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Everything posted by angryteen

  1. Most likely it was done over the phone where the contract is only verbal and not written...ask for a full disclosure and see if you can get a recording of the call. Also did you go to the police about this? A crime reference number would speed the process up. Good luck.
  2. To havinastella, Im a female,I am also not a teen (yes my profile name says so but I set it up when I was 18..Im now 21) oh and I have just been promoted to operations manager, so not so much customer services. So please dont judge and gets your facts straight. Or would you like me to make assumptions? (alcoholic screams out at me) No-one likes people who judge others on appearance. Oh sorry did I just ' bump' this thread again?! My mistake.
  3. I wouldnt suggest canceling your contract with 02 as its not their fault that phones 4 u are useless. I would in the future deal with 02 direct and follow installspark's brilliant advice. Goodluck.
  4. I had an issue in work today for dial-a-phone. I work for vodafone CS and I had a customer today call who took a contract with dail-a-phone, but the number given was incorrect, they got 2 incorrect phones and not even the same sim. Unfortunatley I couldnt really help the customer. I just had to try and call dial-a-phone and speak to them. I was on hold with 'Rachel' trying to get through for 20 minutes and when I did get someone they heard the query, said it was out issue and immediatley hung-up. Terrible, its the same with phones 4 u (patner companies as far as im aware) My advice would be to go direct to the network to take contracts. As for whiskeymincer, as I said the caller today was similar to your situation. I would advise to call T-mobile and make sure you dont have a contract running with them. I would also call your bank to see if a direct debit has been set up. If it has been set up it may be a bit more difficult, as you could tell dial-a-phone you have canceled and them not tell t-mobile. Do not return the phone without confirming with vodafone or using special delivery as most likely they will say they havent recived it. Im sorry I couldnt be more help, but Im sure bubzy will be and I wish you the best of luck.
  5. Just an update. I have sent 2 letter which they are saying they havent recieved and are now threatening to get the baliffs out. Firstly I live in Northern Ireland where we dont have baliffs and secondly I live at home and have no possesions really. Im a bit confussed as to where to go. Thanks Cutsey for your advice, I will write again and get in contact if I need any names Thanks
  6. Its the fact that nobody ever talks about these issues and phones 4 u have loopholes within loopholes to cover themselves. Plus a high rate of advertising. Yes maybe 80% is strong but I get about 60 calls a day. About 10 took their contracts with phones 4 you and about 8 of these are complaints..so yeah approximately 80%..but like bubzy stated thats only 8 customers. To the OP I hope its getting sorted for you.
  7. What everyone has said is correct. Just dont shot the messanger. If an agent where to put you down they would lose their job. Business rules etc.
  8. I dont know who you where speaking too but the Direct debit remains on the account even after cancelation. And yes they cant send out a letter as they are all computer generated and you cant put your own words into them..ask for an email.
  9. Um tricky. Vodafone dont charge late fees, so I doubt you can blame and claim off them, as at the time vodafone only provided the service and didnt charge you. You could call vodafone customer services and they may take £20 off your bill if your nice, but I would suggest taking it up with 02 as singlepoint before it merged with vodafone, where part of them. So it would of been single point with 02 that charged you and not vodafone. (BTW this is speculating it depends on how long ago we are talking about)
  10. I work for vodafone and recently we have had ex-vodafone customers calling in saying that a debt collection agency is chasing them for money (sorry I cant think of the name of the top of my head). Now some of these ex-customers debts are from early 00 and late 90's and are being flagged up due to the agency being bought over, by another company trying to cash in on old unpaid debts. Thanks to this forum I know that after 6 years they cannot legally ask for this money, and I have been able to advise customers and even my mangers on this. So I just want to say thanks for the knowledge and helping me be better at my job
  11. Phones for you are dreadful. Enough said. I work for a well known mobile provider and 80% of people who have took a contract with phones 4 u have issues with them. I would advise anyone to stay clear. Hope it gets sorted for your brother.
  12. Hate to say it but you cant. My advice would be to buy a signal booster from phones for you for your house (about £30) And a PAYT on another network, incase your wife needs you. I would also advise to lower your Price plan if its high and your not using the minutes. I think you can do it £5 a time after 9 months. Unless you want a high early termination fee, you can get out of your contract, unfortunately, especially as it is such a long period of time to complain, o2 may not help you. xx
  13. The reason why your claim was denied is due to the fact that the insurance company needs, proof that the IMEI (Phones unique code) has been used with the sim. In their eyes if they dont have this proof, you could claim for a nokia N96 for example when you are using a 3 year old one. I would go to the shop you got it from and ask them to call the insurance company and give them proof of purchase. I cant guarantee that they will cover your claim but keep persuing it and the phone company may send you out a new phone if you pay the excess charge. If the worst is you cant get a new phone unfortunatly there is nothing you can do other than get a PAYT one, as the 14 day period wouldnt be applicable if the phone is not returned. Good luck,
  14. Thanks for your replies everyone. I think I will write to them explaining this and what happened, Im sure they wouldnt want to go to civil court as much as I would. I will state that I didnt authorise the transation, but I dont want my ex-friend to get into trouble he was only 14 at the time and probably didnt think it through. But as I said thanks everyone. I will keep updated.
