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Everything posted by shaunwhi

  1. Two PCNs (25th and 26th Nov) waived today by YCC. Thanks for organising this thread - if I hadn't found it when I got the first PCN and searched for "Lendal Bridge", I might have felt compelled to pay Text of letter in case it's useful to anyone else (NB caught before they apparently changed the signs)... "I have received a Penalty Charge Notice for apparently driving in a bus lane while visiting York. I don’t believe this fine is valid as there were no clear indications that I would be entering a bus lane. I certainly did not drive on any road with BUS LANE’ painted on it. As a visitor to York, I am unfamiliar with the city so I had to do some research to investigate where this might have taken place. After viewing maps online, I believe the signage and markings indicating the bus restrictions are totally inadequate. I spotted one sign (a large yellow sign indicating that “Lendal Bridge was closed to traffic except buses”: this sign was actually ON the bridge (which I now know to be Lendal Bridge). The sign resembled those used to indicate roadworks or a diversion; i.e. signs intended to be advisory or to assist drivers, rather than to prohibit access. Accordingly, I was prepared to meet further signs indicating where I could/couldn’t drive – not realizing that I was already on the bridge! The sign did not state that I was about to drive on a bus lane, as one might expect. There were no blue signs indicating bus lane – commonly used in other cities (and, I believe, REQUIRED to indicate a bus lane). Additionally, the road itself should have been painted with the words “BUS LANE” – this is common in every other city I have visited, even when the bus lane is in operation during limited hours. Given that the sign was at the entrance to the bridge, one might reasonably expect it to have read “THIS bridge closed to traffic…” - how are people who are not from York supposed to know where Lendal Bridge is? It is apparent from further investigation that other signs were poorly located. One behind a bus stop, another at a busy junction where drivers who are not familiar with the city will be turning right onto the road approaching Lendal Bridge - with no opportunity to change their route. I understand that York City Council have had to change the signage for this restriction at least twice (and since I was photographed crossing the bridge). This itself indicates that the signage at the time was inadequate. I drive extensively - both in the UK and abroad - and have never once contravened a bus lane. I do not believe I should be liable for this charge." Question: next time I visit York (if there is a next time!) what how do I get across town without using the bridge?
  2. Hi all, I also just received a PCN for this. Was visiting York for 24hrs last week. Not being familiar with York, it took a moment (and a quick Google) to recall, but as soon as I found this page I remembered exactly where this is. There is also a large yellow sign on the side of the road immediately before (what I now realise is) the bridge, with wording along the lines of "Lendal Bridge closed to all traffic". I took this to be an indication that there was construction work and that we would be taken on an alternative route - it certainly resembled a 'diversion'/warning sign rather than one prohibiting access. Definitely didn't see the smaller sign posted above, but that was almost certainly obscured by a bus again! If you're not from York, how would you know where Lendal Bridge is? I'll be appealing and would be grateful for any advice on how to word my appeal. I'm all in favour of keeping traffic out of city centres even though I drive for a living and it can cause problems for me. but I really don't appreciate being misled and then fined as a result. Thanks for starting this thread: I'll sign the petition too.
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