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ben oseman

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Everything posted by ben oseman

  1. hey guys and gals. im on minimum wage and work 42 hours per week. i take home around £230 per week, i also have two kids. i recieve 33 child benefit and 142 tax credits. im going to apply for housing benefit and my rent is £74 per week. do you guys think im wasting my time by filling in all the housing benefit forms?
  2. hey guys can anyone help please?
  3. hey guys, i gave an estimate of mine and my partners income at 15000 overall for 11-12. however i forgot that i was on sick for 4 months which means our overall income was 10200. i called tax credits and told them this and they said that i have 2 wait 4 weeks to find out whether we can get any payment. we were getting around 90 pound child tax and 20 pound working tax. we have two children so how much per week do you think we were down by and how much could we be owed?
  4. the 2 bed lha rate for our area is 115
  5. so what would your guess be. btw i live in herefordshire
  6. OK OK CALM DOWN. we have 130 pw in tax credits, and 33 pw in child benefit, also i bring in around 220 per week after tax
  7. hey guys. my income for this period 12/13 will be 14100. do you think i can get housing benefit. i have two children and my partner is out of work to look after them. iv tried all the entitled to and dwp sites but they arent accurate. does anyone know if i can get council tax and housing benefit?
  8. im not sure whats wrong with brigadier2jcs
  9. who is that and how do i contact
  10. i need to know if we will recieve any benefit at the moment. surely if im only earning 220 then ill get something
  11. i live with my partner and we have 2 children aged 1 and 2. she doesent work and i earn around 220 per week takehome pay after tax. does anyone know if we can claim housing benefit. i tried entitled to and it says we were, but several people are claiming that we cant. can anyone clarify this. ps. our rent is 74 pounds per week
  12. come june my partner is stopping work to be a stay at home mum. at the moment we earn to much to claim housing and council tax benefit. however the most i can earn before tax per week if i work 56 hours is 324 and the least is 225 when i work 36. because i work different hours per week, how do i go about claiming housing benefit. im confused because how do i keep them upto date with my earnings as they change from month to month
  13. i havent taken any holiday since iv started. the days are the 26, 27 and 29th december
  14. thanks, thats a relief. now the next hurdle is actually getting the money from the [edit] person
  15. i was only meant to be having 3 days holiday. surely in two and a half months i would have been there long enough to incur them
  16. i have been employed since the 8th of october. i called in sick today and im on holiday from then on till the 2nd of january. but im not going to be going back as i cant face my boss. if i dont go back will i still recieve holiday pay? i work a 3 day week of 16 hours. so the days i have holiday pay are for the 26th 28th and 29th. (tuesday wednesday, thursday) so if i dont tell her on the 2nd of january(which is when im due back from holiday) that i have no intention of coming back, do i still get paid my holiday money?
  17. i mean 4 weeks notice. but i dont wana go back in the morning as i hate my boss. iv been acused of showing my backside to a client who has dementia(im innocent btw) if i just dont show up in the morning and never go back , can i claim housing benefit
  18. cus we neeed to get full housing benefit apid. if i cant get jobseekers i can still get housing benefit? how long does a housing benefit claim take to process, and do they back date it to the day i made the claim
  19. but if i walkout of my job tommorrow, will we still be able to get housing benefit
  20. so i cant claim any housing benefit for 4 weeks? people who claim working tax can still get housing benefit though cant they?
  21. what does a 4 week run on mean? i might aswel cancel my working tax credits claim now then?
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