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Everything posted by **Tilly**

  1. hi seaside lady really appreciate the help your giving me just to doulble check before i sit down and start to fill it in is n1 okay to file if claim over 5k or is it best to use mcol i know it most probably be fast tracked i have read the faq on this seems a bit scary but ha ho needs must
  2. thanks for your message ssl i have done spreadsheets on martin lewis they seemed easier i assume they calculate the 8% interest the same as cag ones tried the cag ones just couldnt get a grip with them put all information in okay but couldnt calculate bit thick today
  3. yea the n1 does seem to be easier and yea it is the 8% interest told you brain frazzled ive been reading some threads and if your over 5000 it seems your fast tracked not got to grips with that one yet i might be shouting help
  4. hi miz if thats the 8% interest ive already done it on that site god i think all this is frazzled my brain got to fill out my n1 now ready for next friday still not heard a peep out of halipratts they like to make you sweat thats all i can say
  5. just about to start doing my spreadsheets for 8% interest i know you use the first 4 colums do you put your name on it anywere and how do u calculate when you have done
  6. hi im no expert but i think you will find you can file upto 5.000 in small claims court
  7. im sure somebody knows about fast track there probably tucked up in bed will keep my eye out to see how you get on
  8. yea still going wont give up no matter how scary it looks just like to no what lies ahead thanks for replying
  9. hi all just been reading up on fast track if claim is over 5.000 it looks pretty scary stuff has anybody else had to do fast track if you how did you get on as mine is over 5.000 like to no whats in front of me file court papers next friday
  10. thanks seasidelady new you could help thats brilliant thanks
  11. right managed to find spreadsheets but more confused than ever there are so many colums where do you start and also how do you work out the daily interest i need help here starting to painic court day drawing nearer
  12. thanks sslady you are a great help will give it a bash tomorrow thanks again
  13. brilliant thanks sslady it s so much much clearer when someone explains it to you in easy writing thanks again will give it a bash
  14. hi i have printed of n1 forms think i got the jist of them now its the interest bit that is confusing me been on vampiress but theres different templates which one do i use file my claim next friday so i want to get this right dont want to rush it and make a mistake
  15. hi miz-print not sure wot to use n1 or mcol looked at the interest spread yesterday they were confusing as well
  16. okay just been vampiress spreadsheet but which one do you use simple version from claim date.is this the date you file mcol or when you first started to reclaim starting to panic here all looks very confusing and what is fast track
  17. hi miz-print just thought keep you up to date i rang halifax on wednesday nightmare trying to get through but spoke to a nice guy told me they were dealing with my claim should hear by wednesday 9th may funny though lba ends on the 10th looks like court is looming let me no how you get on
  18. have been trying to look at spread sheets but having trouble is it excel or works thought i best as LBA ends 10th may need to sort my mcol or n1 out but having trouble with spreadsheets not heard a word from halifax as yet but not really surprised
  19. just to add i opened a new bank account tody with nat west i cant remember what thread it was but they mentioned a step account thanks for that if you reading this thought it best just in case might not need it but you never no:)
  20. back again if you can only claim upto 5000 in small claims court what do you do if its over that amount is it the same route
  21. thanks seasidelady i will read them both and im sure i will need help along the way thanks again
  22. been reading other threads on mcol and n1 forms dont want to seem thick but the more i read the more i got confused what is the difference between them dont want to muck it up when i start to file court papers which one do i use
  23. thanks seasidelady will do will start reading up and hope i get it right is the same for over 5k
  24. its both exciting and nerve racking just wish they would settle and be done with it the other half is sulking cos ive pinched his pc i did ring them up yesterday waited 30min was told my claim is being dealt with will hear by next wednesday talk about leaving it to the last minuet but it will most likely say we have blah blah how are doing
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