  15. Wescot contacted me reguarding £150 I have to pay to MGT LTD. MGT ltd are an adult provider on sky/virgin. Yes, in their eyes I signed up for it on my debit card...but the issue is that it was a friend of mine playing a prank. This was done in June 2007 when I was only 17!! As soon as I got the letter, I called them withing 14 days, stating that I was underage and asking them to cancel this. They agreed to cancel it as it was within 14 days and I heard nothing more and there was no service. Yet now they are threatening legal action!! But as I was underage are they not at fault?? I will go to court but I plan to go to university next year and dont want a CCJ which could prevent me having the money to go. Also around this time I was playing up like most teenagers and I found a debit card which I used to take £50. I got arrested for this and got off with a conditional discharge for fraud by false repersentation. This means that I dont have a conviction but if I get caught doing fraud within 2 years (Sep 07) of it being issued it will go to court and I could be imprisioned. My mum says if I do go to court this could be taken in hand with this as the DOB on the online form was forged by my mate. I have never committed a crime since (as after I was treated by a counsellor for klepomania and this helped me understand why) and I have worked hard to turn my life around. Could this effect this?? Should I just pay?? (Im at school full time and cant really afford too) or should I stick to my guns and let them take me to court?? The final warning has already passed. Any help would be greatfully appericated.
  16. After 3 repairs an exchange should be offered. It is a problem with the K850i but a different make is usually not offered. Ask for an exchange, you should get one. If all fails talk to SE as it is a fault with their phone and they may be able to help, if under warrenty.
  17. MGT ltd are an adult provider on sky/virgin. I too got a letter from Westcott saying legal action would be taken against me. Yes, in their eyes I signed up for it on my debit card...but the issue is that it was a friend of mine playing a prank. This was done in June 2007 when I was only 17!! As soon as I got the letter, I called them withing 14 days, stating that I was underage and asking them to cancel this. They agreed to cancel it as it was within 14 days and I heard nothing more and there was no service. Yet now they are threatening legal action!! But as I was underage are they not at fault?? I will go to court but I plan to go to university next year and dont want a CCJ which could prevent me having the money to go. What should I do? The final warning has already passed. Please help!!
  18. Unfortunately as you have not followed the correct procedure so vodafone are not in breach of their 14 day returns. I agree that the agents should of informed you of the correct procedure, but vodafone have no libaility to cancel you within the 14 days as they have not recieved the equipment back. (This would be stated in your contract). I am sorry that you have not been able to talk to a manager but the 48 hour call back is procedure. I would suggest that you do write in a complaint to head office...and keep calling in because they are introducting a new system which hopefully should help your case. It also depends on what agent you get and the remit of their manager, so keep trying!! Keep trying and good luck (your not the only person with this issue).
  19. What network are you with? Im sure its the same for all. If so here is my my knowledge from working for vodafone. When the bills are created sometimes the add-on charges remain as the bills are calculated 3 weeks before they due as a DD. Customer Care should refund these charges as a goodwill gester (I do on a daily basis). As for the direct debit issue, changes to the account holder cannot be done over the phone and a Direct Debit Mandate must be filled in for this to action. So the agent you talked to may of just incorrectly change the details, so it will still be in your mothers name. As for the direct debit charges as it is a fault of the network, you should bring your statement into the network store and they will refund you these. Also not every call is recorded (1 in 4) and these are for training purposes and are not to protect the consumer, so it is unlikely you will get your call listened to if recorded. Unfortunatley I have to say they are not at breach of contract and you will have to continue with your contract. I hope this helps, and I am sure it is the same for all providers, but this is based on vodafone. CT Vodafone Customer care agent.
  20. I am assuming that the price plan you where on was an old vodafone price plan which where phased out by vodfaone in 2008 to make way for the new CTR3 price plans which are better value for money. I work for vodafone customer services/account management and I know some customers like yourself have had problems with this, but I can assure you it is not breach of contract, especially since they gave you notice. Yes I agree the credit should of been added straight away, but it is company procedure that the Tl's (managers) cannot take calls and have to follow the call back procedure which is usually 48 hours but can sometimes be up to a week due to amount of work they have to undertake. Im sorry you feel you had bad customer experience with us, but the agents whom you where talking too would not have the authorisation and remit to deal with your query which is why it took a while.
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