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Everything posted by darkcyde

  1. Unfortunately not, or I don't have it anymore......they are talking about a payment that was made nearly 18 months ago.
  2. Hi all We are in the middle of an outstanding account wrangle with our vets... The injury(s) in question was fully covered by our PetPlan cover and dates back some time BUT... One of the excess payments I made in cash - that never made it onto their system - they are saying I still owe it and they won't even entertain the notion that it wasn't entered, or worse someone pocketed the cash. One of the Lab Fees was processed 2 months after the last appointment for that particular illness, which meant the subsequent claim for this was in a new policy year, and was subject to a new excess which meant the entire lab fee was not paid by PetPlan......when questioned why it was processed 2 months after the op, they said that's just the way it is. I had been having email conversations with one of their senior vets early this year about what was claimed, and what wasn't.....before the emailed matter was resolved, they stopped replying.....they are saying they had asked for claim forms and payments in one of the emails which i didn't supply.....it is now too late to claim for these items, and they are saying I need to pay instead. For all of these claims, they had originally been supplied claim forms for, but they failed to submit them.....when questioned about this, they said they don't lose claim forms, I never supplied them. I have offered to meet them half way on the outstanding £315.24, but they have outright refused and say I am responsible for the total amount. They will not accept that they have made any mistakes AT ALL. So, what can I do? Fight it and take the dogs elsewhere....or....swallow the cost, pay it so they continue to care for my dogs. Obviously, this is all my word against theirs, but I was astounded when they wouldn't even meet me part of the way on the cost, given that most of this outstanding amount is due to them. Any advice gratefully received!
  3. The way I see it is this... Requests for refunds for payment transactions initiated by or through a payee 64.—(1) The payer must request a refund under regulation 63 from its payment service provider within 8 weeks from the date on which the funds were debited. (2) The payment service provider may require the payer to provide such information as is reasonably necessary to ascertain whether the conditions in regulation 63(2) are satisfied. (3) Subject to paragraph (4), the payment service provider must either— (a)refund the full amount of the payment transaction; or (b)provide justification for refusing to refund the payment transaction, indicating the bodies to which the payer may refer the matter if the payer does not accept the justification provided. (4) Where an agreement in accordance with regulation 63(3) applies, the payment service provider must, notwithstanding that a condition in regulation 63(2) is not satisfied, refund the full amount of the payment transaction. (5) Any refund or justification for refusing a refund must be provided within 10 business days of receiving a request for a refund or, where applicable, within 10 business days of receiving any further information requested under paragraph (2). Person B contacted Santander notifying them of the error and requesting a refund within 7 days of the transaction, therefore they should refund. Santander could, however, refuse under Section 3b.
  4. Hi - bit of a strange situation here.... Person A made an internet transfer but entered the wrong details, accidentally using an old sort code and account number. Person A contacts their bank (Halifax) and asks what they can do....Halifax say they can do nothing and advises Person A to contact recipient bank (Santander). Santander refuse to discuss accounts with Person A as they are not the account holder. Person A contacts Person B (the Santander account holder). Person B contacts Santander Business Banking (business account) but they will not discuss account as the account is closed, no transfer history can be recalled so identity cannot be confirmed. (account in question IS closed as has been recently confirmed, and was closed by Santander themselves following a lengthy argument about huge overdraft of hundreds of pounds which amounted from an £8.50 charge levied by Santander against the account, and Santander have not been in contact about the situation in nearly 3 years following the last correspondence from Person B to Santander). Person B writes to Santander giving them 14 days to return money to Person A otherwise a complaint will be lodged with regulatory body. Person B receives letter this morning (16 days after deadline date) stating that payment from Person A has been credited to the closed account to offset overdrawn closing balance and they will not be returning the funds to Person A. My question is can a bank legally keep hold of money that they have been told was sent in error and doesn't belong to them or Person B? They obviously couldn't release the details of either Person A or Person B to either party to resolve the issue, so where does everyone stand? This has been going on since March of this year (2012). Flip the situation over; a bank accidentally credits someones account with funds, the person spends the money knowing they don't own it, and they go to jail. How is this situation any different! I'm guessing that with all the flap about excessive bank charges, Santander decided to step away from the situation and just close the account. No Credit Rating records have been effected by the account (sole trader account, no limited liability). Does anyone have any suggestions? Are they calling Person B's bluff over the threat to go to Trading Standards et al?
