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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all I'm new on here and hoping for some advice. I paid for two waist trainers from wowcher however within ten weeks they have literally fallen apart I have contacted the company Boni Caro who sent the items however they state that any refund has to be taken up with Wowcher, Wowcher however state that this is not their problem as all they did was sell me a code not the product. I paid wowcher the money through paypal so my thinking was that my contract is with Wowcher not the other company. if i could get a firm correct answer as to who is responsible i can move forward with making a claim against them however as it stands both companies are denying any responsibility.
  2. Please help. I had hair nano ring hair extensions fitted yesterday and they look awful. They are placed incorrectly and do not blend in with my hair at all. I am unable to wear my hair up or down with it like this and do not know what to do. I purchased a Wowcher for £99 to pay for these extensions. I want them taken out and a full refund given. Is this likely? And is this poor service ?
  3. I bought a voucher from online voucher company, Wowcher, for a company called Gifts and Gadgets UK to convert a vhs video to DVD. I redeemed the voucher and sent the VHS cassette to Gifts and Gadgets UK on July 3rd 2012. I still haven't received anything having chased it up 2 weeks ago. Wowcher have emailed the company but will not give me a telephone number. I did some online research and found others have had similar problems and I found a mobile number. I called and a man called xxxxxxxxxxx told me he will deal with it asap. I received an email from this company saying that they have my cassette and DVDs and will send asap. This was 2 weeks ago. I called the mobile today but no answer. I called a landline I found through my research and am held in a queue indefinitely. I called Wowcher and am still waiting for a call back! They don't seem to care. What next?
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