full amount. you never know............. if you do have to file for court then split the calim then. good luck and welcome on board
  18. isnt it just well done well done well done again see knew you could do it
  19. hi honey number is 01315235116. as said before try to keep your voice calm but firm. do you have kids???? if so think of how you would answer them if they keopt asking for things unless he agrees to you its a very firm no and try to put your points across as well in the conversation. good luck everything crossed for you susanne
  20. not better but my hubby says bigger balls. just kept my tone polite but firm. when he offered first amount at just 4k i said and i quote "sorry mr mclean but i'm not willing to accept that as you see my position is i am 2k overdrawn with yourselves and no access to the account. BUT (and it's a big but with everything crossed as i asked). if you would write off the od then i think we have a deal" then he said and i quote again "ok" "as i said i'm willing to negotiate" end of conversation and ta very much.
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