  5. Hi all - thank you all so much for all your comments, and thank you Antartica for your PM - I did try to reply whilst out but I got a message back saying I couldn't send PMs blah blah blah, so wasn't sure if it went through. Ok, I'm starting to understand all this now....we have just got back from HMRC regarding Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits....they couldn't help us face to face but they had priority lines to the call centre. My wife called from there as she is the nominated receiver of the credits. Basically, long story short, due to our current situation we should be in receipt of more CTC and WTC. For those who are in a similar situation or just browsing... I have been off work sick since Oct 2011 and in receipt of SSP until march 2012 when I was made redundant. Denied ESA (both contribution due to lack of them, and income as we earn too much) and DLA which is pending appeal. I was earning about £28k up until Oct 2011 working 40 hours a week. My wife is on Statuory Maternity Pay only after giving birth to twins on 11/11/11, but worked 40 hours a week up to this point earning about £16.5k. I've done a summary like this so people who are desperately looking for answers can get a recap and understand what's happening. Apparently, we should have informed them in Oct 2011 that our situation had drastically changed, and this would have triggered larger CTC and WTC payments to us back then. However, given that I was ill, my boys had been born but were in intensive care, etc, etc anything remotely like this was the last thing on our mind.....when you spend 20 hours a day staring into a incubator you have to be reminded to even eat! The very helpful lady my wife spoke to took some figures from our P60s and gave us some rough figures in return....given the current situation we should be getting about £115 a week CTC, and about £55 WTC, AND we were probably not paid enough for last year too because we didn't inform them that our situation had changed so we will be getting a rebate for that too. On rough calculations we should be getting a few thousand in lump, plus this years back dated too to beginning of April as we've only been receiving £11.45 in CTC a week. The lesson learned here is as soon as your circumstances change, tell them, even if you think you'll be fine, tell them! We had thousands in savings which gave us a very false sense of security - it doesn't take long before you notice its gone like us. Whilst my wife was on the phone I wasn't breathing....I was reading what she was scribbling down, but obviously only getting half the conversation it made no sense to me at all. When she put down the phone and told me what was said it took every scrap of will power I had left to not break down in tears in the middle of the enquiry office....I had to get out of there pretty quickly! So as it stands, these payments will begin immediately (in the next week, two at most) and the backdate will be calculated once my wife receives and returns the official claim pack that we should receive in the next few weeks. With this, and my wifes SMP and the HB and CTB, we now break even. I now understand that ESA couldn't pay me anymore because that is all they were responsible for.....they were assuming other departments like Tax Credits were paying out too.....and this is where the system falls down. What they need is one department which handles payments, like a funnel, then they can check what is coming down the line to the familys and that will trigger alerts to say that people should be getting x, y and z. BUT that is exactly what they don't want, isn't it. They want benefits and credits to go unclaimed, so there is more surplus left over at the end to deal with the national debt. I understand that, but what they don't realise is how ill this can make people. Since Saturday I have been a complete wreck since I received the ESA letter....weeks and weeks of hope destroyed via A4. This needs to stop....how many people have been pushed over the edge in these situations. How many situations that we read about (particularly in America) about gunmen in clock towers - people get pushed too far. I'm not saying that they should be exhonerated, but you get my point. How many people who commit benefit fraud were pushed into it because they had no other choice. How many turn to crime because they had no other choice. Whilst sitting in the One Stop Shop waiting to speak to someone, my wife and I went through that phase where you laugh at the problem, even though it was dire. She joked that if I went to prison, she'd be a single mum and would get al lthe help she needed, I'd get Sky TV and a PS3, and a mobile phone, and a warm bed and 3 meals a day....I said, can I go and knock on the prison door and ask to be let in? Joking aside, I know it's not all that sweet inside, but still you get the point I'm trying to make here. People are struggling right now, and not enough is being done to educate as to how you can get what you are entitled to. As someone said earlier, the Fat Cat Politians get a nice salary, and then they steal from us too on top of that.....they need to be made to live for a month or two like the common man, just trying to make ends meet, trying to keep food on the table, and trying to keep the house a livable temperature without stealing from another pot of money that's meant to pay to keep the lights on. I think I should go into politics!! Anyway, that's my 10 pence worth....it looks like we are going to be ok, but I will hold my breath until the payments actually come through. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone for your kind words, advice and support....and offers of food and nappies!! You are all too kind for words! I will come back with an update once the payments have started - to anyone in my boat, keep pushing for what you are owed!
