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  1. Hi , I had the same problem when I went through a income/expenditure, and they said I could pay them £500 per month extra. Ignore them go to CAB and go through it with them , also you have been to court so you must have done an income exp to get your arrangement , and as the court has agreed the figure, thats what you pay. they cant increase your payments beyond the court, unless they go back to court and ask for an increase. CAB will tell you that the courts like the arrears to be paid within 12 yrs , normally 11. My arrears were £18,500 and we now pay £140 per month ontop of the mortgage. If NRAM call you just refer them to the court arrangement and thier solicitors who would have the copy. Dont let them bully you you will be told they need to spaek to the Mandate team , who are some fictious goblin who nobody can speak to or phone. If they insist on a inc/exp tell them you will get CAB to copy them in. DONT do one over the phone with them , they will twist it to thier advantage. NRAM are purely there to get money in for the tax payers. ( Thats us ) Good Luck
  2. Thanks to all who posted for me. Had a court hearing 29th Jan ( my Birthday ! ) supported by CAB and they were brilliant. I did not have to say anything and the judge suspended the eviction order. On the 7th Feb NRAM called me , I thought to confirm the court order/new arrangement, No it was to tell me that my family was to be evicted on the 12th Feb !!!! unless I paid £4000 immediatley and £500 per month extra . Told them about the court descision, which they new nothing about and it was not on my records so they did not believe me . They are absolute tossers, took me about an hour to get them to call thier legals and get the truth. Yipeee . but no apology NRAM are absolute waste of time if you have a problem with them - get straight onto CAB as they have loads of cases involving them. Thanks once again for all your support
  3. Hey Good Luck with yours, Going to push for a reduction in payments and to have the order suspended again, and looking for a property to rent. NRAM had me on Mortgage plus £118 to apy arrears back over 12 years already done 2 when I missed the payment, now they want extra £500 month plus £4000 !!! This seems like the magic figure charge everyone £4000 whta you cant pay, then get you evicted, the house gets sold for a pittance , but the main thing is that its taken off NRAMs ( our goverment ) books then write off the balance. One less to pay interest to the Goverment on. and the "Mandate" team . Its the same person who you talk to when you call, they pretend to walk to another dept put you on hold then answer you, Try asking to speak to the Mandate dept they have no phone line !!!. I reckon we should all get together and lobby the goverment about their actions. Dont let the bastards get you down.
  4. Hi cagger, thanks for this, I will get the letter done and then wait for the order before sending in the N244. We are seriously looking now at going into rented property as the amount of money that NRAM want means the house will never be ours anyhow. wonder if we can get an extension to give us time to move out, or wondering if we can put the house on sale whilst we look this would be a better deal for NRAM, its in negative equity.
  5. Hi , Thanks for the info , do I need to complete the form N244 before I get the date off the court ? What happens do they notify us before they send in the baliff ? Thanks
  6. Hi, I am a first time user and reading the comments & information has been great . Makes me feel that I am not the only one with problems with NRAM. We have had a suspended order on us since Dec 2009 paying arrears then of £16,000 at £118 per month on top of the mortgage. In October received last salary as and paid the Mortgage in full. November company went into admin so got no salary Nov or Dec. Phoned NRAM told them what had happened and that new owners would be paying salaries. NRAM have applied for eviction order. when I spoke to them they want extra £500 per month and £4000 instant payment . Dohhh ! if I had £4000 I would not be behind. So now waiting for a date. but want to tell them where to stick the property and rent for half the price. how can I get an extension on the eviction order to give us time to find a property and move ?
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