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Everything posted by RoyalIrish

  1. Hi All, I know the "Statute Barred" regulation/rule is 5 years in Scotland and 6 in the rest of the UK. My question is, If the Credit Card/Loan etc was originally taken when a person lived in Scotland and has sinced moved from Scotland then is it 5 years or 6? Does the Statute of limitation apply to the original address of the Credit Card/Loan etc. or the current address of the alledged debtor? Thanks, RI
  2. I "erased" my signature and the date etc. so I could protect my privacy. I should have said, sorry!
  3. Hi All, Got this today after about 3 months from the original CCA request. It is on 2 pages with the signature on the bottom of the second page. I am absolutely certain that this is statute barred but I would like an educated opinion on this CCA please. Thanks, RI
  4. Thanks ever so much guys! Letter going tomorrow! G
  5. BINGO! This is the one! Thanks for the replies guys! I'm not overly concerned about agents calling as such, I just like bursting their bubbles by quoting rules and regs at them and causing them annoyance. I love the thought of them having to read my letters and getting disappointed and frustrated. It's naughty of me isn't it? I only ever had one chap ever call here and when he saw me through our glass door he literally jumped our fence and stood out on the street. He said he was a rep of blah, blah and I told him to 'feck off' before I turned the hose on him. When I turned around he was gone! I never heard anything from them again! Thanks again! G
  6. Hi All, Is there a way that I can stop an agent (doorstep collector) calling to my home or do I need to tell them to 'get lost' if/when they call? My Vanquis debt has been passed (under dispute, naughty!) to one of the local parasites here in N. Ireland and I don't want them anywhere near the house. Thanks! G PS You lot ROCK!
  7. "My name is Marcus Butterworth".... "I will be open to suggestions from you...." Dear Marcus, I suggest that you go forth and multiply! Regards, Miss Gullible N'more (I doubt that Marcus actually exists! it's probably an anagram!) Best I could come up with is:- CRAM US WEB TRUTH ROT It's sort of fitting, in a way!
  8. Hi All, Just got this in the post this morning! STILL waiting for Capital One to send me a copy of my Consumer Credit Agreement though (September). These parasites, like most if not all DCA's seem to ignore all my letters! I thought that it was naughty to pass on an alledged debt whilst there was a dispute? Time to get tough methinks, but how? Maybe I'll send them a "I'm so scrared'o'gram" by return! This one will end up in court I think. I am positive they do not have a properly executed agreement but how should I tell them this? Regards! Love!
  9. I used the template from here! If that is the case, why on earth was I advised to ask them for a copy of my executed CCA? Any advice on what way to approach this one? Thanks G
  10. Hi All, After requesting CCA following RUTHLESS treatment from Debt Collectors etc., this is what arrived in the post today! Looks VERY frightening, apparently they don't actually need a "proper signed and executed" agreement because the OFT says so! Are they trying to tell me that the Office of Fair Trading are our pals, so "up yours"! My legal knowledge is very bad so could someone please explain all this to me in layman's terms? Comments are most welcome!
  11. Hi All, After requesting CCA following RUTHLESS treatment from Debt Collectors etc., this is what arrived in the post today! Looks VERY frightening, apparently they don't actually need a "proper signed and executed" agreement because the Consumer Credit Act says so! Comments most welcome!
  12. Hi All, After sending Debitas Legal Services a "Please stop harassing me by telephone" letter here is the reply I got from Capital One! Please note that Debitas want the full amount paid immediately and haven't responded to any letters or CCA request! They have just ignored them! They really reckon they are above the law! Note the areas that I have highlighted! As far as I'm concerned if they call me now they are "fair game"! I have already made them disconnect loads of times in sheer frustration at me taking the pish out of them. I really love it! I would advise anyone to do the same, it is great fun! Them - Hello, I'm looking for ****** ****** (obviously from script) Me - Sorry, can you speak up, I can't hear you! Them - Hello, I'm looking for ****** ****** (louder) Me - Who's speaking? Them - Debitas Legal Services (obviously from script) Me - Debbie who? Them - I'm looking for ****** ****** Me - Sorry, can you speak up, I can't hear you! Them - I'm looking for ****** ****** Me - Sorry, can you speak up, I can't understand you! Repeat 5 more times or as much as you want! Them - I'm looking for ****** ****** (really angry and frustrated!) Me - Have you tried under your bed or in the wardrobe Debbie? Them - (Muttering) click! Do it PLEASE! G
  13. Thanks chaps! I thought it was an application but needed expert confirmation! Cheers! G
  14. Sorry, I forgot to ask - Is there a standard letter template that you can send that basically challenges the validity of CCA's? ie. Dear sir/madam, Thanks for this but it isn't a legitimate CCA because........ Appreciate the help, G
  15. Hi All, I got this and although I don't think it's an enforcable CCA but rather an application for a credit card, perhaps one of the experts could clarify. It is signed and dated in all the right places BUT there is a distinct lack of "small print" if you know what I mean! Single page, nothing on the back! Thanks muchly! G
  16. I would probably imagine that this kind of letter from any Debt Collection agency or company is aimed at the less knowledgable or less informed among the general public. As I see it, CCA request template letters abound in many guises throughout the internet. I presume under this kind of bull**** drivel many would buckle and cave in. It's a pity CAG letter templates did not have a (Copyright CAG 2007) or similar footnote on the bottom of all the letters to inform them of just where the letter came from. They would then know exactly whats in store should they try and "smudge" the regulations or misinform the induvidual! As far as CRA's go, I have no delusions that they are being used by disgruntled companies as a way of punishing the "unenforcable". Many letters I have seen have said as much. I think this is another longer, harder battle. Just to add - You are all doing a brilliant job guys & gals! Pat yourselves on the back, you deserve it! I am SO glad I found this sanctuary when I did! G
  17. I agree guys, it's a comedy of errors! Their reasoning astounds me! Classic!
  18. Hi All, After requesting a copy of my CCA using the template from here this is the replys that I received. Notably from 2 different agents using similar letters. You will notice the Version numbers of the letters I have outlined in red at the bottom. It seems that RedCats are using this "reasoning" to try and misinform and confuse people of their rights. They are basically saying that, "although we haven't got your signed CCA we still reckon that you must have signed one or else we wouldn't have given you credit in the first place!". Amazing! They also "hint" at, I guess, The Consumer Action Group and "others" by stating that "there is some misinformation" in the public domain, I have outlined this in yellow. Misinformation indeed! It seems a lot of companies are prepared to challenge induviduals now and try and muscle them with bizarre letters. There must be a new tactic that has evolved to "counter" legitimate CCA requests. Is this the start of a new battle for consumer rights? Agree or disagree the letters make interesting reading! What do you think? G P.S. This request for a CCA came from their inability to "hold off" action because of "hard times", they just did not want to know and demanded payment in full! The induvidual never once sought to have her balance "written off" she just wanted a little bit of time. If companies that offer credit don't accept that people sometimes can't afford repayments because of life changes, redundancy, recession etc. then in my opinion they deserve everything they get.
  19. The SD just disappeared after I sent them the CCA request! Why am I getting a statement if they have no CCA and they don't even know if I am the person they are after? Surely this is illegal? My credit file is shot to pieces now, all because of redundancy and companies like this. I have written myself off for ever getting credit again. G
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