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Posts posted by jobmid

  1. No they didn't send a default notice and seem to have kept my credit line intact as it says I still have available credit on it.

    I feel it is a little unfair as i generally kept the account within its credit limit.

    Yes I did switch bank away from them about 2 years ago as I was unhappy with the service plus I had a loan with them I settled early in the 2nd year of its 5 year term as the interest was insane at 21%.

    This credit card on the other hands interest rate is only 7% I am doing a tactic of paying down things with higher interest first.

    I think I am being responsible to them but they don't seem to think so or care.

  2. I seem to have gotten into a spot of bother with Natwest.

    In August I moved house and contacted NatWest to have my address updated.

    I asked for all the accounts I had to be updated which the person on the phone advised she would do.

    My credit card was due to expire in Novbember, i called them and chased them to see where the card was.

    I was told they didn't update the address on my credit card, the person claimed to do it and then said she had ordered a new card.

    A week later I called to ask where is my new card to find out the lady never updated my address or re-issued my card. 

    I was then told they were unable to re-issue my card due to their lending policy, debt on the card is around £6k and I have been making payments to the card via direct debit.

    I was a bit surprised at this as it came out of the blue.

    They said they will continue to take payments from me via direct debit and offered £50 compensation credited to the credit card account.

    I made a complaint to them about this but I got the same response and £80 credit to my account.

    They said they would just leave the account as it is

    I am worried this is going to mess my credit score up.

    Any advise would be appreciated. 

  3. So 2 days ago my misses got a letter from Fedex saying she owes £40.69

    £12 of it is a charge from fedex themselves the rest they claim is customs duty.


    Her sister who lives in the USA sent her a book from a company over there the book cost $14.99 which is around £11 our money.

    From reading it would seem that my misses can received a gift from outside the EU and not pay any duty on it so long as the item is less than £34.99.


    Yet fedex insist its worth higher value $27.99 and claiming an individual didn't send it the documents show the importers name as her sisters name.

    Fedex will not back down on this


    By my calculation even if duty was due on this which it shouldn't be it would only come to around £2. It seems fedex is trying to get away with daylight robbery and charging 4 times what the book cost. She has the book the invoice arrived after it was delivered.

  4. So I am having issues with my local council and need a bit of advise here.


    My misses is a student full time and she took out a lease starting from 01/06/17 she didnt live in the property during the summer and paid a summer retainer which is common in student places. Roll forward to 01/09/17 and she and I moved in. I tried to claim jobseekers but got refused as I am an ex pat who came back to the UK and they said the job centre said I needed to be back 3 months in the common travel area before they would do anything. We were in Ireland in July staying with family. So I had to wait until mid October to get anything out of the job centre.


    I applied for housing benefit as the council said they would help with my bit of the rent. But they only paid me from mid October when the jobseekers got paid. On the 20/11/17 I started a new job which I was delighted. Then in January I got a bill for council tax in both my wife's name and mine. We then applied for the 25% discount as shes a full time student and doesn't have to pay. They appied the discount and issued a new bill in my name only.


    I have problems now as I am being billed for time when I did not live in this place. I even have a letter from the landlord proving it. They have billed me from 01/06/2017 the tenancy is not in my name its in my other half's. I don't think I should have to pay for the time I was out of work or the time I was not living here. I wrote to the council about this but am yet to hear back I have told them I wont pay until this is sorted out. Can someone give me some advise please on what I should do?

  5. Sorry to dig up an old thread. I have been watching this show lately on youtube. What strikes me is the guy on it who keeps introducing himself "Im from the High Court" Im thinking to myself every time i see him say it no your not. You misrepresenting yourself there. You work for High Court Solutions Ltd a private company not HM Courts. I could be wrong here maybe someone can weigh in on this

  6. Oh thanks so much Brigadier and Bazooka. So what shall I do?


    1. Write as the Brigadier suggested or

    2. Complain to OFT and send them a copy of Robway's letter (is there a template for complaining to OFT) or

    3. Should I do nothing and wait to see if they send a second begging letter then complain and send them both off to OFT.


    Your advice is invaulable, thanks so much.


    do steps 1 and 2 also maybe complain to the ombudsman too an FSA complaint costs them money and they wont like that

  7. Thanks to everyone for your input. I recently had a free 30 day trial with Experian and nothing was showing up on my Credit File. The trial has recently ended so I am unable to check, but up to the beginning of this week nothing was showing up.


    Thanks again to you all.


    i would not just check experian there are 2 other credit refrecing agencies where they could have posted thier grubbly little details make sure yo check call credit and equifax as well if nothing is on them 2 then your all clear

  8. you know this is why i hate the credit referencing agencies any muppet origination can place what ever they like there and once they do its hard as hell to get that information removed. Do as the 2 previous posters said to do.

  9. To be considered for a DRO your situation must fit the following criteria:

    You owe less than £15,000 in unsecured credit debts

    You are not a homeowner

    You have no more than £300 assets (although one car up to the value of £1000 will be exempt)

    You have less than £50 a month income left over after you’ve paid all of your living costs


    i fit all these boxes so i know what i am doing

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