  6. Hi everyone and thanks for your replies! We went down to the JobCentre to enquire about my ESA application and barely made it through the front door. The horrible woman on the Welcome Desk chose to discuss our case in public in front of everyone in the queue behind me. She basically said its correct (without checking on the computer) and that's what we are expected to live on. She made it clear (with the two bouncers behind her) that that was all she was going to do. However, a nice lady in queue stopped us on our way out and said if we go down to the HMRC offices they will give us some emergency money given the situation. They are closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays - can I get a job there please? So, we went to the One Stop Shop - we have applied for discretionary payments in regard to our housing benefit (we receive £507 a month towards our £775 rent as we have a 3 bedroom house but only 4 members of the family - two 6 month old boys who we are told can share, even into teens - only need separate bedrooms if different gender after 10 years old) - they have not yet processed the application into their system, and they couldn't say how long it would take to process. I asked about Food Vouchers - they don't supply them, but a place in Wadebridge does (45 minutes drive - 1.5 hour round trip) but they would probably only give to people in immediate area (same council tho). They suggested going to the POLICE!!!! She said explain to them your desperate situation and see what they can do! I couldn't believe my ears!! Citizens Advice is only open on Wednesdays for drop-ins, and then it would only be an introductory apppointment to see how best deal with the case, and then 4 to 6 weeks for an actual appointment to discuss in detail. So, for dinner tonight we have a fish sauce I found in the cupboard with rice as we've just spent our last £8.50 on nappies, and the boys have food I have cooked for them in advance but no formula....even food vouchers won't cover nappies or formula apparently. I'm sitting here typing this laughing.....not sure why.....I think I have lost it completely! Tried getting hold of my Counseller for an emergency appointment, but she's on leave until a week wednesday. We should get improved Child Tax Credits over the paltry £11.40 a week we get at the moment, but we have to wait for our re-application pack or whatever it is which will be sent to us sometime in the next quarter! ?????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. I ahve no idea, to be honest.....I'm totally confused by the whole thing! We are about to take our screaming hungry twins down to the JobCenter with all the paperwork and throw it all at them and wait until someone gives us a solution.
  8. According to the DWP, ESA has replaced Income Support, but I can't get ESA - round robin
  9. Thank you - I have looked at that, but they need an agreement on how your going to repay it - that's like robbing Peter to pay Paul. They'll give me a bit of cash, but take repayments out of our Housing Benefit, or SMP.
  10. Hi - please can someone give me some advice? I been diagnosed as suffering from multiple complaints, including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue, Irritable Bowel, etc, etc. The medications they have me on do nothing for the constant daily pain, and give me a boat load of side effects like nausea, dizziness, and because of this I fall over, I can't drive, I can't pick up anything heavier than a kettle, etc. You get the point. Needless to say I can't work like this without being a danger to myself. I see a Rheumatology Specialist, a Physiotherapist, an Occupational Therapist, a Hydrotherapist and a shrink.....some days I can't even get out of bed - those days I do I just want to go back to bed. I had been off work sick since Oct 2011, and my work made me redundant in March 2012 - I tried to fight it but because it was a small company I didn't have a leg to stand on. My wife and I have 6 month old twin boys - she is on maternity leave and in receipt of Statutory Maternity Pay only, and we receive Housing Benefit (for 2/3s of our rent (apparently our 3 bedroom house is deemed larger than we require for a 4 person household)), and Council Tax relief. I've been applying for ESA and DLA, both of which have been denied - ESA was first denied as I applied for Contribution based ESA but didn't have enough contributions due to a gap between jobs, so was advised to apply for income based - this has also been turned down as we have too much income!! My wife receives about £130 a week in Statutory Maternity Pay, and that's it! What can we do?? The Housing Benefit and Maternity Pay only just covers the rent, our savings are gone which have been used up during this period with me bringing nothing in, so right now we have absolutely nothing.....oh, hang on, no we have £8.56 in our account and that's probably too much in savings so we're going to have to repay them something! If my wife cuts her maternity leave short and goes back to work, she's a low earner so what she earns will be deducted from our Housing Benefit and Council Tax benefit so we would be no better off.....in actual fact, worse off as we would then need to be paying for petrol on a daily basis for her to get to and from work. Everything is bleak, I'm desperate, I'm suicidal - my family would be better off without me because as a single mother she would get help left, right and centre. But with me dragging them down, we have no hope! Advice anyone? (Oh, and my local CAB have a six week waiting list for appointments)
