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Everything posted by mazel01

  1. Should I write to Argos asking for a copy of the default notice?...is that the best place to start
  2. Well like you say, if the creditor had it then they would have sent it to Moorcroft and the only thing they sent Moorcroft was a copy of my application form. What happens to the default on my account now?... Just like to say a big thank you to you PT & all the members on CAG that have helped me all the way....
  3. No, all they said was they were unable to provide me with a signed credit agreement as requested. What should I do next?
  4. I know that Blackhorse have received my cca request, I rang up Royal Mail
  5. Well I have received phone calls from DLC wanting to discuss the account....still no CCA though!
  6. Because Barclaycard have failed so miserably in this request, would I be able to get them to remove the default that is on my file
  7. What happens to Barclaycard then if they have broken OFT guidelines?
  8. Am I right in thinking that whilst the account is in dispute, Barclaycard should stop all debt collection on the account until it is resolved......therefore they have broken more regulations by passing it over to Credit Solutions!!
  9. Just to sum up situation: 1) Moorcroft have failed to send my cca within the legal timescale 12+30 days 2) They have broken the data protection act on the telephone by not asking me security questions. 3)Still making phone calls to me even though they have received a letter from me stating ' In writing only' - no calls
  10. I emailed Credit Solutions and used readnotify.com, now received a read receipt so no excuses from CSL, they have received it...
  11. Just checked through my paperwork from Tmobile and I have found correspondence from a DCA who were chasing me at the time for the £50
  12. Its marked up against my Argos account details, doesn't mention Moorcroft. I emailed Moorcroft last night the following and used readnotify.com, I have got a read receipt back this morning;)
  13. I will write to them and offer the £50 in return for removing the default. Let u know how I get on
  14. Can I not ask them to send me a copy of the default notice?
  15. Received a call from CSL, waffling on about the oustanding debt to Barclaycard. I told them that Barclaycard are still in breach of my request for the CCA, they werent aware of that!!!......they said they would hold any action on the account and speak to Barclaycard to get them to send it me out..
  16. I am so fed up at the moment and I keep asking myself is this going to be worth it in the end.....the default will still be on my file!!!
  17. feeling so down today, just keep thinking all this hassle and in the end whether or not the agreement is enforceable or not I still have a default on my file from Barclaycard....
  18. Hi Under Siege, I had a great one the other Sunday...received a call early morning from a DCA. " Hello" Can I speak to xxxx. I said "No". The guy said why not? To which I replied because I said so. Oh, Well I need to speak them! They are busy, very very busy. Well I need to speak to them! Sorry there very busy writing to TS about your company and I can't disturb them at the moment, but don't worry your time of call and your name has been logged and will be added to the letter:D ......he replied sorry & put the phone down
  19. Hi Under Siege, I have had exactly the same letter from Barclaycard.... I have written back to them pointing out that the CCA 1974 does not require a signed letter before they are required to comply with my request.
  20. I have just been checking through my credit file and noticed that T-Mobile have placed a default on my account back in 2006. I had a contract with T-Mobile and decided back in 2006 to leave them and move to another supplier. They sent me a final bill for £100, they agreed that I could pay £50 x 2 instalments. I sent the first one leaving a balance of £50. I totally forgot about the other one and as they hadn't sent me reminders etc I had done nothing about it. I don't recall receiving any default notice letters from them or from a DCA.....what should I do from here?
  21. Am I best to see CAB about this problem?
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