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Everything posted by LMO

  1. LMO


    Long term alcohol abuse - mimic's schizophrenia and also causes depression. In recovery you learn to differentiate between whether you have an addiction to alcohol or you have a true mental illness. AA advises you to seek out help for other problems you have in your life. I have had sponsorship and recovery experience since 1992. The "I have done it and so can you" is the whole theme of AA. Have you ever attended an AA meeting dear. Then I suggest you pop along to an open meeting its a real eyeopener. I had a guy say to me in the JC (I was homeless and living in the YMCA at the time) when giving me a sanction for something petty and when I confronted him that he was discriminating against me because I was in the YMCA...he laughed and said " why would I want to be victimising you? I still get my salary at the end of the month so why would I do that?(that comment took him to a Tribunal). I did not smell of drink (being in recovery) I looked normal and ok...and still this guy found something to LORD it over me for regardless....having grey hair is another one...........JC staff are not counsellors or sponsors they are just there to shuffle paperwork....but I agree people could do without the comments and the judgement and the discrimination which is bestowed upon anyone who walks through that door. Having said all that I changed my job centre and got much better treatment from the new one at the time...
  2. LMO


    Yes I thought I was different from everyone else too
  3. LMO


    I have been there in that dark place myself many years back...for 30 years........now 16 years clean from booze...I discovered that the only "problem" that druggies and drunks have is themselves..pointing the finger of blame at other circumstances is a big one and resentment is No 1 offender ......but I have to say at one JC 3 years ago I was victimised by JC staff even though I've been clean for years I got treated like ****. (long story). I have had some really tough times and yes I find life hard at times I've also been homeless 3 times, twice here, and once abroad during that 16 years of cleanliness... I've had no end of job losses people dying on me etc etc but throughout I never touched the stuff. I know the problem is ME I have trouble with people places and things and have to navigate my sensitive little self through these minefields on a daily basis. Granted some people might have mental health problems I dont dispute that and be using as well, but the majority will find the mental health stuff they think they have will go away once they stop pumping their bodies with poisons and using every damn unfortunate circumstance, that happens to non-drinkers too,... as an excuse to be a bum.
  4. My last agency is sending me my P45. What I dont understand is - if you are allowed to join as many agencies as you want then why is this agency sending me my P45 for my new agency.....Why dont they just leave me on their books for whenever? or should this be a new question in a new thread?
  5. LMO


    Do they make covered women take off their scarves? What happens when a woman turns up wearing a chador do they make her uncover her face?
  6. LMO


    I remember walking into the job centre for my usual signing and it was lashing down outside and cold...I had a hat on and a hood covering the hat and I staggered into the JC dripping wet and freezing.......and some security jobsworth told me I would not be allowed into the JC if I didnt remove the hood
  7. yes I'm sorting all my paperwork out today and this time being more careful about filing stuff...thanks
  8. Thank you all for taking the time to reply with help I must have something somewhere...but failing that I might have to go to the job centre in the end...I wouldnt normally throw anything out that remotely looked like a tax form
  9. I've been working nearly solidly for the last 18 months and I have joined a new recruitment agency. I had 12 months continuous work and another 5 months continuous work. The recruitment consultant said because I have not been working for 2 years I have to provide proof I was claiming benefits before I started work 18 months ago. Well I threw all of my job center paperwork out when I began work. I just do not understand why they would want this...you would think they would want to zap you into a job asap...but instead I've been made to jump through hoops! I don't know how I'm going to provide this since I dumped all paperwork out....
  10. LMO


    Reading all the postings here.....is it 2 years after joining the WP or 2 years after signing on? If its the WP I've got a load more harassment to come then... Something just occurred to me today whilst thinking about all this ...I had a phone call recently about 2 weeks ago from the DWP telling me to pay up some crisis fund I owed....this was from 1999. I answered the call with mmm ok mmmm ok ok....the guy said quite threateningly so when are you going to set up a monthly debit to pay this amount back...........I replied with the money you say I owe is from 1999 and I dont owe it. Oh the guy said sounding rather taken aback....erm....ermmm oh and I see and you're not on benefits either and you're working...erm erm....at that point I cut him off....not heard from him since.....I'm still suspicious of that call...and not long after I've been getting these Ingeus letters and texts.....
  11. thanks they wont get nothing out of me.....
  12. LMO


    thanks for this I will do nothing then
  13. LMO


    Good point I have joined another agency and dumped the one I had...because their actions lost me a permanent job ....so they ARE tracking me!!
  14. LMO


    what I dont understand is I've not been in their offices for 18 months....I was 6 months into my job when they called me....then they called me again about another 6 months later and now they are sending me letters and texts? ...at 6 months they tried to get me to tell them where I was working but I said I have nothing whatsoever do to with you now. I am flabbergasted how this company thinks it owns you and can tail you and track your movements....even when you're not claiming benefits......you go on benefits and its a life sentence....I will probably get tracked until I die...what kind of evil system is this??
  15. LMO