  11. Where do I stand if I refuse to meet with him personally during the consultatation and insist of all correspondence via letter? I could end up with a situation whereby he says something to my face that he later denies, or he intimidates me and I give in to him. I'm drafting him a letter where I disagree with his selection of employee to retain on the grounds that I'm more qualified and saying that this employee is more 'flexible' makes me feel that me being a new parent has influenced his decision in as much as I might need time off for childcare (for which he has verbally berated a previous employee for when he said he was going to be half hour late in the morning as his babysitter was ill). I feel that stating my disagreement at this point is important. Going back over my records, he has also miscalculated my pro-rata'd holiday for 2010.....he calculated it as... 20 days / 12 months = 1.5 days per month * 8 months worked = 12 days entitlement it actually is... 20 days / 12 months = 1.6 days per months * 8 months worked = 13 days entitlement So he rounded down to the nearest .5 and worked up from there, but that takes 2 days away over the 12 months!! And he has deducted me a holiday day for a day I had off unpaid, so he owes me 2 days from 2010. I'm not sure how much more I'm going to find if I scrutinise everything! Basically, with all the holiday he owes me plus the deductions from my pay, he owes me nearly £2000 minus taxes. If he agrees to pay me this, then I'm happy to walk away given that I'm probably not going to be able to work again anyway. So I just need to state my disagreement, ask for what he owes me and see where it goes from there.
  12. Hi - thanks for al lthe prompt replies....its is very much appriciated! My employer has offered me a 14 day consultation period "should you wish to arrange a metting with me to discuss the situation further". Unfortunately, he is an extremely arrogant and intimidating person who shouts and swears at employees on a regular basis. For example, he has reduced a previous apprentice to tears to the point he was throwing up every morning before coming into the office, and when another employee several years ago lost his driving licence he went to court to 'represent' him and ended up swearing at the judge before storming out of the court!. Needless to say I'm apprehensive about meeting with him as stressful situations can exacerbate my illness and I could end up in severe pain as a result - my Specialist also advised avoiding stressful situations. Regarding unfair dismissal, I have other situations during my employment that I can raise with this. The examples above I would consider as bullying & harrasment and he also makes deductions from our pay packets (for example, he sends you on a job where you need a special tool, you buy the tool from the merchants on his account, he then deducts cost of tool from your next weekly payslip). I have documented these deducations and it equates to about £350 over the period of employment. If he is ever questioned he feigns memory loss about it and promises to look it all up and give you the reasons but never comes up with the goods! I also know that a previous employee was off on sick for about 6 months and he wasn't paid holiday during that time. No household insurance with legal I'm afraid. Would a employment dispute cost me any money to initiate? Obviously cash is very short at the moment with 2 hungry twins to feed! I'm going to CAB tomorrow to get some advice - I've never been to them before so wasn't sure how knowledgable they are so wanted to go armed with a little myself first.
  13. Hi I would be grateful for any advice on my current situation. I have been with my current employer since beginning of May 2010, and have been off sick since end of October 2011 claiming SSP (my employer doesn't pay sick pay). I have been sending him regular Fit Notes from my GP with updates on the situation. In addition, I have twin sons born early November 2011. My wife is currently on Maternity Leave and in receipt of Statutory Maternity Pay only. My illness (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, IBS, migranes, etc) and the medication my Specialist is trying me on means I cannot drive or work at the moment and for the foreseeable future. I received a letter from my employer this morning stating that due to downturn in the business he has to make me redundant. This is fair enough, except its very convienient for him as in May I would need retraining in my specialist qualification (cost to him of about £1500) and I also become eligable for Statutory Redundancy Pay. The letter has been carefully worded to state that the other engineer (small firm, 2 employees and 1 aprentice) is the most flexible employee so that leaves me as the one to go. The other engineer is as qualified as me, but has less experience (less than 1 year fully qualified). We are currently in receipt of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit due to low income. My questions are : 1 - Can he do this? 2 - Am I entitled to holiday pay up till my last official working day? 3 - Am I entitled to pay for my notice period (1 week)? Will this be SSP or salary rate? 4 - Where do I go from here - I currently cannot work, so Jobseekers seems a little out of place so I assume ESA? 5 - I was sick over bank holidays - does he owe me holiday days for those as I only received SSP for them? Sorry for the long post but my mind is running away with me at the moment, as I'm not sure where to turn now. Thanks in advance! L
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