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Everything posted by ukdarrenfan

  1. I already did. He replied this morning stating that he had forwarded the info to DAF for them to respond and after that it was beyond his remit. I gave him the whole timeline of when things had been sent and the fact that no signatures had ever been obtained for anything that I've sent. They have completely ignored the fact that it came with a letter before action. I can't believe that they have only just been passed the first claim from February. It has to be the second one. If it was received at Godwin Street before being forwarded, why no signature again?
  2. They couldn't even get my husbands name right either, they've addressed him by his middle name...
  3. Not happy. Today received a response from DAF dated 24th May, thanking us for the questionnaire that they say they received on the 20th May, stating it will take 8 weeks to respond. This is from the PO box address and we sent it to Godwin Street on the 16th May. No signature was obtained. They have not acknowledged that this claim (which was sent for the second time as it was not acknowledged when sent at the beginning of February) was attached to a Letter before Action stating they had 14 days in which to respond before court action would be taken. They say they won't respond to chasing letters either, so what do I do now? Having to give them another 8 weeks is just not on, it's been nearly 4 months now since we first sent the claim off and I'm getting absolutely nowhere when nobody signs for anything.
  4. It really annoys me. When I spoke to them all they kept repeating was that they had nothing to do with DAF and that the address was the PO box one. I bet as soon as the papers are served though we'll get a reply...
  5. That's exactly what I get. Call me cynical, but I think they have it and are ignoring it. Anything addressed to DAF has to be a claim so they don't sign for it. If you happen to get a name for a direct contact before me can you post it? I'm at work all day so I can't do anything till later this afternoon.
  6. This is the second time I sent the claim. I sent a copy of the whole thing again with the letter before action. I have all my recorded receipts. The only telephone number I have for them is the number you gave me, and they swore blind that Godwin Street don't deal with DAF.
  7. Well I sent the letter before action on the 16th May and gave them 14 days to respond. It's still not showing as being signed for. Do you think they deliberately ignore it because they know it must be a claim? It wasn't signed for at the PO box address and now again at Godwin Street. I can't afford to keep sending it over again. I can't believe that 2 letters to different addresses would get lost in the post.
  8. Well it was sent off on Saturday so watch this space!
  9. So is the loan 6 spreadsheet correct in its current form and ready to send?
  10. I thought it was to today's date, but in dx's earlier post he mentions that the claim to date should be the date the loan was refinanced. I'm in no position to understand why, I just do as I'm told, lol!
  11. I'm getting really muddled with the spreadsheets right now. What is the date that should be in the 'Claim To' Section. Is it todays date or the date the loan was refinanced? Sorry but I just can't get my head around it! Loan 2 was dated 15/3/97, I take it the first payment was taken around a month later Loan 3 was dated 20/1/96 and started on 3/3/96 Loan 4 was dated 29/11/97 and started on 3/1/98 Loan 5 was dated 23/8/99 and started on 4/10/99 Loan 6 was dated 27/6/02 and started on 29/7/02
  12. Thanks, if you could please. It would be good to see. However,if you remember, in my post on page 5 I was not going to use that reason as they had paperwork signed by us to say that we understood the insurances were optional and you said it was quite damning for us.
  13. I think these are right now, can you just give it a quick check over please. Thanks Angie
  14. So do I stop the payments from the month before the new payments started?
  15. Thank you. I can see how much hard work has gone into that. Is everything ready for me to send now? Are the earlier loans posted correct and ready too?
  16. It's been a little while as have a few work issues. I'm ready to write the letter before action now as we still have not received anything. When I tell them the amount I am claiming is it the amount before interest or after? I only ask as the site I was looking at mentions a court adding 8% interest. Same with the court claim form, do I put the amount before I've added interest?
  17. Maybe, but it would never have occurred to me about the rollover from the previous loans. It certainly never occurred to us at the time they kept offering us new loans. How naive we were.....
  18. Just think, the first reply from HFC was about loan 6...'we are sorry but this loan does not include PPI'. Oh but it does!
  19. Thanks dx. Finances are tight and it would be good to start the ball rolling, especially as it's likely to take ages.
  20. Me neither Go get 'em, I'll be following right up behind you soon!
  21. Oh that old chestnut! When I sent my SAR request we were backwards and forwards for ages. We haven't received your proof of ID, we haven't received your cheque. Even though it was all sent together they swore blind they didn't have it. One department sent back all the info and the cheque saying they didn't have proof of ID and another sent paperwork and proof of ID saying they couldn't do anything without a cheque! Total idiots. I think the only reason they coughed the old agreements was when they realised I wasn't going away. They even gave me back my £10! Let's see how they feel when my claims turn up!
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