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Everything posted by Joannefred

  1. We received a letter this morning from Hamptons legal saying they are assessing an account for legal action. This is an old T mobile debt of my partners. He is unsure exactly how old it is but thinks it's over 6 years which would make it statute barred. This debt doesn't show up on his credit report. Is there anyway of finding out when he made his last payment?
  2. So back to the original post can they get a bailiff to take the car I payed for?
  3. Well one is defiantly over 6 years old and the others show up on his credit report as defaulted at around 5 years and 6 months but it doesn't show the date of the last payment made. The one that is over 6 years old was only classed as defaulted 9 months after the last payment was made.
  4. So the whole of the tax credit claim would go down as his income?
  5. Ok break it down for me. Only partner has to give up his I& E details Is that right? Also does he put the joint tax credit claim as an income? It would just seem silly filling out a form with £0 income and £0 expenditure.
  6. So technically his creditors can insist on payment from the joint tax credit claim then? Sorry your post is making no sense to me, maybe it's because it's getting late. How can he work out his I&E when he has no income?
  7. Sorry this may make me seem like a right thicko but whats DCA's and an I&E? Partner has no income what so ever. We just have my income and tax credits. So would he have to make a payment from the tax credits?
  8. But as the tax credits are in both names can they insist on being paid from that?
  9. It depends who the person is. If it's a parent/step parent then no. Direct payments are made to a responsible adult to look after the child so as to give the parents a break and nobody will pay someone to look after their own child. If it's an adult brother/sister then maybe you could. Let us know how you get on.
  10. School action and school action+ have been around for a while and rather then replacing the statementing process, they are the first steps towards it. If a child needs a little extra help in class they will be placed on SA. This means the school will try to meet their need with different materials, a different teaching strategy or get in special equipment. If the child still makes no progress they will go onto SA+ this is the point where external agencies such as a Speech and Language Therapist or an Educational Psychologist become involved with the child. As well as the use of external services, SA+ requires more detailed planning of interventions for children whose progress has been limited. The child should also have an IEP at both the SA and SA+ stage. Where a child is still not making adequate progress then the child's school or parents can request a Statutory Assessment. You wouldn't get a statement based on bullying. And you don't have to be below average academically to stand a chance. My son is well above average and is on the gifted and talented for both Science and Maths yet he still has a statement. The best thing to do would be to get in touch with your local Parent Partnership. They will be able to advise you and if needed they help you through the statementing process. Good luck.
  11. I have no idea if you have managed to find a a solution to this problem. I so hope you do I was in a similar situation a few years back. I have a partially sighted son and his school wanted him to drop his GCSEs altogether saying that it was highly unlikely that he would pass any. I told them that he was partially sighted not stupid and he is perfectly capable of not only taking his exams but passing them too. They just looked at me like I was mad! In the end they agreed to let him take them. It was a very proud day the day he found out he had passed them all. It was and even prouder day the day he visited the school again with his degree from university in his hand. Only you truly know what your child is capable of. Fight for what you believe he can achieve!
  12. Sorry but I have another question. If he is still liable for any of these outstanding debts would I have to pay for them? I am the only one working and he claims no benefits. We just have a joint tax credit claim. Thanks in advance.
  13. All of them have a default date of within 6/8 months of the statute barred limit but only one has history going back far enough to see when the last payment was made and it is well over 6 years ago. Is there anyway of finding out the payment history of the others so as to know when the last payment was made? Also partner is getting demanding letters from a company representing T mobile (appropriately called RED). There is nothing about that at all on his credit history
  14. 2 are Lloyds TSB, 1 is Arrow Global LTD and 1 is Lowell although the Lowell one looks like it has been taken over from a Lloyds one as they have exact same original start date (2004) and balance as one of the TSB ones but only has history from August this year
  15. Any idea if there is a certain time period before it goes on your record? There is a loan that has a date of default that is 9 months after the last payment was made. There is also 2 (yes 2 more ) credit cards which show a similar default date but it but the payment dates don't go back far enough to see when the last payment was made.
  16. On noodle is the 'date of default' the last time a payment was made?
  17. Just out of interest. Why would Noodle need the security code of my bank card? I thought you only gave that to make a payment.
  18. I don't have an invoice for the car it was just bought out of the local paper for £500 so I suppose that's that then as far as that goes We'll go look at the credit file now. I will most probably be back as no doubt i'll be too daft to understand it lol. Thanks again.
  19. Would it be possible to point me in the direction of where we can access his credit file? If it is 6 years how do we go about getting these people off our backs? Also I know you say it is unlikely but if bailiffs do show up how do we prove that I own the car not him? Thank you both for your help.
  20. I know a debt collector can't but if they look into his finances they will see he is registered keeper of the car and maybe they would take it to court and send bailiff??? There are actually 2 old debts that he hasn't payed on in 5/6 years. He is unsure of exact dates though which is annoying as I understand there is some sort of 6 year limit. It looks like the debts have recently been sold on to another company. How would he go about checking his credit file? Thank you any advice if greatly appreciated.
  21. Earlier this year I bought a car. I don't drive so we registered my partner on the V5 as he is the one who is doing the driving. Recently he received a letter from a debt collector Saying that if my partner doesn't pay such and such (from an old mobile phone contract) they will look into his financial situation to see how else they can recover the monies owed. Now i'm worried sick as the reason I bought the car was so my autistic would have transport to help him get around. Can they just clamp my car or take it away? Apologies is this is in the wrong bit.
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