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  1. hello I had an interview with a health care professional ( HCP) When I arrived the HCP said he had 'not' read my questionnaire form This bothered me inside because i was hoping the HCP would be up to date with my condition and i could then just reaffirm what i had said in the form and add a bit here and there. On one of my first questions he asked me, i decided to elaborate a bit, to inform the HCP that my condition varies due to my depression and sleeping issues.. .but he interrupted and said "i only want short answers such as yes or no." I had no proper time to talk about my condition and how it effects my day to day tasks. i was all lost. I found a moment when he paused and I tried to explain the basics of how stress depression combined with lack of sleep greatly effects when i can get out the house and be confident. i said politely "does this make sense"... he said "no not really"! he tried to move on without asking me to elaborate... I turned to my mum and said: did that make sense to you ? and she said yes. I speak quite clearly. I was shocked he did not care to understand. my mum tried to make notes on a pad in pen.. ..he told my mum she was not allowed to take any notes as it could be used in court. so she put the pad away. The HCP cared not one wit how my poor health effects my tasks, how it varies. All he wanted to do was to type down what I could do at my best moments of health. The fact that at times I am so tired i can't move or get out the house does not seem to matter. I then decided to make it perfectly clear " My depression and poor sleeping and stress greatly effects all my day to day activities. Will you write that on your report?" he said "I don’t have to do that." not only did he not read my questionnaire, he also did not wish to type up my illness or care to understand. The HCP also kept referring to my old questionnaire not my new one ( which he had not read). kept asking me about my elbow ... but that healed years ago I said yes it is fine....yet 5 mins later.. "so your elbow. is it o.k now"? i said yes and moved my elbow about, not a trouble. But again..10 minutes later he asks..." your elbow? its o.k? " it is was just so weird that was from an old questionnaire also. surely the new one should be the most important? it was a very sharp, short and bitter interview. approx 25-30mins I was not asked at the end: would you like to add anything? I had a page full of items i wanted to say and my questionnaire content had hardly been touched upon. there was no care and I do not think at all professional, just bitterness, i dont think he wanted to be there. and hated his job. i am glad i had a witness even though neither of us was allowed to write anything down. btw. i did say to the effect: this is unfair you are just writing things down I can do 'at my best' without including how my poor health effects me too.. You just want to get me in the job que or cut my benefit. he then said: We can cancel the interview now if you like? I said: Well, that would not be a good idea as i would lose my benefit. I think you know that!? so we carried on. Thanks for reading and for any advice. : )
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