    Hi thanks for all your replies... why do these people think because I get sent to their offices once or twice that I am now on a leash...they cant email me because that particular email got closed down (long story) I didnt answer my text message and I'm sending this letter back through the post with not at this address scrubbed on the front of it. They never found me any work in the first place so why they think they have some sort of claim on my movements I have no idea....I can only think they are hoping I will lose it and tell them where I'm working.....its like big brother! I wonder if they know I'm between assignments because as someone here said the agency I worked for I no longer work for them but I am now with another agency and due to start work again on Monday! It just seems very weird I can't think why all of this started up. Can they tell by your P45 or can they delve into your tax stuff it is far too co-incidental to just be out of the blue... I will just continue to ignore them but I have to say I nearly burst a blood vessel when I saw that letter duplicated dictating to me I will be contacted every 3 months? Oh well a chance to roar at them down the phone.....I cannot fathom why they are contacting me when I've not made a claim for over 18 months....how dare they. The last time they called I yelled down the phone "I have got NOTHING to do with you people so stop harassing me" it obviously didnt work. That is a very interesting point Mr P. Perhaps I should take that letter down to the job centre and speak to them.....because you never know I might end up back on benefits sometime in the future...hopefully not but there you go...
  16. Sorry I posted this in the wrong thread. Ingeus strikes again ... Gobsmacked.....now I've had 2 letters through the post from Ingeus...with a part in it underlined that says from now on we will send you an email or contact you by telephone once every three months, just to see how things are going It then goes on to say...it is very important that you let us know if your circumstances change - for example, if you stop work or if you change jobs. If you stop work, your appointments with Ingeus need to start up again. WHO THE EFF DO THEY THINK THEY ARE???? I have not stopped work.....what right have these people got to harass me in this way when I'm not even claiming benefits I'm so angry.....
  17. LMO


    Gobsmacked.....now I've had 2 letters through the post from Ingeus...with a part in it underlined that says from now on we will send you an email or contact you by telephone once every three months, just to see how things are going It then goes on to say...it is very important that you let us know if your circumstances change - for example, if you stop work or if you change jobs. If you stop work, your appointments with Ingeus need to start up again. WHO THE EFF DO THEY THINK THEY ARE???? I have not stopped work.....what right have these people got to harass me in this way when I'm not even claiming benefits I'm so angry.....
  18. LMO


    sorry this posted twice !
  19. wouldnt surprise me....osdset... I love that song and also I'm still standin is another one I like... when they contacted me 6 months in to my job they were trying to find out who I was working for I just shouted down the phone I am NOTHING to do with you so stop calling me... I laughed at the text because they must be too scared to call me hahahah...actually cant wait fo them to call so I can give them a mouthful....
  20. What I found was even weirder as that day I had just finished an assignment with an agency and will be doing a new one next week....probably just co-incidence but if it wasnt how did they know I'd finished an assignment?
  21. the number appeared to come from another mobile....I think perhaps (just speculation) they use different mobiles so you cant block them but keep your number....
  22. LMO


    Just seen this thread when I posted in the work programme thread about Ingeous still contacting me 18 months down the line even though I got my job myself...you will never get rid of them...they do 6 monthly and yearly checks on you regardless if you are on benefits or not....I am furious at being tracked....nearly 2 years later......be warned...change your mobile numbers or any contact numbers so they cant contact you.
  23. Interesting thread. I was sitting there this morning having a cup of tea on a day off........I got a text message from Ingeus this morning asking me was I still working and that they would contact me to find out !! Erm.......I've been working for the past 18 months and I found the job myself.....they still track you and try to keep tabs on you even though they never placed you. I recall them contacting me after 6 months off benefits asking me was I working and who was I working for.?? ...needless to say they got a list of expletives.....who the hell do they think they are....I have not claimed benefits for 18 months....they never placed me in any job...I found the work myself with an agency....and they have the damn cheek to pop up yet again on my mobile saying they are going to contact me....well I'm waiting with another list of expletives.....how dare they!! I tell you - you will never get rid of them...they will track you and try to get information out of you..dont give them any......an evil evil governmental spy service...
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