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Everything posted by patrickq1

  1. find out if they have a skype phone number or voip then it wont cost more than a few pence even from china
  2. read this in its entirety it might help you understand how the system works and how they get their information dont ferget some of the companies ei experium equifax etc all own companies who are debt collection agents and when you make an enquiry some of them may then follow up with help from the banks/finance to put presssure on you to pay this is why a name has popped up a single default can triger this action Department for Constitutional Affairs - hope it helps but i think the moderators and debt helpers can better describe the ins and out so listen when they speak
  3. Skip navigation / Accessibility and help Search site: Contact us Requesting information Site map Accessibility and help About us What we do News Publications Guidance Home News News releases 2007 Tribunals bill to speed up dispute hearings ...back Tribunals bill to speed up dispute hearings 27 June 2007 The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement (TCE) Bill, which brings most tribunals together in a single organisation, will speed up justice and make the process easier for the public to understand, Justice Minister Vera Baird QC MP said today. Vera Baird said: I am pleased the TCE Bill is nearing completion. Bringing most tribunals together and harmonising their procedures will help people to find their way around the system and get solutions to their issues more quickly and efficiently. We will set up a network of Appeal hearing centres in major centres to promote ready access to more justice services. The Bill also powerfully strengthens the regulation of enforcement agents. In future, nobody will be able to act as a bailiff unless they are personally certificated to do so by a county court judge. They will each have to pass a training programme, deposit a bond, which can be forfeited for misconduct, and demonstrate to the judge that they are, in every way, fit and proper to do this important and sensitive job. There will be new court procedures to call to account abuses of power and misconduct and the fee structure will be reformed and simplified to discourage abuses aimed at making money out of debtors. Enforcement officers will be taught to manage vulnerable people in a proper way. Ms Baird said: We are determined to get rid of the cowboy enforcement agents, who are unregulated and do not work to acceptable standards and to do that as soon as the Bill becomes law. In due course, we want to move licensing and regulation into the hands of the Security Industries Association (SIA) and we want to ensure that their longer-term regime will be equally tough. I have no doubt that local county courts will exercise their new responsibilities with great rigour. There has been much talk of enabling enforcement agents to use reasonable force to gain entry into a home to collect a debt. That provision will not be enacted until the full SIA licensing system comes into force and even then it will only be available as an absolute last resort if a county court judge agrees to it after a detailed inquiry. Notes to editors
  4. just a note any credit cards pre 1999 you must write to your company explicitly refusing them permisssion to disclose any data concerning you to anyone without your written approval
  5. anyone with debt collection agencey problems chaeck this out hope its of use Skip navigation / Accessibility and help Search site: Contact us Requesting information Site map Accessibility and help About us What we do News Publications Guidance Home News News releases 2007 Tribunals bill to speed up dispute hearings ...back Tribunals bill to speed up dispute hearings 27 June 2007 The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement (TCE) Bill, which brings most tribunals together in a single organisation, will speed up justice and make the process easier for the public to understand, Justice Minister Vera Baird QC MP said today. Vera Baird said: I am pleased the TCE Bill is nearing completion. Bringing most tribunals together and harmonising their procedures will help people to find their way around the system and get solutions to their issues more quickly and efficiently. We will set up a network of Appeal hearing centres in major centres to promote ready access to more justice services. The Bill also powerfully strengthens the regulation of enforcement agents. In future, nobody will be able to act as a bailiff unless they are personally certificated to do so by a county court judge. They will each have to pass a training programme, deposit a bond, which can be forfeited for misconduct, and demonstrate to the judge that they are, in every way, fit and proper to do this important and sensitive job. There will be new court procedures to call to account abuses of power and misconduct and the fee structure will be reformed and simplified to discourage abuses aimed at making money out of debtors. Enforcement officers will be taught to manage vulnerable people in a proper way. Ms Baird said: We are determined to get rid of the cowboy enforcement agents, who are unregulated and do not work to acceptable standards and to do that as soon as the Bill becomes law. In due course, we want to move licensing and regulation into the hands of the Security Industries Association (SIA) and we want to ensure that their longer-term regime will be equally tough. I have no doubt that local county courts will exercise their new responsibilities with great rigour. There has been much talk of enabling enforcement agents to use reasonable force to gain entry into a home to collect a debt. That provision will not be enacted until the full SIA licensing system comes into force and even then it will only be available as an absolute last resort if a county court judge agrees to it after a detailed inquiry. Notes to editors
  6. Department for Constitutional Affairs - have a read at this andrew
  7. good advice Andrew though sometimes i speak without thinking ,,,but i am learning through the likes of your advice andrew so i apreciate your advice and threads.i too have a simmallar tale but as you know it can get real dirty my ex partner cleaned me out of my business with a turnover of 3/4 mill in 1991 and property in teneriffe and with the help of his mate the bank manager and slowly but surely i have weaved my way through got the bank manager sacked assistant manager resigned and last but not least my solicitor was struck of for aiding and abetting..all this has been going on since 1992.i have one last hurdle to get over one more bank but it will be a mamoth task even though the bank have admited libel in writing i am also looking at the statute barred defence but sadly because of a contract on my property i cant use the statute barred defence as it was a personal loan to my business but secured on my property.but i too have serious health probs and will be in hospital from oct for twin by pass and then a heart by pass ..so i dont intend doing anything but research at the moment ,funally enough my research is more towards the DPA AND THE FOIa i have quite a collection i am in particular looking for a reference from some gov dept where they(did have it but lost it) are about to disclose an update on the FOIa and the entering of all data from old contracts over six years old that is concerning DPA wether or not you have signed an agreement to allow this. they are intending to give this data to the CRAs this is in print somewhere on an oficial document ,so if you come accross it would appreciate it thanks patrickq1
  8. you may also need to get a letter from your brother to say you have full authority to act on your brothers finacial and legal affairs in the UK ,cause no doubt kenny you know they will ask for this just to be on the safe side its better armed with this now... patrickq1 ps kenny i am looking for any information concerning rule changes from the FSA AND ICO so if you have any snippets of info i would apreciate it here is something for you to look at oh fore i forget whats happening to strachan he is getting some stick at the mo isnt he,must be the blue noses trying to put the bhoys off from winning more titles lol
  9. my daughters boyfreind his mum a policewoman in n wales has a horse farm he will ask whats available ley you know tomoz if thats of any use patrickq1
  10. dont forget the goverment are due to put before the house some more bills to limit the FOI a so everyone should keep their eyes peeled for any snippets of info sorry for hijacking your threads
  11. Department for Constitutional Affairs - a lot of information does come from your data with councils you can try to put a stop to this by writing to the councils
  12. they are not looking into any case they are trying to find ways of diseminating evidence,like i said should nt think twice on this and make a formal complaint to the serious crime squad ,the longer your complaint takes the more chance they have of getting rid of evidence, dont forget you have nowing to lose,PROSECUTE they would have you in court within 1 week if it were the other way round... patrickq1
  13. ive got one from HFO and still have the postcard as if they tried to make a delivery so i wrote reminding them of their trickery ,they handed all paperwork back to morgan stanley...
