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Found 3 results

  1. Please help. I had hair nano ring hair extensions fitted yesterday and they look awful. They are placed incorrectly and do not blend in with my hair at all. I am unable to wear my hair up or down with it like this and do not know what to do. I purchased a Wowcher for £99 to pay for these extensions. I want them taken out and a full refund given. Is this likely? And is this poor service ?
  2. I bought a new set of hairextensions at the weekend which are labelled as 100% human hair, I’d got themhome and opened them ready to put in my hair but my fingers kept getting caughtin them and they felt very non-human hair like. I held them up next to my 2year old, washed, heat styled and dyed hair extensions and the new ones seemedto really not feel like human hair. I was already on my third set of extensionsso I’ve had experience with quality sets and these are the worst I’ve ever had.I called the next day after I had spotted on the receipt that it says norefunds or exchanges to explain that I really wasn’t happy about the quality andwanted to have my money back as there was no chance I would put these in myhair as I didn’t trust them not to singe if I tried to style them. I wasadvised to bring them in but it’s not likely they would do anything. While I was in the store I wastold if they’re opened I could not return them and she would straighten them toprove that they are 100% human hair. She then took a more expensive set off ofthe shelf to compare and I said that they were nicer but if the original setthat I had bought were human hair, then they would both feel the same and shejust said they were treated differently. I continued to explain that I stillwasn’t happy, I wouldn’t wear them as the quality is not right and I’d alreadypaid twice what I normally do. She then called the manager who continued totell her she could not refund them as they were opened. She told me thatanother customer would not be happy to own them as they look pre-worn as theywere not tied into the packaging, and that basically I should bear that inmind. I said that I am still a customer whether I have paid or would beconsidering paying and should I still leave unhappy because they are worriedabout a future customer, and then I was told to sell them on e-bay. I was not told at the point ofpurchase that they were non-refundable or exchangeable which is something Ithought was supposed to happen anyway which is why I had planned to take themback, when I said this to her she said it does say it on the receipt...whichshe had put in the bag and not in my hand. Am I within my rights to return theseextensions and get a full refund? I will never wear them; they are still in theoriginal packaging (the purchase and call were within 24 hours of each other)and there is no way I will get the full amount back selling them on e-baywithout someone else making me liable for selling hair which I don’t believe isthe correct standard!
  3. hi my daughter purchased hair extensions also followed advice on how to look after them after two weeks had to take them out as they became matted and was suppose to last up to six weeks and can reuse again but this is not possible now so returned to shop for full refund only to be fobbed off,as i threw away packeging they can not return to there suppliers but i still have reciept,the shop as asked me to get refund from suppliers.were do i stand with this situation now as the extensions was over £100 im not a happy customer.
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