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  1. Hi mlee83p, One part of me says you should still appeal, another part of me says pay it to avoid getting things taken further; like court. Because it has been declined once before I would be more inclined to go with the latter. It sucks but it would be worse for you to land a criminal record and hefty fine much bigger than £130. Best of luck to you whatever you decide.
  2. I know this already but the reason I ask is because I want to know if it's one or the other. I.e, if you are issued a penalty fare (and pay it within the correct time frame) does that mean the prospect of further prosecution is nullified? Is it then the end of the matter? I want to know because they take your details down when issuing a penalty fare as well.
  3. Were you not offered a penalty fare? Did you receive an MG11 form?
  4. Sorry I am new to this site, and this penalty fare business that I have also been issued with recently. Is it definitely true that if you are issued a penalty fare and you successfully pay it within the correct time-frame that you will not be prosecuted later? or recieve a MG11 letter etc? I've just paid my penalty fare as I just want this all out of the way, despite thinking the penalty was unfairly issued. Thanks
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