  14. shame you cant find your MPs phone number then tell cap one you have changed numbers see how the MP likes it.be as cunning as them
  15. firstly have you been to the questions and answers page you start (copy from gizmo)A debt becomes unenforceable under the CCA if a creditor does not supply a true copy of the signed credit agreement within 12 working days of it being requested, after a further month the creditor has committed an offence. This offence can be reported to the Trading Standards Authority (in the creditors area, not your local one), or the FSA. The debt remains unenforceable for as long as the creditor fails to produce the signed credit agreement – this means if they produce the agreement some months down the line, they are quite within their rights to enforce it. They do not need to take any further action to enforce the debt. A debtor cannot take any action against the creditor for failing to produce the signed credit agreement within the prescribed time, because that is up to the agencies that the offence has been reported to. Any sanctions that may be imposed are at the discretion of these agencies, and it is not a matter that the debtor can take to the civil court. If a CCJ has already been entered against a debt, then there is no point in requesting the agreement under the CCA, if your intention is to argue that the debt is unenforceable, since the debt has already been enforced. You can however request a true copy of the original signed credit agreement if you wish to check original terms and conditions etc. If they do not supply it then your only recourse is to report them to the aforementioned agencies. It would be very difficult to prove that they didn’t have the agreement at the time judgment was entered. It is imperative that you continue to pay any debt under the terms of a CCJ. Issuing a court claim for non-compliance of a CCA request in all probability achieves nothing to benefit to the debtor, as a court claim is likely to spur a detailed search which could well end up with them producing a perfectly acceptable original signed agreement in court – which would result in the debtor losing the case, and being made liable for the creditor’s costs. If after requesting a true copy of a signed credit agreement the creditor fails to produce it, it does not mean that the debt does not exist, because at the end of the day the debtor spent the money and therefore they owe it and need to pay it back The debtor may now however be in a good position to make a full and final offer to clear the debt. from their and normally your first call will be You HAVE to write to MORGAN STANLEY with A Data Protection Act S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) letter along with your £10 cheque. They then have 40 days to supply ALL information they have on you. If they dont supply this then you can issue a claim for non compliance
  16. Hi Uni Is This Still Going On Aint Heard From You Recently Patrickq1
  17. after pages and pages of harrassment to maggie poor soull i had a though could,she ask for an asbo order against the DCAs just a thought Acceptable behaviour contracts working to tackle Anti-Social behaviour
  18. help will probably be on here soon just hang in their i ve posted your thread to kenny
  19. good thread well done guy need of help here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/other-institutions/111789-retroglide-morgan-stanley-goldfish.html
  20. could be your block rectifier a little square box behind the on /of switch i had a grundig and after four years it burt out bad habit of switching over to the news constantly lol
  21. i would also send the other letter that belongs to someone else to the ICO and to the other persons address and cause some serious s***
  22. Department for Constitutional Affairs - I THOUGHT THIS MAY BE OF INTREST UNI I AM TOO TIRED TO READ AT MOMENT
  23. GNN - Government News Network
  24. this is a scandal on a massive scale . i have sent a query to brussels and asking can they clarify that this is acceptable behaviour from the brittish goverment ,they are going at it as fast as they can,before i think the october deadline and i think this also concerns the statute of limitations,i lost a lot of my data last night dammed mad cause i had all the files on the ICO ,read the front page of the ICO web site you will find some really intresting bits in thier ...what is going on i shall also write to the various departments of the home office to try and get some response as to what are the ICO upto,the DATA PROTECTION ACT no longer affords us security in fact the ICO are chipping away at the cornerstones of the whole DPA and for what purpose ,who is directing all this because it has only begun in the last 8/10 weeks..
  25. shocked i thought they had the power ,but what i have found about them has been disturbing they are trying to get the other 40 million credit card accounts onto the CRA register and are going to do it regardless of any legislation i found it in their files and with some cross refrencing their it was this was a reply to the finance co and banks ...i will try finding it again today because that is a scandal of mammoth proportions all the data is pre 1999
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